A Strong Reason for Living: Day 6 of the Radical Remission Summit

Day 6 Radical Remission- Hay HOuse Summit Topic Having a Strong Reason for LIving March 21 2020

Discover Day 6 of the Hay House Radical Remission Summit- Having Strong Reasons to Live – Docuseries Speaker Lineup: 2 Survivors–Pilar Davila and Jane McLelland (briefly quoted in Radical Hope) and 5 contributing experts (see below)

Don't Have Time to Take It All In? Own the Hay House Radical Remission Docuseries

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Hurry! Limited-time offer ends Thursday April 2nd at 11:59 pm PDT

Hay House Radical Remission Summit Daily Event Calendar and Speaker Lineup

Saturday, March 21st, 2020-Day 6: Having Strong Reasons for Living


One of the most powerful factors associated with Radical Remission is having strong reasons for living. Watch how these two mothers connected with their strong reasons forliving—their children—and in doing so, healed in a way that astounded their doctors.



Pilar Dival Survivor of Stage 4 Ovarian CancerPilar Davila
Survivor of: Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer

Description: Single mother Pilar Davila was diagnosed with stage four ovarian cancer and given a low chance of survival by her doctors. Unable to imagine leaving her two young daughters without a mother, she refused to accept any outcome other than remission. Five years later, she has defied the odds and continues to thrive—with her family by her side because she has a strong reason for living.

Palmer Kippula radical remission from MS multiple sclerosis story tellerJane McLelland
Survivor of:  Stage 4 Cervical Cancer

Description: Diagnosed with stage four cervical cancer, Jane McLelland’s dreams of motherhood were stripped away after a hysterectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation. Following an extensive healing journey with conventional medicine, and a strong reason for living, she took her health into her own hands, fully recovered, and eventually created the family she’d always wanted.

Day 6 Radical Remission Speaker Lineup of Experts


New York Times best-selling author Anita Moorjani is world-renowned for her Near-Death Experience and radical remission from cancer.

Discover the Transformative Power of Near-Death Experience Stories with Anita MoorjaniIn 2006, Anita Moorjani fell into a coma as her four-year struggle with cancer was coming to an end. While doctors rushed to attend to her frail body, she entered into a near-death experience (NDE) where she discovered one of life’s greatest truths: Heaven is not a destination; it’s a state of being. When she regained consciousness, her cancer miraculously healed, and she was free of disease within weeks! Since then, she’s heeded the call to share this powerful story and reason for living—and divine lesson—with the world.

Check out our High Vibe Tribe interview with Anita Moorjani here or download our podcast interview with Anita Moorjani here.

You may also enjoy Anita’s webinar: Discover the Transformative Power of Near Death Experiences here.

Mark Bricca, N.D.,studied naturopathic and Chinese medicine at the National College of Natural Medicine. He practices at Bodhicitta Healing Arts

Mark Bricca, N.D.’s brother Barry died from Leukemia at only 15 years old. This tragedy, combined with Mark’sown experiences with allergies and asthma, led him to begin his studies at the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon, first in naturopathic and then in Chinese medicine. Over the next eight years,he studied and practiced with leading authorities in these fields while specializing in cancer care. He currently practices at Bodhicitta Healing Arts in Portland, Oregon and is here to share his expertise on the topic of having a strong reason for living when faced with a terminal illness.

RudyTanzi, Ph.D., has directed the Alzheimer’s Genome Project for 25 years. He is also Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit at MGH.

RudyTanzi, Ph.D.,serves as Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital, and as Vice-Chair of Neurology and Co-Director of the McCance Center for Brain Health. His teams played key roles in discovering three genes that cause early-onset familial Alzheimer’s. Recently, he was involved in a new Alzheimer’s Disease model in a three-dimensional cell culture system dubbed “Alzheimer’s in a Dish”. He has also directed the Alzheimer’s Genome Project for the last 25 years.

Rudy is here today to share his view on having a strong reason for living when it comes to wanting a radical remission from any terminal illness.

A previous student of Andrew Weil, M.D., Michael Finkelstein, M.D., FACP, ABIHM, is the founder and Executive Director of The Slow Medicine Foundation.

Michael Finkelstein, M.D., FACP, ABIHM, trained in integrative medicine at The University of Pennsylvania,as well as the Arizona College of Medicine, where he studied directly with Andrew Weil, M.D. He is the founder and Executive Director of The Slow Medicine Foundation, as well as the founder and Medical Director of SunRaven: The Home of Slow Medicinein New York. He is a respected medical blogger for Dr. Oz, CNN,and more, and has been the recipient of distinctions including Fellow of the American College of Physicians.

Join us today for Michael’s take on the need for having a strong reason for living when faced with serious illness.

Once a clinical fellow at Harvard Medical School, Dean Ornish, M.D.,is the founder and President of the non-profit Preventive Medicine Research Institute.

Dean Ornish, M.D., studied at the Baylor College of Medicine and was a clinical fellow in medicine at Harvard Medical School. For over 35 years, he has directed clinical research through PMRI (Preventive Medicine Research Institute), demonstrating that lifestyle changes may begin to reverse severe coronary heart disease without drugs or surgery and that the same could be true for many diseases. His findings have been published by leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and textbooks.

Kelly Turner PhD New York Times Bestsellin Author of Radical RemissionHOST of the Radical Remission Summit 2020
Kelly Turner, PhD

A Harvard-trained researcher, Kelly Turner, Ph.D. is the author of the New York Times bestseller Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds and the highly anticipated Radical Hope: 10 Healing Factors from Exceptional Survivors of Cancer & Other Diseases (March 2020).

Kelly partnered with Hay House to develop this 10-episode docuseries featuring many of the survivors from her books. Each episode addresses one of the 10 healing factors she discovered while analyzing over 1,500 cases of radical remissions from cancer.

This docuseries will share those survivor and radical remission from cancer and terminal illness stories and the healing approaches they used after receiving their terminal diagnoses.

The event begins on March 16th 2020but you can register here now!

Check Out The Hay House Radical Remission Docuseries

10 Day Event Speaker Lineup Below

DAY 1: Empower Yourself

DAY 2: Radically Change Your Diet

DAY 3: Releasing Suppressed Emotions 

DAY 4: Increasing Positive Emotions 

DAY 5: Bringing Exercise and Movement Into Your Life 

DAY 6: Having Strong Reasons for Living 

DAY 7: Deepening Your Spiritual Connection Practice 

DAY 8: Using Herbs and Supplements 

DAY 9: Following Your Intuition 

DAY 10: Embracing Social Support (more details coming soon!)

HELPFUL RESOURCES: Check out our compilation of bestselling books, about radical remission from cancer here. These are written by expert presenters from the Hay House Radical Remission event.

Don't Have Time to Take It All In? Own the Hay House Radical Remission Docuseries

Hurry! Limited-time offer ends Thursday, April 2nd at 11:59 pm PDT
Own It Now Only $99
Hurry! Limited-time offer ends Thursday April 2nd at 11:59 pm PDT

Be the Ripple in the Pond: Share Wisdom, Ignite Spirits!

About the Author:

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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