Awaken Through Writing as Healing to Find Clarity, Resilience & Wellbeing with Mark Matousek (September – October 2020): Discover why you don’t have to be a good writer to transform yourself through writing. Discover how to use writing to clear inner obstacles and live an authentic life.
IMPORTANT NOTE: We hope you’re able to catch the Writing is Healing event as scheduled… however, if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.
Writing is Healing: Discover How to Awaken Through Writing to Find Clarity, Resilience, and Wellbeing
In the midst of so much turmoil in our lives and in our world, how can you find clarity and resilience to keep yourself moving forward?
How do you create your future when you’re mired down in anxiety and emotional pain?
Quite simply, you start writing as healing— and you don’t even have to be a good writer.
Through writing, you cultivate clarity, build resilience, and find a sense of wellbeing when you’re willing to peel away the layers to get to your truth.
There is relief in unraveling pain and confusion. Writing clears the mind and opens the heart. Writing down your thoughts yields valuable insights and offers perspective while fortifying you with courage and strength.
On Wednesday, October 7, 2020, Mark Matousek, an award-winning writer, and teacher whose work focuses on transformative writing for personal growth, will help you understand what it means to go from living on the surface of life to taking a deep dive into who you are and why you do what you do.
You can register for Awaken Through Writing as Healing to Find Clarity, Resilience & Wellbeing: How Anyone Can Use Writing to Clear Inner Obstacles & Live an Authentic Life, here:
In these 60 minutes, you’ll discover Writing is Healing and:
How writing down your feelings can make you calmer and stronger
- How you can untangle the pain that comes from the stories you create about yourself
- When you express deep truths about yourself, in writing as healing, you meet who you really are
- You develop a seeker’s spirit when you have the courage to look within and investigate your shadows
- How to clear your mind and open your heart to be happier and healthier with writing as healing
- How to revive your imagination and get creative about inventing your future
To write about what’s painful and true will set you on a course of writing as healing and awakening.
Mark will take you through an insightful, cathartic exercise to help you untangle your thoughts and emotions to develop a keen self-awareness — and point you in the direction of freedom to be who you were born to be.
Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
The host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast
P.S. In Awaken Through Writing as Healing to Find Clarity, Resilience & Wellbeing: How Anyone Can Use Writing to Clear Inner Obstacles & Live an Authentic Life, you’ll experience a profound sense of freedom by pouring your deepest truths into a journal or personal piece of writing… tapping into your truest feelings and the gifts of your darkest shadows and boldest visions.
We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled… however, if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available:
About the Writing is Healing Presenter Mark Matousek
Mark Matousek is the author of two acclaimed memoirs, Sex Death Enlightenment: A True Story (an international bestseller) and The Boy He Left Behind: A Man’s Search For His Lost Father, as well as When You’re Falling, Dive: Lessons in the Art of Living... Ethical Wisdom: The Search for a Moral Life… Mother of the Unseen World: The Mystery of Mother Meera… and Writing to Awaken: A Journey of Truth, Transformation & Self-Discovery.
A former editor at Interview Magazine, he is a featured blogger for and HuffPost, and has contributed to numerous publications, including The New Yorker, O: The Oprah Magazine (contributing editor), Harper’s Bazaar, Yoga Journal, Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, and The Saturday Evening Post. His essays have appeared in many anthologies, including Voice of the New Millenium, Wrestling With the Angel, and A Memory, A Monologue, a Rant, and a Prayer, among others.
A popular speaker and teacher, Mark offers courses in creativity and spiritual growth in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Europe, based on his book, Writing to Awaken. He’s on the faculty of the Esalen Institute, 1440 Multiversity, the New York Open Center, The Garrison Institute, Omega, Kripalu, Mindvalley, and other institutions of higher learning. He’s the founder of The Seekers Forum, a global online community focused on nonsectarian dialogue and exploration, and the president of Mark Matousek Media, a digital publishing company that promotes creative and spiritual excellence through online learning.
As a founding member of V-Men (with Eve Ensler), an organization devoted to ending violence against women and girls, he curates the V-Men essay series, an ongoing anthology featuring personal writing by men on the subject of violence against women.
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