
Are You An Untrained HSP? Highly Sensitive Person Podcast Interview with Julie Bjelland

Interview with Julie Bjelland, Global HSP Consultant


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Are you a highly sensitive person, also known as HSP? Take the HSP Test here.

Do you even know what a highly sensitive person or HSP is?

Today we had the distinct pleasure to bring you a Global HSP Consultant, author, speaker, licensed therapist, researcher, and teacher. This week’s High Vibe Tribe Interview is with Julie Bjelland.

Julie is a transformational leader on the issues of highly sensitive persons and is an HSP herself.

Julie has worked with 1,000’s of HSPs and has developed brain training programs for HSPs that have really transformed the lives of highly sensitive people in significant ways.

Julie has developed an 8-week online course called: Brain Training for Highly Sensitive Persons

Julie has also recently become a faculty member at The Shift Network, where she has developed another online personal development course for HSPs. This course is a 7-week course and is LIVE with Julie for 7 90 minutes workshops for highly sensitive persons.

The Shift Network Event and the subsequent course are available July – August 2019. You can REGISTER here.

If you miss Julie’s Shift Network course, you can access here:

Braining Training Programs for the Highly Sensitive Person- HSP

If you miss this time around you can go to our website for other events and opportunities to connect with Julie Bjelland here.

About Global HSP Consultant Julie Bjelland

Julie Bjelland is a highly sensitive person psychotherapist, author, and leader in the field of high sensitivity, and has helped thousands of highly sensitive people (HSP) around the world. As an HSP herself, Julie understands what it’s like to live with high sensitivity and strong emotions, and is on a mission to empower HSPs to live their best lives.

Julie has developed proprietary HSP tools and HSP techniques to help reduce the challenges and increase the positives that HSPs experience on a daily basis. These techniques have been developed over years of working with highly sensitive people and have proven extremely successful for her clients and students.

In her free time, Julie loves being in nature, being around animals, gardening, reading, and daydreaming about having a little farm one day. She shares her home with her chef partner, two children, and a houseful of pets and plants.

If you miss Julie’s Shift Network course, you can access her:

Braining Training Programs for the Highly Sensitive Person- HSP

Prefer a videocast of our interview? Watch my interview with Julie Bjelland here.

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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