What is a Quantum Spiritual Awakening? Liz Gracia,, Host of “Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness shares her experience of a spiritual awakening. A true story about the experience of not only a spiritual awakening, but a quantum spiritual awakening.



What is a Quantum Spiritual Awakening? An Understanding in Levels of Consciousness
S2 E3

In this week’s episode of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness I answer the question “What is a Quantum Spiritual Awakening?”

I tell my true story of a spiritual awakening, the dark night of the soul and giant pendulum swings in consciousness that came into my experience in 2003.

Quantum spiritual awakenings came into and out of my awareness for close to 10 years 1-3 times a year after the initial one.

For a while, they became more and more intense. The swings into higher states of consciousness became more profoundly beautiful, and filled with GOD intoxicated ecstacy, while the counter swings became more profoundly horrifying into the depths of literal energetic hell and incredibly intense confrontations with darkness beyond description or human understanding.

It was during this period that the teachings of Dr. David R,. Hawkins came into my awareness.

His research into consciousness and my understanding of the Map of Consciousness® helped me to put into context the quantum nature of the spiritual awakening that I experienced.

Listen in as I share my story of a quantum spiritual awakening and what some signs and symptoms of a spiritual awakening could be for you.

I also hint at the Drak Night of the Soul and what is known as a spiritual emergency.

I think its safe to say, based on consciousness research, that quantum spiritual awakenings are highly rare, so you don’t necessarily have to”worry” about having one.

But understanding the nature of a simpler spiritual awakening could be helpful to navigate.

Need Help Recovering from or Understanding a Spiritual Awakening?

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Liz Gracia

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Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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