Day 3: Releasing Suppressed Emotions- Radical Remission Summit

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Hay House Radical Remission Summit Day 3: Releasing Suppressed Emotions- Radical Remission Summit REGISTER HERE

Discover Day 3 of the Hay House Radical Remission Summit-Releasing Suppressed Emotions and Docuseries Speaker Lineup: 2 Survivors–John Yochanan  and Joe K. (featured in Radical Remission) and 10 contributing experts (see below)

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Hay House Radical Remission Summit Daily Event Calendar and Speaker Lineup

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020-Day 1: Releasing Suppressed Emotions


For centuries, wise men and women have pointed to suppressed emotion as a potential culprit for disease. In this episode, you’ll hear two stories of amazing people who recognized the connection between their bodies and stored emotions, and who did the work to release deep-rooted pain—ultimately empowering them to heal their terminal cancers.



Youchanon Russell remission from cancerJohn Yochanan
Survivor of: Multiple Myeloma Cancer

Description:Herbalist and musician John Yochanan Russell was diagnosed with multiple myeloma cancer and given just three months to live. As he embraced his healing journey, he found a way to forgive his past and move beyond his emotional wounds—which, along with other alternative therapies, allowed him to be alive and well three years later.

Joe K. remission from lung cancer storyJoe K.
Survivor of:  Stage 3 Lung Cancer 

Description: Joe was diagnosed with stage three lung cancer and was told he would need extensive surgery and chemotherapy. Before his treatment began, he traveled to Thailand and received a life-changing prophecy: his disease was being fueled by deep, suppressed pain. He worked with an energy healer to overcome the emotional roots of his disease andended up never needing anyconventional medicine—twelve years later, he’s still in remission from lung cancer.

Day 3 Radical Remission Speaker Lineup of Experts

TOPIC: Releasing Suppressed Emotions

Best-selling author of Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself and founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute, Lissa Rankin, M.D., S.F.’slatest non-profit brings sacred medicine to all.

Lissa Rankin, M.D., is a New YorkTimes best-selling author, physician, speaker,healer, activist,and mystic. In 2012, Lissafounded the Whole Health Medicine Institute, almost a “medical school 2.0”, where she and a team of luminary faculty,trainhealth care providers about“Whole Health”. Lissa has been featuredin multiple television specialsand has given several highly watchedTEDxtalks. Her latest project is non-profit work committed to bringing Sacred Medicine to all.

After beating stage three colon cancer without chemo, Chris Warkison a mission to help people heal disease with natural therapies.

Around Christmas of2003, Chris Wark was 26 years old and facing a stage threecolon cancer diagnosis. Though the oncologistcalled him “insane,” Chris opted out of chemotherapy after his tumor removal –despite knowing the cancer had spread to his lymph nodes –and instead healed his body by radically transforming his daily diet and lifestyle. Today, as asought-afterspeaker and blogger, Chris spreads his discoveries toeveryone touched by or trying to prevent cancer and other ailments.

Chris is bestselling author of Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally

Harvard magna cum laude graduate Aaron Teich is a counselor, healer,and meditation teacher specializing in Kundalini Yoga.

After graduating magna cum laude from Harvard University, Aaron Teich completed the Master’s Touch Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training with Yogi Bhajan in New Mexico. To complement that, as well as his Sat Nam Rasayan trainingand studies with Guru Dev Singh,Aaron became a licensedacupuncturistand earned a degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has studied with healers, yogis, and shamans in 10 different countries, and has been practicing and teaching Kundalini yoga for over 15 years.

Sound Healer Chris Young-Ginzburg attended The World School of Massage in San Francisco andtrained with the Berkeley Psychic Institute.

A practicing clairvoyant since 2003, Sound Healer Chris Young-Ginzburg trained at the Berkeley Psychic Institute andattended the Bodywork School at San Francisco’s The World School of Massage. There,she learned energy work modalities, as well as coaching and holistic health. Her journey through plant medicine brought her to healing through sound, and she began channeling medicine songs in meditation. Today, she offers a variety of sound equipment to provide empowering, deep and relaxing experiences to groups and individuals for health and healing.

Spiritual teacher and actress, Natalie Roy, co-founded C.R.E.A.T.E and specializes in blending mindfulness with the creative process.

Natalie Roy is an actress, author, spiritual coach, and 500-hour certified yoga and meditation teacher. Natalie brings the practices and techniques of meditation, mindfulness, and “learned optimism” to the artistic process, helping creatives,and actors use positive psychology in all situations, including rehearsals. She is known for creating The Activated Actor acting technique and co-founding C.R.E.A.T.E with her best friend Kristin Hanggi, a project, which brings out the artistic rebel in everyone.

Co-founder of C.R.E.A.T.E,free-spirit Kristin Hanggi is also a successful director, writer, and producer.

Spiritual teacher Kristin Hanggico-founded C.R.E.A.T.E with meditation teacher Natalie Roy. Together, they are dedicated to “Awakening the rebellious and audacious artist in each of us.” The C.R.E.A.T.E courses are designed to celebrate dreams and purpose, as a community. In theme with her love of creativity, Kristin has made a name for herself directing and developing the musical Rock of Ages, which received fiveTony Award nominations.

A recipient of a MacArthur Prize Fellowship, Harvard and Yale graduate Michael Lerner, Ph.D., is president and co-founder of Commonweal.

Michael Lerner, Ph.D., holds a B.A. from Harvard University and a Ph.D.from Yale University. He is the president and co-founder of Commonweal, where he works extensively with its Cancer Help Program, Healing Circles, and The New School at Commonweal. He was the recipient of a MacArthur Prize Fellowship for contributions to public health in 1983 and is author of Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of Conventional and Complementary Therapies.

Harvard University faculty member Jeffrey Rediger,M.D.,M.Div.’s work on spirituality and science has been featured on Oprah, TEDx, and more.

Holding a Masters of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary, Jeffrey Rediger,M.D., M.Div.,is concerned with the connection between theology and science. He is a faculty member at Harvard Medical School in Boston, and the Medical Director of the McLean Southeast Adult Psychiatric Program and Community Affairs at McLean Hospital. His work has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Anderson Cooper 360,Dr. Oz,and TEDx, and more.

The Slow Medicine Therapist, Robin Queen Finkelstein, is a certified psycho-spiritual counselor and founded Transformational Touch healing modality.

A green living specialist, ordained minister, and certified psycho-spiritual counselor, Robin Queen Finkelstein is known as The Slow Medicine Therapist. In addition, she is the founder of the Transformational Touch healing modality and offers a whole-being, integrative approach to wellness. Her work embraces emotional well-being and nurtures clients on spiritual, mental, and physical levels. Her healing process includes inner dialogue as well as inner child work. Robin offers workshops and immersive programs and is co-director of SunRaven: The Home of Slow Medicine.

Kelly Turner PhD New York Times Bestsellin Author of Radical RemissionHOST of the Radical Remission Summit 2020
Kelly Turner, PhD

A Harvard-trained researcher, Kelly Turner, Ph.D. is the author of the New York Times bestseller Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds and the highly anticipated Radical Hope: 10 Healing Factors from Exceptional Survivors of Cancer & Other Diseases (March 2020).

Kelly partnered with Hay House to develop this 10-episode docuseries featuring many of the survivors from her books. Each episode addresses one of the 10 healing factors she discovered while analyzing over 1,500 cases of radical remissions from cancer.

This docuseries will share those survivor and radical remission from cancer and terminal illness stories and the healing approaches they used after receiving their terminal diagnoses.

The event begins on March 16th 2020but you can register here now!

Check Out The Hay House Radical Remission Docuseries

10 Day Event Speaker Lineup Below

DAY 1: Empower Yourself

DAY 2: Radically Change Your Diet

DAY 3: Releasing Suppressed Emotions 

DAY 4: Increasing Positive Emotions 

DAY 5: Bringing Exercise and Movement Into Your Life 

DAY 6: Having Strong Reasons for Living 

DAY 7: Deepening Your Spiritual Connection Practice 

DAY 8: Using Herbs and Supplements 

DAY 9: Following Your Intuition 

DAY 10: Embracing Social Support (more details coming soon!)

HELPFUL RESOURCES: Check out our compilation of bestselling books, about radical remission from cancer here. These are written by expert presenters from the Hay House Radical Remission event.

Don't Have Time to Take It All In? Own the Hay House Radical Remission Docuseries

Hurry! Limited-time offer ends Thursday, April 2nd at 11:59 pm PDT
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Hurry! Limited-time offer ends Thursday April 2nd at 11:59 pm PDT

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About the Author:

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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