Categories: Self Help

Get Inspired by My Top 12 Rules for Life in 2025

Get Inspired to Create Your List of Rules to Live By in 2025


Liz Gracia
Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network & Host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness

Did you know having a personalized list of rules for life is a “Powerplay” in consciousness? Dr. Jordan Peterson’s book and video, 12 Rules for Life, inspired this topic from the perspective of understanding that, though Dr. Perterson’s Rules are worthy of your consideration, you may not “be there” yet on some of those 12 rules for life.

Today, I will share my Top 12 Rules to Live By to inspire you to create your List of Rules to Live By based on personal aspirations, intentions, New Year’s resolutions, and goals.

This is a dynamic list. As I come “into alignment” with some of my choices, I have found that they fall by the wayside as some choices become positive patterns in my energy field. I don’t have to give it my attention or intention anymore. I have “become” what I intended.

So, as a teacher of consciousness, we can take advantage of the Map of Consciousness and consciousness calibrations as a blueprint for aligning our New Year’s resolutions with the power to succeed.

I share that these impersonal energy fields in consciousness are ginormous magnetic attractor fields that can draw you into the success you seek in the New Year and life.

Most people unconsciously try to FORCE change upon themselves without awareness of the futility of aligning with FORCE. You must align with POWER in consciousness for anything to change.

Consciousness calibrations are proven energy fields. They either have power and calibrate at or above 200 on the Map of Consciousness®, or they have no power and calibrate below 200.

Do the math!

If you are swimming around in a pool of lower consciousness, there’s no “gas in your tank” to get you where you want to go.

So last week I promised I would share my Top 12 List of Rules to Live By in 2025. I am doing this to give you an idea of what a list of rules for life can look like and reasons for the ones I’ve chosen.

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Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness

Having a Personalized List of Rules to Live by is a “Powerplay” in Your Life!

Photo by Alina Vilchenko

According to to create a “list of rules to live by” calibrates at 350 on the Map of Consciousness®, or 10, to the 350th power, a very high energy level in this world.

It’s the same level of consciousness as the energy of acceptance, forgiveness, and the willingness to accept you are the creator of your experience and willingness to stop blaming others for your life and take full responsibility for all of it.

Remember, only about 15% – %17% of the population calibrates above 200. I guess 8% or less of the planet’s population calibrate at 350 or higher.

I did an entire 1001 Ways to Be of Higher Consciousness episode #150 on creating a list of rules to live by, and I’ll share the link below.

You will also find a downloadable List of Rules to Live By worksheet you can use to create your own list..

Beyond the Ordinary: Creating a Sacred Code for Elevated Living

Discover the power (in consciousness) of creating a personalized list of rules to live by. It’s worth your while to know!

Catalyst for Consciousness: Spark a Global Awakening!

Wisdom for the Journey: Why Create 12 Rules for Life to Guide Your Path?

Photo by Marina Zvada


The start of a new year often brings a sense of renewal and the desire to improve our lives. One powerful tool for personal transformation is creating a personalized list of rules to live by

These conscious rules for life serve as guiding principles, shaping our decisions and actions throughout the year. They are meaningful dictates and reflections of our deepest values and aspirations. By establishing such a list, we give ourselves a framework for growth and success tailored to our unique journey through life.

A personalized set of rules can be a compass, helping us navigate the complexities of modern existence with clarity and purpose.

It encourages us to live intentionally, to make choices that align with our higher selves, and to consciously steer our lives in the direction we wish to go. This practice is not merely about self-improvement; it’s a statement of self-empowerment and a commitment to living a life of authenticity and fulfillment.

Get Started with Your Top 10 List of Rules to Live By

It is of significant higher consciousness to make a list of rules to live by based on consciousness calibrations. Go where authentic power and truth in consciousness reside. Don’t guess. Do the math!

Get instant access to my downloadable;e worksheet that will give you ideas of what it sounds like, looks like, and feels like to choose personalized rules based on the “energy” of things.

And while you are at it, listen to this podcast episode on 1001 Ways to Being of HIgher Consciousness.

*According to, “making a list of rules to live by for oneself” is of higher consciousness. That’s why we’ve added it to our 1001 Ways to Being of Higher Consciousness.

Here’s My Top 12 List of Rules to Live By in 2024

My Top 12 Rule for Life #1: Aligning with seeking the truth for its own sake. (460)

Photo by Dave Baraloto

In the modern digital landscape, where information is prolific, and misinformation can be equally widespread, seeking the truth for its own sake is an essential rule to uphold.

The commitment to truth is foundational for the development of knowledge, the progress of society, and the fostering of trust among individuals and communities.

It is the bulwark against deception and manipulation, flourishing in environments where the pursuit of truth is overshadowed by other motivations such as profit, power, or ideology.

Seeking the truth requires a rigorous inquiry process, critical thinking, and verification.

It entails an openness to revising one’s beliefs in light of new evidence and an ability to engage with diverse perspectives. Importantly, it is not merely a passive receipt of information but an active, ongoing endeavor.

This 1 of 12 rules for life for me this year champions the intellectual virtues of honesty, humility, and courage, encouraging individuals to confront uncomfortable truths and to relinquish falsehoods, no matter how sincerely held.

Upholding this principle has profound implications for personal integrity and contributes to the collective wisdom of society.

If you listen to this podcast, you will understand why I chose this as my #1 rule for life in 2024, and it may stay on my list of rules to live by for years to come.

I choose to align with and speak the truth at whatever level can be heard or understood or that serves the highest good.

According to, “the pursuit of truth is an end undertaken for its own sake.” calibrates at 460 on the Map of Consciousness®. It is the mantra of excellence and the consciousness level of excellence.

Liz Gracia Founder, Editor in Chief & Host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast

Now, this is pretty interesting as I recently had the content of this podcast calibrated, and it came up as 460. (up from 335 a few years ago)

The point is that this is an example of “letting the field” (of 460) remove the blocks to excellence for me.

I just went with the flow of creating the podcast without too much thought or ego investment in the process. I just went with inspiration and the fun and enjoyment of creating the podcast and sharing where authentic power exists in life.

Rule for Life #2: Setting morning intentions or praying by a schedule (490)

Photo by Daria Obymaha

Rituals infuse our daily lives with meaning and purpose. A structured routine of setting intentions or praying each morning sets the tone for the day ahead. It instills a sense of focus and aligns our energy with our goals. Committing to this practice consistently creates a sacred space for reflection and self-connection that can significantly impact our mindset and productivity throughout the day.

Continuously practicing morning intentions or prayers cultivates a disciplined mind and a deliberate disposition toward life’s many challenges. This is a simple, yet powerful rule for life to consider.

It acts as a mental anchor, rooting us in our chosen values and aspirations before the day’s distractions and pressures exert influence.

This ritualistic centering and grounding can sharpen our mental clarity and emotional resilience, providing the inner calm to approach the day’s tasks with poise and purpose.

Integrating this personalized rule for life into our daily routine offers tranquility amid the chaos, enabling us to be conscious of our motivations and actions.

Through this sustained engagement with our inner selves, we can enhance our self-awareness, foster personal growth, and navigate life’s unpredictabilities with a greater sense of intention and grace.

According to, setting morning intentions or praying by a schedule—For example, deciding to pray every morning and before bed – and following the schedule without forgetting calibrates at 490 on the Map of Consciousness®. 

This is a simple “no-brainer” for me while lying in bed in the morning. It’s easy for me to take 5 minutes at most to set broad intentions for my life in general and specific intentions for my day.

I highly recommend it!

This high-powered attractor field in consciousness (490) will “shore up” your energy field to keep you focused, productive, and moving in a “True North” direction. 

3 Keys to Discovering and Living Your Life Purpose

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Rule for Life #3: Decision-making based on consciousness calibrations (599)

Photo by Google DeepMind

Using consciousness calibrations to inform our decisions is like having a GPS for the soul.

These calibrations provide insight into the energy and potential impact of our choices.

They encourage us to select paths that resonate with higher levels of awareness and empowerment. This rule guides us toward decisions that benefit us and contribute positively to the collective consciousness.

When we make decisions based on consciousness calibrations, we engage in a higher level of consciousness and enlightened paths of introspection and self-examination. We examine the immediate results of our choices and their longer-term reverberations on our character and the world around us.

By attuning to such calibrations, we distinguish choices that promote growth, peace, and connection from those that foster negativity or discord.

This mindful approach encourages us to consider our actions’ ethical dimensions and act in ways that reflect our most profound principles and values. It’s a practice that calls for continual learning and adjusting as we aim to align our actions with a sense of purpose that transcends our immediate desires.

Over time, this disciplined attention to the quality of our consciousness can lead to a more harmonious and fulfilling existence, fostering a legacy that is both personally satisfying and beneficial to others.

According to, “Using consciousness calibration for decision-making” calibrates at 599 on the Map of Consciousness®.
You’ll not find a higher method.

Here’s why…There are no decisions to be made over 600!?! 600 is the gateway to enlightened states of being.

This is one of my top 12 rules for life and will likely stay on my list for years to come!

*Neale Donald Walsch Presents The 3 Life Secrets to Ending the Struggle and Making Your Life Work’. If the struggle is real for you then discover how to live a stress-free life, be who you really are, and  and go with the flow. Learn how to end your struggles with money, relationships, and health. If you already feel joyful and fulfilled…then go no further.

End Your Struggle Now – at No Charge here.

*According to, Neale Donald Walsch is a spiritual teacher of higher consciousness. (No surprise there!) His Conversations with God Books and movie are of higher consciousness as well. It’s no wonder he’s one of our consciously curated teachers.

My 2024 Rule for Life #4: Reading the consciousness calibrations database every week. (530)

Photo by Jeremy Bishop

Engaging regularly with the consciousness calibrations database is a way to deepen our understanding of the various energies that influence our lives.

Reading it weekly keeps us attuned to these subtle energies, fostering an awareness that helps us recognize and align with more empowering states of being. (Check out my 1001 Ways of Being of Higher Consciousness podcast playlists here.)

This practice can uplift our spirits and sharpen our intuition, greatly enhancing our personal growth.

I liken it to a grounding practice to keep me firmly rooted in the context of authentic power and truth in consciousness, based on a proven scale of human consciousness. Such grounding is particularly beneficial in an era of rapid change and information overload.

Returning regularly to the consciousness calibrations database reminds us of where true power and constructive energy reside beyond the noise and turbulence of daily life.

This disciplined reconnection to higher states of consciousness serves our personal development. It equips us to make more enlightened contributions to the world, ensuring our actions are informed by wisdom and compassion.

According to, reading the consciousness calibrations database regularly calibrate at 530 on the Map of Consciousness® and the Map of Spiritual Progress.

“I find regularly reading the Consciousness Calibrations Database gives one a positive feeling and relieves anxiety. What does this activity calibrate at?” — Community Member

This has been one of my rules for life for a few years now. I highly recommend subscribing to It’s free for about 75% of calibrations. There’s a paid subscription option (that I gladly choose) for more calibration access and the ability to request calibrations.

My 12 Rules for Life #5 in 2024: Going neutral on everything (250)

Photo by Nadi Lindsay

Adopting neutrality allows us to observe life without excessive emotional attachment. This doesn’t mean becoming indifferent or uncaring but rather maintaining a balanced perspective in the face of life’s ups and downs.

By going neutral, we avoid getting swept away by the drama of our circumstances, which frees us to respond with greater wisdom and equanimity.

Embracing neutrality means letting go of rigid stances, the urge to prove others wrong, and the compulsion to validate our viewpoints. It’s about accepting people and situations as they are, recognizing that “it is what it is” represents the truth of any given moment.

Crucially, while acknowledging this truth, we do so without fostering resentment; instead, we affirm the reality with a sense of acceptance.

Settling into this neutral space, approximated here as “the powerful pool of 250,” on The Map of Spiritual Progress allows us to cultivate inner peace and a serene energy that can transform our interactions and perspective on life’s challenges.

Neutral energy is a form of inner peace.

Adopting a stance of neutrality involves stepping back from intense emotional reactions and maintaining a poised view of our experiences.

This approach doesn’t equate to apathy or detachment; instead, it’s about achieving a balance that allows us to experience life’s fluctuations without becoming overwhelmed.

By choosing neutrality, particularly in response to provocation or contentious issues (our “button pushers”), we enable ourselves to act with increased wisdom and calmness.

I frequently advise “newbies” consciousness calibrations to embrace NEUTRALITY as a rule for life for many reasons. It, too, is a powerplay in consciousness that’s truly freeing and creates inner peace.

Discover 1001 Ways to Higher Consciousness – Why Neutral is My #1 “Go-To” Way of Being

My 12 Rules for Life #6:  Accepting that we are all doing our best in every moment of every day. (500)

Photo by Anna Urlapova

This rule for life cultivates compassion and understanding for ourselves and others. It acknowledges that everyone, including us, is navigating their own challenges and learning from their experiences. When we accept that we’re all doing our best, we release harsh judgments and create space for forgiveness and grace in our interactions.

When I remind myself of the calibration of the statement: “Everyone is doing the best they can,” according to, calibrates at (500) on the Map of Spiritual Progress, I immediately feel the shift in my energy. It’s like I’m suddenly pointing towards my “True North”.

Accepting that each person is doing their best, based on their level of consciousness, experiences, and circumstances, opens the door to a more empathetic and patient way of relating to one another.

At a calibration level of 500, associated with love, this view encourages an atmosphere where individuals feel supported and understood rather than judged or dismissed.

This understanding can profoundly influence our sense of connectedness and contribute to a more compassionate community.

Through this lens, we can appreciate the complexity of human behavior and motivations, leading us to a more nuanced and forgiving approach to social interactions. It fosters personal accountability and mutual respect, where every individual’s efforts are acknowledged as part of a collective striving toward growth and self-improvement.

My 12 Rules for Life #7:  I choose self-responsibility for all aspects of my life (300)

Photo by KoolShooters

Embracing self-responsibility means recognizing that we are the authors of our lives.

It empowers us to take charge of our actions and their outcomes.

By acknowledging our role in shaping our reality, we become proactive agents of change rather than passive bystanders. This rule encourages ownership of our journey and accountability for our well-being.

Embracing self-responsibility inherently includes the willingness to let go of blaming others for our life’s circumstances.

Blaming can be a form of abdication of our power, limiting our ability to effect change in our lives. By adopting a mindset of self-responsibility, we acknowledge that while we may not control every event that happens to us, we have the agency to choose our responses.

This involves introspection and identifying how our actions, decisions, and attitudes contribute to our current situation.

It moves us away from a victim mentality and towards a place of empowerment where we realize the potential for learning and growth that comes with every life experience.

Releasing blame allows us to move forward with a clearer vision for our future, directing our energy toward personal development and constructive actions rather than dwelling on factors outside our control.

This shift in perspective is crucial for building resilience, fostering personal growth, and creating a life aligned with our values and goals.

According to, self-responsibility, which is the state or fact of being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management, has an all-dimensions calibration of 300 on the Map of Spiritual Progress.

I choose this rule for life because I am aware I need to. There are a few areas of my life that I don’t take responsibility for, and it’s insane that I don’t, but in fairness, I haven’t been able to see this weakness in my foundation for decades!


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List of Rules to Live By #8: I choose to have a good sense of humor (400)

Photo by cottonbro studio

A good sense of humor is a lifeline in turbulent times. According to a good sense of humor calibrates at 400 on the scale of consciousness. It provides a buffer against stress and a means to connect with others through laughter.

Choosing to approach life with fun and laughter makes challenges more bearable and enhances our enjoyment. This rule reminds us not to take ourselves too seriously and to find joy in the journey.

Laughter has long been associated with improved health and well-being. Scientific studies have revealed multiple benefits of laughter, which validate its healing power. Humor and laughter trigger several physiological responses that are beneficial to the body.

Firstly, laughter releases endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can temporarily relieve pain. They are the same chemicals released during physical activity and are associated with a “runner’s high.”

Laughing also leads to decreased stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. This reduction in stress hormones can result in a more relaxed state, lowering the physiological impact of stress on the body. Chronic stress is known to have adverse effects, including weakening the immune system and increasing the risk of heart disease and other health conditions.

Regarding mental health, laughter can help improve mood and increase resilience. It can provide a psychological buffer against despair and may allow people to cope with challenging situations by providing a different perspective.

Socially, laughter and humor can foster connections, enhance social bonds, and improve group dynamics. Shared laughter is a powerful tool for reinforcing relationships and reducing social conflicts.

These findings illustrate the multifaceted nature of laughter’s benefits, combining psychological, social, and physiological advantages. Encouraging moments of humor and laughter in our daily routines can thus serve as a vital aspect of maintaining health and enhancing the quality of life.

Rules for Life #9: I choose healthy  as a potent rule to live by (360)

Photo by SHVETS production

Making health a priority is essential for sustaining our ability to pursue our goals and enjoy life. This rule encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By choosing healthy habits, foods, and thoughts, we support our body’s natural vitality and resilience, enabling us to show up as our best selves in every situation.

But this is easier said than done for many of us.

So, I suggest going at this from a different angle, a new perspective.  That new perspective is understanding first that our individual will do NOT hold a candle to Divine Will and higher consciousness, though the lesser part of us thinks it does.

It is proven in consciousness research that it DOES NOT!

So, what I like to say on my podcast is, “Do the math!”

Now, I understand that being healthy and being at your ideal weight, quitting cigarettes, alcohol or sugar, and doing a little extra exercise can be challenging when you are not.

So, if you struggle with health, choose the powerful attractor field of energy known as “Healthy.”

Instead of getting entangled in your beliefs, programming, and mass (self-serving) marketing around this topic, select it as a preference and allow the field to draw you into it.

Tapping into the field of “Healthy” is akin to setting a powerful intention that resonates through all aspects of one’s life. It’s not just about an absence of disease or adherence to a particular diet; it’s about embracing a holistic vision where our actions, thoughts, and attitudes align with a deeper understanding of well-being.

By choosing “Healthy” as a guiding principle, we allow a dynamic and conducive energy to envelop us, subtly steering us towards choices that serve our well-being. This involves consciously releasing preconceived notions and limiting beliefs about health, making room for a more intuitive and integrated approach.

Surrendering to the energy of “Healthy” opens up a pathway for transformation that doesn’t rely solely on our willpower; instead, it is a gentle but insistent gravitation toward habits and decisions that naturally support our physical, mental, and emotional health.

It does not demand perfection but invites consistency.

Photo by John Finkelstein

As we become more attuned to this field, our environment and daily routines reflect and reinforce our health-oriented mindset, encouraging even small changes that accumulate significant shifts in our overall health trajectory.

This principle harnesses the subtle power of attractor fields, proven in consciousness studies, leveraging the compelling draw of positive, life-affirming energy to guide us toward continuous improvement and holistic health.

This is why I chose the “Healthy ” attractor field as one of my top 12 rules for life in 2024.

In addition, I am willing to accept where I am today, understanding that this is a subtle “Behind the scenes” process in my consciousness.

ACCEPTANCE (350) is a “powerplay” in this effort.

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*According to our consciousness calibrations, mindbodygreen’s Holistic Health Coaching Program calibrates at 360 on the Map of Consciousness® (or 10 to the 360th power), a significant energy level in consciousness research. It is the same energy field as the concept of “healthy). This is what sets us apart at The Mind Body Spirit Network. We vet online courses that are of higher consciousness and trustworthy.

Rule for Life #10: I am willing to accept I am the creator of my own experience (350) and to decide not to be a victim (210)

Photo by Clara Alave

This rule is about embracing empowerment over victimhood. They go hand in hand.

By accepting that we create our experiences through our perceptions and reactions, we reclaim our power to shape our lives.

According to Dr. David R. Hawkins, author of Power vs Force, Truth vs Falsehood, The Map of Consciousness Explained, and numerous advanced spiritual books on the pathway to enlightenment, Acceptance is a gateway to a significant level of higher consciousness.

There aren’t many people in this world that operate at 350 and above on the Map of Consciousness®. It is something to aspire to.

The consciousness level of 350, associated with the energy of acceptance, signifies a profound juncture in the process of self-improvement, as it represents a state where individuals begin to transcend the lower levels of consciousness characterized by negative emotions and victim mentality.

At this stage, there’s a pivotal shift towards greater empowerment and responsibility, where individuals become conscious co-creators of their reality, recognizing that their internal state significantly influences their external experiences and outcomes.

This level of consciousness thus marks a departure from reactivity and passivity, ushering in a phase of active engagement with life where one’s attitudes and choices become the tools for crafting a more intentional and fulfilling existence.

Deciding not to be a victim means refusing to let external circumstances define us and instead choosing to author our story with intention and purpose. The energy of victimhood, which registers below 200 on the Map of Consciousness®, is associated with feelings of powerlessness, blame, and passivity.

Photo by Engin Akyurt:

To fully stand in one’s power, which on the Map of Consciousness® correlates to the level of courage (200) and above, necessitates moving beyond the limiting beliefs and patterns contributing to a victim mindset.

Embracing empowerment requires us to shift from seeing ourselves at the mercy of external events to recognizing our agency in creating and influencing our reality.

This doesn’t mean denying the challenges or injustices one might face but instead choosing a perspective that focuses on the ability to respond proactively and constructively.

In the spirit of this rule for life, stepping into our power involves a conscious choice to let go of the victim story we go running and instead align with the creative and responsible aspect of our nature, acknowledging that our internal state and decisions actively shape our life’s direction and quality.

Rules for Life #11: I choose to inspire and be inspired (390) and (395)

Photo by Jane Pham

Inspiration is a two-way street.

We can be sources of inspiration to others just as we seek inspiration in the world around us.

This rule for life I choose encourages us to live in a way that uplifts and motivates, creating a ripple effect of positivity. At the same time, staying open to being inspired by others and our surroundings keeps our hearts and minds receptive to new ideas and perspectives.

I chose this high-energy attractor field of energy because I like the energy of it. They are both high levels of consciousness that make for a happy (395), healthy (360), wealthy (“worldly success 375), and wisdom-filled life (385).

The interchange of inspiration is a vibrant cycle that enhances human connectivity and innovation.

By choosing the energy field of inspiration and being open to inspiration actively, we position ourselves within a dynamic flow that nurtures our creative instincts and broadens our understanding.

This engagement with inspiration uplifts the spirit and encourages continuous growth and the exploration of new possibilities. It fosters a supportive community where collective aspirations can thrive, driven by the shared energy of encouragement and admiration.

At its core, this rule for life is about perpetuating a culture of positive influence and recognizing the profound impact our actions, words, and attitudes can have on the world around us while maintaining a humble and learning-oriented stance that welcomes the gifts of wisdom others offer.

If you are a creative individual like me, choosing this field will help remove any blocks you may experience with your intentions to inspire and be inspired. It could make your work-life and home life much easier to navigate as you are drawn into its influence.


The active engagement with inspiration as a chosen attractor field facilitates a sense of purpose and direction in our lives. By embodying inspiration, we become conduits for positive change, elevating our experiences and empowering those around us.

Furthermore, allowing ourselves to be inspired by others enriches our lives with diverse thoughts and experiences, fostering a climate of mutual learning and growth where creativity and passion can flourish unimpeded.

Ultimately, living by this rule creates an expansive, shared space for human potential to unfold, where each person’s unique contributions ignite collective transformation and elevate the tapestry of human endeavors.

Now, you aren’t necessarily going to be inspired or inspired right away, especially if you don’t view yourself this way or feel inspired. It’s a new way to approach life and escape your own way.

Let this powerful attractor field of consciousness draw you into its fold and navigate how it will get you there. You don’t have to mentalize and try to figure it out. Let your subconscious mind and Divine Will “do the work” for you.

Thanks to, we know that to inspire calibrates at  390, inspiration calibrates at 395.

Get Help Making Better Choices

I’ve consciously curated resources that calibrate above 200 on the Map of Consciousness® to help you make better choices and align with higher consciousness in your life. Following are renowned spiritual leaders and teachers that can help you.

Rule for Life #12 in 2024: I choose playfulness (380) embodies happiness, wisdom,

Photo by Erik Mclean

Playfulness is not just for children; it’s a state of mind that invites creativity, spontaneity, and joy into our lives. By choosing to incorporate a spirit of play into our daily routine, we tap into an often-neglected source of happiness and wisdom. Playfulness can rejuvenate our spirits and inspire innovative approaches to life’s challenges.

According to “playfulness” calibrates at 380 on the Map of Consciousness®. This is a high-energy, impersonal attractor field in consciousness worth your consideration.

In fact, consider this one too…the energy of “hardworking” is 200.

This is where I say, “Do the math!”

There’s some wisdom to be gleaned from this one! Considering the interplay between playfulness (calibrated at 380) and hard work (calibrated at 200) on the consciousness scale, it is important to understand what each level represents and how they contribute to overall well-being and effectiveness.

A level of 380 on the scale is associated with constructive feelings, such as acceptance and willingness, and is a state where individuals align with creativity, happiness, and inner wisdom.

Playfulness at this level can be seen as an expression of joyfulness and light-heartedness in one’s approach to life and work.

It implies flexibility, an openness to new experiences, and a creative mindset that welcomes challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. This mode of engagement with the world encourages innovation, adaptability, and a positive outlook, which can tremendously benefit both personally and professionally.

On the other hand, hardworking at 200 represents the threshold level of empowerment, marking the transition from force to power on the consciousness scale. While this level is characterized by courage and the capacity for productive action, it may also involve a more severe and effort-driven approach.

Being hardworking involves dedication, persistence, and a sturdy work ethic, which are undoubtedly valuable in achieving goals and completing tasks.

Photo by Antonius Ferret:

However, adopting an overly serious or forceful approach to work without the balance of playfulness can lead to stress, burnout, and a lack of enjoyment in one’s activities. The lighter, more playful energy often sustains motivation and fosters a synergistic environment where work feels less burdensome, and creativity can thrive.

The juxtaposition of these two levels suggests that while being hardworking is essential for accomplishing objectives, integrating an aspect of playfulness can elevate the experience of those efforts. This integration can increase efficiency, a stronger sense of fulfillment, and a more profound connection with the work.

Playfulness allows for a break from rigid structure, inviting spontaneity and joy. It doesn’t detract from the value of working hard but enhances it by infusing tasks with a lively energy that can make the process more enjoyable and the results more gratifying. Balancing the two can lead to a more holistic approach to work and life, where productivity is achieved not at the expense of well-being but in harmony with it.

In practical terms, approaching tasks with a playful mindset doesn’t mean not taking the work seriously but instead taking oneself less seriously while doing the work. This can foster a positive atmosphere that promotes innovation and a willingness to experiment without fear of failure. It can also improve interpersonal dynamics by making collaboration more enjoyable and productive.

In essence, by choosing playfulness as a companion to hard work, we might find that we are not only effective in our endeavors but also find greater joy and satisfaction in doing them, allowing for a richer and more balanced experience of life’s journey.

Conclusion? Create Your 12 Rules for Life in 2024!

Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva

This compilation of 12 rules for life in 2024 is crafted to serve as an example of how guiding principles, based on potent attractor fields in consciousness, can be integrated into daily living to foster personal growth and improve one’s quality of life. Each rule has been chosen for its alignment with higher levels of consciousness and the energy it brings to various aspects of existence—from truth-seeking and decision-making to adopting a spirit of inspiration and playfulness.

These rules are not prescriptive but illustrative, meant to inspire individuals to reflect on their values and how they want to navigate the complex challenges and opportunities of the modern world. The use of consciousness calibrations in defining these rules is rooted in the belief that aligning with higher levels of consciousness can profoundly impact our well-being and the way we relate to others and the world around us.

While these 12 rules are shared as a cohesive set, everyone’s journey is unique, and thus, the creation of a personal set of rules is a deeply individual process. These should be shaped by one’s experiences, aspirations, and innermost convictions. Readers are encouraged to explore their own attractor fields that resonate with their journey, crafting a list of life rules that serves as a compass for their personal growth and fulfillment.

In doing so, the aim is to create a life that is not only successful by external measures but also rich in inner meaning and harmony, elevating one’s existence to its highest potential. The journey is yours to shape, and these rules are simply a starting point for envisioning and enacting a life that reflects your truest self.

As we reflect on these rules, consider what guiding principles resonate most deeply with you.

Get Started with Your Top 10 List of Rules to Live By

It is of significant higher consciousness to make a list of rules to live by based on consciousness calibrations. Go where authentic power and truth in consciousness reside. Don’t guess. Do the math!

Get instant access to my downloadable;e worksheet that will give you ideas of what it sounds like, looks like, and feels like to choose personalized rules based on the “energy” of things.

And while you are at it, listen to this podcast episode on 1001 Ways to Being of HIgher Consciousness.

*According to, “making a list of rules to live by for oneself” is of higher consciousness. That’s why we’ve added it to our 1001 Ways to Being of Higher Consciousness.

Other Tools & Resources I Mentioned in the Podcast

Harnessing the Power of Fields: A Simple Method for Making Better Choices

Be the Ripple in the Pond: Share Wisdom, Ignite Spirits!

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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