Did You Know That Web Pages with a Video Convert at 60%-80% Greater?
Discover why I consider a simple video marketing strategy #6 on our Online Marketing Checklist and a "No Brainer!" if you hope to get better ROI from your website or any type of paid ad strategy.
Afraid of Creating a Video?

We help you get comfortable with video marketing in a simple, strategic way!
Part of our membership* set-up includes a recorded Zoom video interview, all about you and your business, with Liz Gracia, Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network.
Not only will we use the video on your member listing page, but we'll post it to our High Vibe Tribe page on the website, on our YouTube High Vibe Tribe playlist and Facebook video playlist.
This will be another KEY piece of (3rd party validation/recommendation) content in our social media and video marketing strategy for your business.
*NOT available to “Grasshopper” level membership.

Are you active in social media?
If not, we have an ongoing social media posting strategy to drive traffic to our High Vibe Tribe Video Channel across all social media platforms.
Benefit from the consistent exposure to key areas of our community website intended to give you far more visibility and website traffic than trying to go it alone on your own website.
We share your video interview in all of our social media channels including:
LinkedIn and
Are You a Mind Body Spirit Transformation Professional with Online Overwhelm?
Treat yourself to a little TLC and find out how you can reimagine, uplevel and leverage your online marketing efforts within the context of a powerful online community of conscious contributors. Schedule a FREE online marketing consultation now and get a better idea about our simple video marketing strategy to get you outta' the gate!
What Our Members Are Saying:
Certified Medical Intuitive, Holly Scalmanini says,
“I began working with Liz in December of 2016.
When I thought of the possibilities that Liz could bring to my business, I was both excited and terrified. I could see the potential for me to become busy, but I had a lack of confidence in myself and my abilities.
Liz was very supportive of me. She recommended the book Power Vs Force by David Hawkins. This was very helpful to me. Slowly I felt myself begin to open up and relax. I began to take myself less seriously which helped me to let go.
Through this process I began to feel more confident. As I did this, I became busier. It took about 4 months before things became really busy for me and at that point, I felt ready.”
Spiritual Medium & Healer, Cheryl Murphy
“When I was ready to take my business to the next level, I asked the universe for a marketing angel to help me. Within the next few days, I met Liz Gracia, founder of TMBSN. We met for coffee a few days later to discuss the potential of Liz becoming my website designer.
Liz really listened to my concerns and ideas about where I wanted to take my business.
My business continues to grow and thanks to Liz help, reaches broader audiences.
My level of joy and confidence has increased working with Liz. She brought my business up to date with the latest marketing strategies on social media and graphic designs.
My business continues to grow and thanks to Liz help, reaches broader audiences.
My level of joy and confidence has increased working with Liz. She brought my business up to date with the latest marketing strategies on social media and graphic designs.
Don't Ignore a Simple Video Marketing Strategy in Your Mix!
Get some expert insights into a video marketing strategy for your business. Our video marketing "Starter Kit" is included in some membership packages.
Become a Member Today!
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