• An 8-Week Online Intensive Yoga Nidra Training to Accelerate Mind-Body Healing & Spiritual Awakening

    NOVEMBER 11, 2019–DECEMBER 30, 2019

    Join iRest® founder Dr. Richard Miller for an eight-week course to reset your nervous system for more vibrant healthheal physical and emotional trauma, and open to your most fulfilling and meaningful life. iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation Classes
  • An Online Michael Singer Course: Living from a Place of Surrender, The Untethered Soul in Action

    This online Michael Singer course includes more than nine hours of never-before-seen video sessions with Michael A. Singer,  supplementary practices, and bonus teachings and offerings. The teachings in this course are meant to set you firmly on the path of spiritual surrender, in order to liberate your inner energy and live in harmony with the flow of life. Here are some of the profound benefits:
    • FREEDOM FROM STRUGGLE: Let go of chronic anxiety and stress through the art and practice of personal surrender
    • CLARITY AND CALM: Shift from a noisy mind to a beautiful mind that works for you instead of against you
    • SPONTANEOUS JOY: Experience the natural effulgence of well-being that arises when you decide to open your heart and never close it again
    • HARMONY IN RELATIONSHIP: Transform the way you interact with others by discovering who we are in our most essential nature
    • ENERGETIC RENEWAL: Clear negative emotions and inner blockages to return to your true power
    • CREATIVE INSPIRATION: Open to the wisdom that life itself is waiting to share with you
      Michael Singer Course Online The Unthered Soul in Action

    Get all the details of the Michael Singer Course here!

    Or if you'd like to dip your toes in the water, you can start with his FREE 3 Part Video Series: The Untethered Soul in Action here.

  • Sale!
    Lay the foundations for a successful meditation practice—with basic instruction in sitting, breathing, and mindfulness with Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein's 12-week course - Insight Meditation. Register today at Sounds True!

    Affiliate Notice: This site contains affiliate links to consciously curated online courses, events, and products from Sounds True. We consciously chose Sounds True as a company to share their intentions for raising consciousness and providing quality programs that are aligned with our mission and vision.

    We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.

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