A 3-part guided healing to clear your auric field & lower chakras..

[Workshop] Detox Your Energy Body, Set Boundaries & Embody Your Intuition: A 3-part guided healing to energy clearing your auric field & lower chakras..

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A 3-Part Guided Healing to Clear Your Auric Field & Lower Chakras..

Can you sense the increase in energy around you?

You might be tuning into the energy and feeling overstimulated and absorbing the energy from the collective..

Or maybe you’re sensing the creative lifeforce energy that’s emerging, growing — and bringing plenty of change along with it.

As consciousness continues to rise in this new world, your energy body is evolving to a new level of being — including new ways your system communicates, receives information, and impacts others…

You’re being called to evolve on a spiritual, energetic soul level.  

Learning how energy clearing outdated energy in your lower chakras and detoxing your energy body strengthens your energetic boundaries and helps you embody your true light.

Join us for a powerful new workshop and discover how, as an empath or sensitive person, you have a pivotal role to play in the new consciousness evolution…

A 3-part guided healing to clear your auric field & lower chakras..

Discover How to Detox Your Energy Body, Set Boundaries
& Embody Your Empathic Intuition

A Free 90-min Video Event

With Wendy De Rosa

Saturday, March 5, 9 am Pacific/12noon Eastern

RSVP for free right here!

Together, we can decide to stop living in the stagnant, non-transparent environment and patterns so many of us were raised in… We know better.

Becoming an Empowered Empath: How to Clear Energy, Set Boundaries & Embody Your IntuitionAs Wendy will explain, it’s also time to undo the cultural myth that what’s happening around you is more important than taking care of the deeper Self. 

Instead, you can cultivate a deeper awareness of your energy body and the layers of consciousness that you hold… and that you’re called to heal.

This is also the anniversary of the launch of Wendy’s book, Becoming an Empowered Empath, and she will be offering teachings from her book and take you through a deep guided energy clearing in your lower chakras to help detox, clear, and embody your empathic boundaries. 

Wendy will also share how, as you continue to have extraordinary intuitive experiences, you’ll need spaces and communities to put a framework around it all  — and to tend to the upleveling that’s happening within you. 

During this powerful hour energy clearing the lower chakras plus Q&A, you’ll discover:

take you through a deep guided energy clearing in your lower chakras Why empaths are being triggered right now to both heal and to uncover their inner intuitive power — as they step into their essential role in the new consciousness evolution

  • How your chakra system plays a vital role in your ability to stop taking on the energy of others. 
  • How your upper body intuition is different from your lower body intuition — and how it impacts your lived experience as a mystic or empath
  • The importance of coming into community to usher in the new consciousness 
  • How to ground your energetic anatomy — and take good care of your energy body
  • A deep guided healing to clear your auric field and your lower chakras so your boundaries can come from your powerful presence and inner radiance

This event is free to attend — just let us know you’re coming, and feel free to forward to a friend! 

With Many Blessings,

The SIS Transformation Team 

Please join us!

Liz Gracia Founder, Editor in Chief & Host of YOur Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
Host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast and

Host of HighVibeTribeRadio.com and HighVibeTribeTV.com

P.S. You can get to know Wendy even better and watch our High Vibe Tribe TV Interview with Wendy DeRosa here.

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About Your School of Intuitive Studies Founder

Wendy DeRosa Creator of The Intuitive Healer Training ProgramWendy De Rosa is an international intuitive energy healer, speaker, teacher, and author. She offers education and training programs for spiritual and personal growth to thousands of people from all over the world wanting to develop their intuition and experience personal transformation.

Energy Healing Through the Chakras- A Guide to Self-Healing by Wendy DeRosaShe is the founder of The School of Intuitive Studies and the renowned Intuitive Healer Training Program & Certification. Wendy is a leading faculty member of The Shift Network with more than 100,000 people attending her live events and programs. She is a featured teacher on the MindValley spiritual growth channel Soulvana and has appeared on CBS News/Better Connecticut.

Becoming an Empowered Empath: How to Clear Energy, Set Boundaries & Embody Your IntuitionShe is a published author with her newest title published in Spring 2021, Becoming an Empowered Empath: How to Clear Energy, Set Boundaries & Embody Your Intuitive Powers, New World Library. Her other titles include her bestselling Energy Healing Through the Chakras: A Guide to Self-Healing, and Expanding Your Heart: Awakening through Four Stages of a Spiritual Opening. She is also a contributing author to Bouncing Back: Thriving in Changing Times with Wayne Dyer, Bryan Tracy, John Assaraf and other leaders in personal growth.

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