Video Book Review of The Complete Conversations with God Trilogy by Neale Donald Walsh was reviewed in our monthly High Vibe Tribe Video Book Reviews by Liz Gracia, Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network. The video book review of The Complete Conversations with God Trilogy by Neale Donald Walsh by Liz Gracia starts at 15:15 mins.
High Vibe Tribe Video Book Reviews. Liz Bigger, Reiki Master, and Intuitive Chakra Reader shares her video book review of this book. The video book review of Shaman, Healer Sage by Liz Bigger starts at 08:35 seconds. Alberto Villoldo, a classically trained medical anthropologist, has studied shamanic healing techniques among the descendants of the ancient Inkas for more than twenty years. In Shaman, Healer, Sage, he draws on his vast body of knowledge to create a practical and revolutionary program based on the traditional healing methods used by these shamans -- methods that, until now, have been inaccessible to most of the world.Shaman, Healer, Sabe by Alberto Villoldo, PhD was recently reviewed in our monthly
The Ascension Mysteries by David Wilcock was recently reviewed in our monthly High Vibe Tribe Video Book Reviews. Linda Armstrong, a Master Certified Law of Attraction Coach and Certified Energy Healer shares her video book review of this audio cd. The video book review of The Ascension Mysteries, reviewed by Linda Armstrong starts at 3:41 minutes. New York Times bestselling author David Wilcock has become one of the leading writers exploring ancient mysteries and new science. With his latest book, The Ascension Mysteries, David will take readers on a surprising and enthralling journey through the history of the universe, exploring the great cosmic battle surrounding our own ascension.