Stoke the fire burning within you to create a fulfilling & adventurous life!
Are you noticing that what worked for you at an earlier age isn’t bringing you the sense of fulfillment you’re now seeking?
Many of us are struggling to reconcile the fire we feel inside with our culture’s perception that we’ve passed our peak.
According to women’s spiritual empowerment teacher Sabrina Chaw, it’s not about “acquiescing to time”; it’s about ushering in your next creative, engaging, fulfilling adventure.
On Saturday, September 15, Sabrina will show you how to access five gateways to help you renew your life and reinvent yourself in this next phase during a FREE video event for women: Taking Flight in Your Third Act: The 5 Initiatory Gateways to Your Power, Wisdom & Freedom.
Sabrina’s approach to “life after 50” rejects notions of loss, languishing, and contracting instead of expanding. She’s supported thousands of women in embodying the truth and power of their feminine being.
During this liberating video event, you’ll discover ways to:
Reframe and redefine aging so you can EMBRACE the next phase of your life boldly and eagerly
- Release limiting beliefs and toxic ties that prevent you from taking flight
- Harvest your true essence as a woman and a wisdom keeper… to move past regret, feel your deepest desires, and reshape your heart
- Cultivate your inner allies (the Divine, your body, your energy) and your outer allies (your family, your soul tribe, your ancestors, your environment) to create a powerful foundation to launch from
- Access the ultimate mastery you have in the beingness of now — to strengthen your courage and confidence, unleash your wisdom, and meet life head on
- Shift from feeling limited to LIMITLESS so you can step into your sovereignty and soar
More than anything, this is an opportunity for you to discover new portals to your power and freedom so you can come home to deeper joy in this luscious phase of your life.
Register now for Taking Flight in Your Third Act.
Liz Gracia
Founder & Editor in Chief
P.S. Are you ready to launch into an inspiring, fulfilling next act, filled with passion, purpose, connection, and wholeness?
A downloadable recording will be provided later to all who register, whether or not you listen to the scheduled event.
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