Description of the video: This week’s episode of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness is all about the level of consciousness of ACCEPTANCE. I discuss this powerful level of consciousness from the Map of Consciousness® and the teachings of Dr. David R. Hawkins from his bestselling book Power Vs Force. This is what Dr. Hawkins considers a spiritual gateway, and is the level of consciousness where you are willing to accept you are the creator of your own destiny.

How Can You Be Accepting & Step into a “Super Power”? Teachings from Dr. David R. Hawkins

The Level of Consciousness of Acceptance is 350 on the Map of ConsciousnessThe level of consciousness known as ACCEPTANCE is truly a “super power” in consciousness and a significant level of understanding.

From the teachings of Dr. David R. Hawkins’ and his Map of Consciousness®, the level of consciousness of ACCEPTANCE is 350 on the map of consciousness (MOC) or 10 to the 350th power.

This higher level of consciousness is considered a spiritual gateway by Dr. Hawkins as it is the level of consciousness where you, as an individual, are “willing to accept you are the creator of your own destiny”.

If you would like to raise your level of consciousness to this level you have to:

  • Stop looking to blame and shame others for your life.
  • Stop playing the victim of any circumstance in your life. (Everything below 200 on the MOC is victimhood energy.)
  • Be willing to accept you are the creator of your own destiny.
  • Take responsibility of every area of your life.
  • Let go of lower level emotions, buried suppressed and repressed emtions as they come up.
  • Forgive yourself on every level. You didn’t know any better. Then forgive others.

I promise you, that when you step into this level of consciousness, and this willingness to accept you are the creator of your own destiny, you actually understand that forgiveness just is. You certainly don’t need to seek forgiveness from others at all.)

You will come into a strong sense of self and ability to stand in your own power.

This is not an “EGO” thing either.

Another significant aspect of the level of consciousness of acceptance is the consciousness calibration that suggests, this level of consciousness of 350 is the level required to solve problems.

Albert Einstein has a famous quote that says, “You can not solve a problem from the level of consciousness that created it.”

This is just an even more detailed explanation of this understanding of consciousness.

It’s a freeing sense of self that require no external validation or approval.

You love and approve of yourself and are grateful for your own existence at this level of consciousness of acceptance.

Now, this level of consciousness is relatively rare in the world. Here’s some consciousness calibrations that put this level into context:

  • Only 15% of the world calibrates at 200 or above.
  • Only 4/10ths of 1% calibrate at 540.
  • At last count, there were only 12 people on the planet that calibrated at 600 or above. Dr. Hawkins calibrated, at last calibrate after he passed at 1000 on the MOC.

Are You Willing to Accept You Are the CReator of YOur Own Destiny?

If you’d like to take charge of your ability to manifest your own destiny, then it would be helpful to understand the level of consciousness of acceptance. The level of consciousness of acceptance is comprised of 6 elements on Dr. David R. Hawkins Map of Consciousness®.

Those 6 elements are comprised of:

  • You are willing to accept you are the creator of your own destinyThe NAME of the level of consciousness which is ACCEPTANCE
  • The CONSCIOUSNESS CALIBRATION of this level is 350 on the MOC.
  • The PROCESS going on at this level is TRANSCENDENCE.
  • The EMOTION going on at this level is FORGIVENESS

So let’s go a little deeper here.

The first thing I’d like you to grasp is that each one of these elements is an impersonal “energy field”.

A simple metaphor would be to consider a level of consciousness as “gas” in your car.

Do you have enough “gas in the tank” to manifest your own destiny, so to speak?

At the level of consciousness of acceptance, you should have more than enough gas in your tank to manifest your own destiny. In fact life can be pretty easy going as long as you don’t have too many significant issues or beliefs that bring you down.

So let’s take a look at TRANSCENDENCE.

What does  transceddence mean?


transcendent adjective tran·​scen·​dent | \ tran(t)-ˈsen-dənt \

Definition of transcendent

1aexceeding usual limits SURPASSING
bextending or lying beyond the limits of ordinary experience
cin Kantian philosophy being beyond the limits of all possible experience and knowledge
Click Here for the FULL definition of Transcendent

So the energy of the process of transcendence is to break free from limiting beliefs. Break free from any form of limitations at this level.

Are you ready to embrace this powerful ability? If so, then lower levels of consciousness that are within you (conscious or unconscious) will have to be released.

These lower levels of consciousness will present themselves to you for release as well.

You will need to learn to become very observant when these things show up for you to let go of.

A lesson in learning how to let go and break free from the struggle can be found here.

If you feel like you already embrace the notion of no limitations, they you may already have some foothold into the level of consciousness of acceptance.

The Level of Consciousness of Acceptance at 350 HOlds the Emotion of ForgivenessNext up is the emotion of forgiveness.

How willing are you to forgive?

Do you find it easy or difficult?

Are you willing to forgive yourself for everything?

How willing are you to forgive others, or do you tend to hold grudges?

If you find it a struggle to forgive yourself and others, then some inner work needs to be addressed in order to enter the spiritual gateway of acceptance and be the conscious creator of your own destiny.

Forgiveness is BIG at this level!

Are you ready to “woman up” or “man up”?

I did an entire podcast episode on the scale of emotions here.

Next up at the level of consciousness of acceptance is what’s know as life-view or self view. At this level of consciousness, the self-view or life-view is harmonious.

To have a self-view that is harmonious is recognition that your life is pretty easy going. All aspects of your life flow melodiously together.

Smooth sailing is at hand here.

The intention to manifest your own destiny is readily achievable at this pure level of consciousness of acceptance.

Now remember… we are all a mixed bag of consciousness. There may be some aspects of your life that are smooth sailing and you are consciously the creator of your own destiny.

As an example, maybe you’ve got the whole money thing down pat. You can manifest your own destiny on the money from. But maybe you struggle with issues on the relationship front. Maybe you are always attracting a relationship that you don’t want!

This is just an example of a “mixed bag” of consciousness levels.

I have an entire episode on levels of consciousness as it relates to the self-view here.

Last up is the GOD-view at the level of consciousness of acceptance. The GOD-view at this level is merciful.

In defining willingness as a level of consciousness the God View is HopefulSo let’s take a look at merciful and the energy of it.

Mercy as defined in Merriam Webster dictionary is compassionate treatment of those in distress. It is also known as a blessing that is an act of divine favor or compassion or a fortunate circumstance.

It is helpful and healthy to have a higher level of consciousness around your GOD-view.

When I was first presented with the notion of GOD-view as it relates to my level of consciousness on the subject, I realized I had an unconscious GOD-view that is punishing!?!

Holy Crow! This is a highly detrimental “vibration” to hold about your view of GOD as it is really not true based on consciousness research.

You can see my entire episode on GOD-view here.

I hope you found this episode of “Your Weekly Dose of HIgher Consciousness” helpful.

I wholly appreciate your questions and comments below.

Let’s have a conversation about the level of consciousness of acceptance and the willingness to accept you ae the creator of your own destiny.

Take Your Willingness to Raise Your Level of Cosnciousness into Acceptance Further

with an online course with some of today’s Premier Spiritual Leaders & Transformational Teachers who will teach you how to let go, how to love and forgive yourself, how to step into courage, willingness and acceptance and be the creator of your won destiny.