Ancestral Healing Interview with Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher Christina Pratt

High Vibe Tribe Interview with Christina Pratt,  Ancestral Healing & Shamanic Teacher

I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Christina Pratt, a 30-year teacher of ancestral healing and shamanic journeying and shamanic practices.

Shamanic healing practicesWhat if you could heal yourself, your lineage, and generations yet to come?

Ancestral wisdom and wounding can be passed on for generations… whether imprinted in your DNA, held in the unresolved issues of the dead, or taught through the cultural narrative…

According to leading ancestral healing teacher Christina Pratt, ancestors who struggled with the same wounds or challenges you now carry can offer especially powerful medicine.

By entering into “right relationship” with them, you can also enlist the help of your ancestors to clear any stagnant, unresolved energies — passed down from your unwell ancestors — to heal your lineage and free your family line.

Christina brings to our awareness the significance of ancestral healing and why unconscious blocks in your DNA and ancestral inheritance can keep you frustratingly stuck, even though believe you’ve addressed your own issues over and over again only to have them (seemingly) sabotaged!

Listen in as Christina tells us what shamanism really is ( and isn’t) and listen in as she describes what ancestral healing and why we need to wake up to shamanic practices that address our ancestral wounds and how to heal them.

Christina has an upcoming event and online course with The Shift Network.

Christina will share elemental rituals, shamanic practices, and daily prayers to show you how unhealthy patterns in your family can now end with you during a FREE video event, Healing With Your Ancestors: Elemental Rituals & Shamanic Practices to Transform Ancestral Suffering Into Sacred Medicine.

You can find out more and access the FREE webinar replay here.

Upcoming & Past Shift Network FREE Online Events for Ancestral Healing & Shamanic Practices

1501, 2023

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Discover Ancient Kabbalistic Wisdom to Repair Ancestral Wounds with Rabbi Tirzah Firestone: Access your innate power to resolve intergenerational trauma. Transform intergenerational wounds that show up as addiction, depression, or illness. Experience a guided practice to align your energy with its divine healing powers. REGISTER NOW! [...]

Teacher of Shamanic Practices and Ancestral Healing , Christina PrattAbout Christina Pratt

Christina Pratt is a shamanic healer, author, and teacher of exceptional clarity, humor, and practicality. Her mission is to draw on the foundational wisdom of ancient peoples, so we can rise with innovation and creativity to meet the challenges of our time.

She is pioneering new shamanic techniques to deal with the illnesses of our times. Her current focus is healing our ancestral lines to release the growing burden on the living, of the unresolved energies of the dead, and the initiation of our young into spiritual adulthood.

An Encyclopedia of Shamanism by Christina PrattChristina is the founder of Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing in Portland, Oregon, which offers classes in contemporary life skills and shamanic healing for individuals, families, and communities — including Cycle of Transformation, a rigorous, 4-year training.

Christina is the host of the international, live Internet radio show, “Why Shamanism Now,” and the author of the 2-volume set, An Encyclopedia of Shamanism, Volume 1 and Volume 2. She has been a speaker at virtual summits on shamanism presented by both The Shift Network and Sounds True.

You can connect with Christina on her website:

Be the Ripple in the Pond: Share Wisdom, Ignite Spirits!

About the Author:

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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