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Top Dog Training Tips from Cesar Millan

Until we have expert advice and dog training tips from our directory member pet care specialists and holistic veterinarians, we’re going to share some great training tips from Cesar Millan and others that come across our field of awareness.

If you don’t know Cesar, he is the dog whisperer-ing guru that can walk into a pack of “hot” pit bulls and be leader of the pack.

Following are 5 Top Tips from Cesar provide courtesy of

Here’s the Scoop from Cesar Millan

Dog owners make training mistakes

SheKnows: What is the biggest mistake that pet owners make with their dogs?

Cesar Millan: The most common mistake I see is not following what I call the fulfillment formula — that is, exercise, discipline then affection. We tend to give affection, affection, affection and this creates unstable dogs and bad behavior because then you have trouble earning your dog’s trust, respect and loyalty.

Dog training formula: Exercise, discipline and affection

SheKnows: How can owners instill discipline in their dogs, other than the usual “sit” and “stay” commands?

Cesar Millan: This is about leadership and energy. Most training seeks to teach dogs how to obey commands, while my philosophy is more about rehabilitation through exercise, discipline and affection. A dog may be very well-trained and still be unbalanced, just as a balanced dog may not be trained. We need to start with the principles before we can get to the techniques (training methods) and that is how we achieve a positive outcome (good behavior).


Lead your dogs by example

SheKnows: What if a dog receives one or two walks a day and still misbehaves?

Cesar Millan: The walk is exercise and that’s great — but that’s only part of the formula. Dogs need discipline, too — this is where rules, boundaries and limitations come in. Leadership is about showing the dogs — through your actions and energy — what you expect of them. Remember that you have to be consistent. If you break the rules, they will too!

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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