Be the Change

Ways of Being Quiz: Genuine, Faithful or Balanced?

Welcome to Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness!

It is our intention to assist in raising the level of consciousness on the planet to Neutral or 250 on the Map of Consciousness®.  Simple ways for us to contribute to this intention is to help you understand levels of consciousness and to put into context where TRUE POWER really exists. Once you understand where TRUE POWER (to have and create a life of meaning and Grace) exists, you can then choose where to align your intentions at higher levels of consciousness and let go of the lower levels that are only destructive and downward pulling, like crabs in a bucket.

Which Way of Being Has More Power?


Calibrates on the Map of Consciousness at:



Calibrates on the Map of Consciousness at:



Calibrates on the Map of Consciousness at:



These ways of being are all of higher consciousness and are what Dr. Hawkins’ considers “Spiritual Foundations” for a life operating from a higher level of awareness.

To be GENUINE calibrates at 255 on the Map of Consciousness®, or 10 to the 255th power. It is hovering around the level of consciousness known as neutrality at 250. If you aspire to raise your level of consciousness, out of the lower realms of 200 and below, this is a great “Starter Kit” to working your way out of righteous pride and perfectionism, which is a losing battle (in the long run).  Try to be genuine with people you feel “safe” with. It’s a good place to start. To step into courage on being genuine with people you don’t know or are unsure of is also a good exercise in stepping into power and a higher level of consciousness.

To be FAIHFUL calibrates at 365 on the Map of Consciousness®. This is the highest level of consciousness in this week’s daily dose. It is a powerful way of being, in general. Where can you recognize that you have been faithful to someone, something or yourself even? REmind yourself of this as it is a very powerful acknowledgement of something within you that is powerful. This week choose someone or something to be faithful to. Genuinely FEEL what that is like, and are you really being faithful?

Being BALANCED calibrates at 305 on the Map of Consciousness®, or 10 to the 305th power. When you come into “balance” you will know it! It’s a remarkable feeling yet peaceful.

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A great affirmation to align yourself with “balanced” is, “I am willing to release the need to be imbalanced and am grateful for the understandiing that there really is such a thing as balanced.”

IMPORTANT NOTE: all ways of being are of value. A higher level of consciousness does NOT MEAN better! It’s just a different energy, a different attractor field, a different level of power and a different way of being.

To put this into context…only 50% of the United States calibrates at 200 or above. The percentages drop precipitously as you go up the levels of consciousness.

Approximately only 15% of the world calibrates above 200. As “GOD” in the book Conversations with GOD would say, we are barely out of preschool on the spiritual evolution realm, and it is not intended as a disparagement, just an observation of the truth.

Genius level individuals throughout history like Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Isacc Newton calibrated at 499.

I hope you found this week’s Dose of Higher Consciousness helpful. Let me know in the comments below. :)

If you’d like a deeper dive into understanding levels of consciousness, check out my comprehensive blog on this topic here.

Interested in Understanding Levels of Consciousness and Where TRUE POWER Really Exists?

Invest in one of Dr. Hawkins books today, as this is where all of the information we share here comes from.

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All calibrations are based on Dr. David R. Hawkins decades of research into consciousness, and the Map of Consciousness that came from this research, so as to put into context where true, constructive power really exists and where it doesn’t.

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The Map of Consciousness is a logarithmic scale of 0-1,000, where 100 on the Map of Consciousness is 10 to the 100th power, 200 is 10 to the 200th power, etc. The higher you go up on the Map of Consciousness, the more quantum in nature the power level comes.

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Any calibration below 200 holds no truth and no power and is destructive in nature.

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TRUE POWER begins at 200 on the Map of Consciousness (10 to the 200th power) and it is the level of COURAGE. In order to turn around anything that’s negatively oriented in your life, you need to step into courage on the matter in order to do so.

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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