Transformational Leader, Speaker & Teacher of Levels of Consciousness, Liz Gracia

Learn How to Be Happy & Love Yourself

Transformational Leader, Inspirational Speaker and Spiritual Teacher of Consciousness, Liz Gracia, aka Trumpeter of Truth Helps You With Understanding Levels of Consciousness and How to Let Go and Let GOD. 

Simple Steps for How to Be Happy and Love Yourself

Liz Gracia Transformational Leader-Spiritual Teacher-Inspirational Speaker on Levels of Consciousness

Transformational Leader Liz Gracia

Inspirational Speaker on How to Be Happy & Love Yourself
Spirtual Teacher of Levels of Consciousness & How to Let Go

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Learn How to Be Happy & Love Yourself

Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a transformational leader, spiritual teacher and loving supportive partner that could help you with understanding how to be happy and how to love yourself? I mean REALLY be happy and love yourself?!?

My name is Liz Gracia, and I am here to help you with all of this and more in a variety of different, yet accessible ways.

As a spiritual teacher of consciousness I have created a weekly podcast* and YouTube channel* called “Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness.

It’s FREE! And it’s intended to be fun and easy and help you understand how to be happy (truly happy) and love yourself without forcing it or rationalizing it!

For more ways on how I support your own spiritual awakening and shift into higher consciousness…visit the rest of this page!

*The Podcast is the YouTube Channel is

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“Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness” Podcast

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Transformational Leader on How to Be Happy Liz Gracia

Learn How to Be Happy

Research has found that there are 100’s of 1,000’s of  searches online for “how to be happy” in one iteration or another like:

  • how to be happy in life
  • how to be happy alone
  • how to be happy for yourself
  • how to be happy again

So, I have applied what I have learned through exercises in consciousness, how to be happy and get myself out of what can easily described as the depths of hell. Through all that I have been through (and you can check out the quickie version of the true story of my quantum spiritual awakening below) I am inspired to help others to learn how to be happy, within the context of understanding levels of consciousness and where TRUE Power and TRUE Happiness truly exist!

Spiritual Teacher on How to Love Yourself Liz Gracia

Learn How to Love Yourself

This is another big topic of inquiry online! It’s not as significant as how to be happy, but people wanting to know how to love yourself is about half as many as those wanting to know how to love yourself. So about 50,000+ searches a month round this subject is still significant and worth addressing!?!

During my own journey of observing my patterns issues and levels of consciousness around different topics, the common thread is that loving yourself is typically last on the list of people you can love.

You can start to learn how to be happy on my weekly podcast: Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness (see podcast stream above) and subscribe to this self help podcast @

Letting Go and Letting God-Learn How to Let Go with Spiritual Leader Liz Gracia-

Learn How to Let Go

When I first was introduced to the notion of letting go (of something) I didn’t quite “Get It!”, until I understood and learned about the mechanism of letting go, as described in the book: Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by Dr. David R. Hawkins. 

When you put letting go into the context of understanding levels of consciousness, and understand the processes going on at each level of consciousness, it becomes easier to grasp the concept and mechanism of letting go.

I have been working with the process of lettting go and studing levels of consciousness for 10+ years. I LOVE the freedom and the stepping into higher levels of consciousness, as well as the balance, grounded “at peace” I experience on a weekly basis.

I am inspired to help you shift into these attainable levels of consciousness that not only improve your life, but everyone that comes into contact with you. Together we can create a ripple effect and “be the change we want to see in the world.”

I am a spiritual teacher of consciousness and transformational leader for awakening consciousness.

My mission and intention is to assist in the effort to reduce human suffering at all levels of consciousness.

The science of consciousness and the consciousness research that is available to all of us today is foolish to ignore if we as a community, country and planet care to change the conditions of our own lives (first and foremost) and the communities, countries and planet we call home.

I am making this pioneering consciousness research accessible, fun and easy to understand via my Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness podcast and YouTube channel. ,

All of the episodes are taught within the context of understanding levels of consciousness and where TRUE Power, TRUE Hapiness, TRUE LOVE and TRUE Life’s Fulfillment REALLY EXIST!

In addition to this FREE coaching, mentoring, edutainment (I intend to have fun with all of this!), I am also available as a lecturer and spiritual teacher of levels of consciousness as well as an inspirational speaker on a wide variety of topics which I always speak of within the context of understanding levels of consciousness from The Map of Consciousness® research by Dr. David R. Hawkins.

Consciousness Leadership Making Understanding Levels of Consciousness Fun and Easy

Let’s Collaborate & Work Together!


Check Out Liz Gracia’s Latest Blog Posts & Webinars


How Intuitive Are You? Hardworking, Playful, or Humorous?

January 4th, 2023|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Test your intuition and ability to discern energy or levels of consciousness. This week's episode of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Quiz asks, "Which is of highest consciousness?" Hardworking, Playful, or[...]

Holiday Quiz: Christmas, Santa Claus or Peace on Earth?

December 21st, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Welcome to Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness! It is our intention to assist in raising the level of consciousness on the planet to Neutral or 250 on the Map of Consciousness®.  Simple[...]

Mind Over Matter: What You Hold in Mind Tends to Manifest Calibrates as True

December 15th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

What does mind over matter mean, and why does what you hold in mind tend to manifest? This week's episode of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness takes a look at how[...]

Interested in Classes on Consciousness, Letting Go and How to Be Happy & Love Yourself?

Understanding Levels of Consciousness Online Course

Online Course: Understanding the Map of Consciousness®

I will take you trhough Dr. David R. Hawkins Map of Consciousness® as shared in all of his books, but notably:

It’s a significant gift to yourself and those around you to understand levels of consciousness and where TRUE Power and TRUE Happiness really exists. I do my best to make it simple. Consciousness research has shown, that when you are exposed to the this information, your level of consciousness will go up!

This is a “Starter Kit” to recontextualize the TRUTH as calibrated by consciousness research.


Click here to be notified when the course launches.

In the mean time, I teach all of this for FREE on my weekly podcast and YouTube channel, in “Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness”.

Subscribe to my podcast here, and my YouTube channel here.

Understanding How to Let Go an Online Course

Online Course: How to Let Go and Discover Freedom, Happiness and Peace

This course is based on the teachings of Dr. David R. Hawkins  in his book: Letting GO: The Pathway of Surrender.

I have found that many people struggle with the concept of “Letting Go and Letting God”!

I too have struggled with the concept, but I have also had success with the mechanism of letting go.  I feel my wisdom and insights into the process can help guide you, assure you and help you move through the blocks to your own inner expression.

If interested in my upcoming course on “How to Let Go”, please provide me with your email here.

In the mean time, I teach all of this for FREE on my weekly podcast and YouTube channel, in “Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness”.

Subscribe to my podcast here, and my YouTube channel here.

Liz Gracia - Trumpeter of Truth and Transformational Leader on Consciousness

About Liz Gracia

A True Story About a Quantum Spiritual Awakening and Your Happy Host for “Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness” & Trumpeter of Truth, Liz Gracia

In 2003 I had, what can only be described as, a Quantum Spiritual Awakening.

Based on my understandings of levels of consciousness and reading about the different levels of consciousness as described in Dr. David R. Hawkins books including Power Vs Force, I came to understand that what I felt to be a quantum spiritual awakening was in fact quantum in nature as I jumped anywhere from 200-500 points on The Map of Consciousness® at (at last count) 24 times, for extended periods of time (days to weeks), over the course of 10 years.

Let me qualify this by saying that I personally may have not jumped to these higher levels of consciousness, but was in the presence of these higher levels of consciousness. These higher levels are totally radical yet subjective, ineffable experiences of the presence of Divinity, God-intoxicated ecstasy, Oneness, connectedness and more!

The problem with having a quantum leap and spiritual awakening like this is that I wasn’t prepared for it. I didn’t have the “foundational spiritual basics” underneath me to handle the experience and not go into fear about it.

So the experience set the proverbial pendulum in motion and the swings from high ecstatic states (the Presence of God or Divinity or whatever you may call… 500-850 on the map) followed by horrific encounters with the complete opposite (lower levels of consciousness…likely off the map on the low end? Like -50 and below).

The intention for me to become a transformational leader of consciousness, inspirational speaker and lecturer, and teacher is to use what I’ve learned from observing the different levels of consciousness to help you learn how to be happy and love yourself, and learn how to let go of negativity and lower-level emotions that create problems in life.

I will do much of this within the context of understanding levels of consciousness and where TRUE Power and TRUE Connection really exists.

I will be sharing numerous stories of this quantum spiritual awakening that all began…30 miles at sea on the remote Island of Nantucket! What an amazing experience it was!

Stay tuned!

Be the Ripple in the Pond: Share Wisdom, Ignite Spirits!

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