The Path to Liberation: Shedding the Weight of Negative Communities- 1001 Ways
Manifestation "How to": Powerful Tools & Resources for All Levels
Are you ready to take better control of your reality? This consciously curated post for "manifestation how to" offers practical tools and techniques for purposefully attracting abundance, success, loving relationships, health and well-being, and happiness into your life. Explore our resources and start creating the life you would consciously choose instead of the mixed bag of results you may create by default.
What Makes The Mind Body Spirit Network Different from Other "Manifest How-to" Resources?
As teachers of consciousness, we care about what you consume and what you put your trust in. We care that you can raise your level of consciousness in any area of your life, progress, step into authentic power, and manifest what you consciously intend. But only some things in the marketplace today, purporting to teach you how to manifest something, are of higher consciousness. This means that if you are consuming something that essentially "holds no truth" (in consciousness) or calibrates below 200 on the scale of consciousness, it will do you no good and keep you stuck in a downward-pulling loop that isn't helpful. It is in fact harmful to your consciousness and can bring you lower into disappointment, resentment, bitterness, anger, depression, and more!
Unfortunately, many famous teachers and teachings of manifestation (see the bottom of this post for a list of teachings or books to avoid and their calibrated levels of consciousness) are of lower consciousness. It's not necessarily intentional. They likely lack this higher level of awareness.
We intend to help steer you clear of lower-level teachings and subject you to teachings objectively calibrated to be of higher consciousness at 200 or above on the scale of consciousness.
Today you will be introduced to the science of consciousness and where the power to manifest what you want exists and how you can align with it.
This is the "Meat of the Matter," so welcome to pioneering teachings based on decades of consciousness research by a world-renowned teacher and spiritual leader Dr. David R. Hawkins, further expanded upon by Liz Gracia, Host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast and Founder & Editor in Chief of this website,
AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER: This site contains affiliate links to products, online events, and tools for personal transformation from esteemed alternative, holistic, and transformational online course producers The Shift Network, Sounds True, Evolving Wisdom, MindValley,, and others. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.
Join Us & Never Miss a Manifestation Beat!
There Are So Many Reasons You May Want to Learn How to Manifest Something You Want...
Here are the Top 10 Reasons people want to learn how to manifest consciously. Like many, we already know how to manifest what we DON'T want!?!
In this article, I'm hoping to help you understand what's going on in consciousness (your own in particular) that may be blocking your efforts to manifest something successfully and what to do about it.
But first, here are the first three areas in life people are most interested in improving:
#1-Abundance & Wealth
It should come as no surprise that most people want to understand manifestation and how-to tools and techniques to attract money and prosperity consciousness into their lives as opposed to lack and not enough.
#2-Loving & Fulfilling Relationships
This can be the real "juice" and meaningfulness in life when you understand how you attract what you do concerning all kinds of relationships. But be aware; you are the attractor field in relationships. If you attract negative relationships, you need to unravel the destructive negativity in your consciousness.
#3 Good Health and Well-Being
In general, it is advisable to be of higher consciousness overall. This means that your level of consciousness needs to be above 200. Another way to put this is that your energy field needs to be positively oriented and constructive. If it's negatively oriented, it's destructive, in general, to the cells of the human body.
Unleash Your Higher Potential for Aligned Manifestation, Self-Healing, Longevity, & Super-Perception
with *Gregg Braden
Human potential pioneer Gregg Braden will share the new science that exposes the limiting beliefs we’ve held about who we are and where we come from
*According to, Human potential pioneer, Gregg Braden calibrates at a significant level of consciousness. . Please take a look at the calibrations here.
Manifest Your Best Life: 7 Powerful Benefits of Conscious Creation
What are the benefits to your life when you begin to consciously create and choose the life you would prefer to align with and manifest? Here are 7 to inspire you.
- 1Increased confidence and belief in yourself: Successfully manifesting something you want increases the feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's abilities or qualities. CONFIDENCE = 275 and is the same energy field as the higher mind.
- 2
Greater sense of control and acceptance: Manifestation can help you feel more in control of your life, as it puts the power to create your reality in your own hands. An even more significant benefit is to step into ACCEPTANCE = 350 that you ARE the CREATOR of your own reality, a considerable level of consciousness in this world.
- 3
Improved well-being: By letting go of the lower and consciously choosing positive aspects of higher consciousness, your ability to manifest will shift. Moreover how you feel will make a significant shift as well. Conscious manifestation can help you cultivate a more positive and optimistic outlook on life, which can, in turn, lead to improved mental and emotional well-being.
- 4
More fulfilling life: Manifesting something you genuinely prefer can bring a sense of fulfillment and purpose to your life, as you work towards achieving your goals and dreams.
- 5
Attracting an abundance mindset: Manifestation can help you attract abundance into your life, whether that means wealth, love, or other forms of abundance. And to align with an abundance mindset is of higher consciousness at 255.
- 6Increased motivation: Having a clear vision of what you want to manifest can provide you with the inspiration and drive you need to take action towards achieving your goals. If you'd like a "high vibe" boost of motivation, I recommend Brendon Buchard's book: The Motivation Manifesto. It is of higher-mind, and calibrates at a significant level of consciousness to help you align.
- 7
Greater clarity and focus: Manifestation requires you to clarify your heart-felt desires and focus your attention on what you truly want, which can help you gain greater clarity and focus in other areas of your life as well. NY Times Bestselling Author, Michael A. Singer has some words of wisdom on this topic here.
Life Visioning Mastery
with *Dr. Michael Beckwith
Embark on a spiritual journey far beyond traditional goal setting & manifestation, and discover what the universe has in store for you with renowned spiritual teacher Dr. Michael Beckwith.
*According to, Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith calibrates at a significant level of consciousness as a spiritual teacher. Please take a look at the calibrations here.
#1: What Does It Take to Manifest Money, Abundance, and Wealth?
That's the million-dollar question. Yet so many of us still seek the manifestation how to answer. So there are more than enough resources out there that calibrate at high levels of consciousness to help us all.
But there are also many popular resources and "Gurus" on the subject whose teachings or books calibrated at low levels of consciousness that are not helpful. So they keep you stuck in a low vibe, disappointing loop.
So how can you know what to trust? Well, it can be challenging, as many "gurus" out there have high self-esteem (which is a "good thing"), yet they lack higher mind awareness and understanding of the truth of things and the content that they teach.
So how can you manifest money, abundance, and wealth? You'll need to take an inner journey and be willing to look at the truth of what's spinning around within your consciousness.
And this is what I am here to help you do as I, too, am on a similar journey to accepting and owning my innate power and letting go of the resistance to worthiness, a greater sense of self and self-worth.
And according to consciousness research, your income, financial resources, abundance, and wealth are all connected to your self-worth and sense of self. Like me, this could be a "hidden determinant" in your conscious or subconscious.
So you're thinking, "Well, great! What can I do about this? I don't want to spend a lifetime in psychotherapy!?!"
I have spent decades of my life unraveling lower consciousness to some extent, but I thought there has to be a better way to manifest what I would consciously choose, but how?
With this in mind, I would like to introduce you to The Emotion Code...
Discover *The Emotion Code
Discover a powerful, proven approach to energy healing to release trapped emotions, resolve underlying imbalances, and identify and remove stuck emotional energies related to any type of life situation including blocks to abundance, fulfilling relationships, health, well-being, and success.
*According to, The Emotion Code calibrates at a significant level of consciousness. It's a powerful and trustworthy tool to get started with manifestation how to. Please take a look at the calibrations here.
Get the Scoop on My Experience of The Emotion Code for Removing Blocks to Manifestation
When I discovered that The Emotion Code's consciousness level is significant, I knew I had to learn more about it and hire a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner to help me remove the blocks to manifesting what I have been struggling with my whole life!
Podcast episode #130
There's a 93% chance you have a heart wall blocking your intention to manifest something you want in life. Taking it down is a good thing! But how?
Podcast Episode #116
How would you like to discover a powerful and proven approach to energy healing?
Bonus Blog Post: The Emotion Code Debunked-A Proven Approach to Energy Healing
Let’s debunk The Emotion Code®, an energy healing technique that aims to help people release negative emotions and physical pain. While some proponents of this method laud its effectiveness, others have raised concerns about its validity and safety. [ READ MORE ]
How About Some "High Vibe" Books on Manifesting Money, Wealth, & Success?
These "GOOD READS" have been calibrated as to their level of consciousness. Anything above 200 on the scale of human consciousness is perfect for your intent to align with abundance, wealth, and success. Just because a calibration is higher than another DOES NOT make it "Better!" It's just a different energy. Please go with how you feel. These book calibrations can be found on my favorite website for objective, clinically removed calibrations: *
You can also look for other books you may have been considering on * to see if they have been calibrated yet.
Title | Author | calibration |
Ken Honda | ||
Robert Kiyosaki | ||
Dr. David R. Hawkins | ||
Jack Canfield | ||
James Clear | ||
Stephen Covey | ||
Joe Vitale | ||
Mike Dooley | 260 |
*I have no financial interest in recommending You can subscribe for free and access approimately 75% of the calibrations. The other 25% requires a small paid subscription.
Living from a Place of Surrender
with *Michael A. Singer, NY Times Bestselling Author of The Untethered Soul
Embark on a spiritual journey far beyond traditional goal setting & manifestation, and discover what the universe has in store for you with renowned spiritual teacher Dr. Michael Beckwith.
*According to, Michael A Singer's books, that his bestselling course is based on calibrate at a significant level of consciousness. .Please take a look at the calibrations here AND here.
#2: What Does It Take to Manifest Loving & Fulfilling Relationships?
First, It takes self-awareness in general and the willingness to accept that you are the creator of your own experience. This is a high level of consciousness to understand. If you are unwilling to accept this, you have some internal work to do!?! But I've curated some influential and trustworthy resources to get you on track toward manifesting more loving and fulfilling relationships.
To get you started, I recommend the following video posts from Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness podcast and videocast so that you understand the levels of consciousness required for manifesting:
Acceptance is a Powerplay in Consciousness... and The Power of Intention and Willingness Defined: Why It's a Powerplay in Consciousness
According to my understanding of consciousness, the significant obstacles to manifesting what you want are internal. They are the suppressed and repressed emotions that have created a lifetime of experiences and beliefs that have contributed to your ability to manifest what you consciously intended or did not.
With this in mind, I would like to introduce you to The Emotion Code (see above) and a spiritually advanced book by Dr. David R. Hawkins called Letting Go, The Pathway to Surrender...
First, It takes self-awareness in general and the willingness to accept that you are the creator of your own experience. This is a high level of consciousness to understand. If you are unwilling to accept this, you have some internal work to do!?! But I've curated some influential and trustworthy resources to get you on track toward manifesting more loving and fulfilling relationships.
Michael A. Singer, Bestselling Author of The Untethered Soul, teaches about Harmony in Relationships in his bestselling online course, Living from a Place of Surrender, The Untethered Soul in Action.
To get you started, I recommend the following video posts from Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness podcast and videocast so that you understand the levels of consciousness required for manifesting:
Acceptance is a Powerplay in Consciousness... and The Power of Intention and Willingness Defined: Why It's a Powerplay in Consciousness
According to my understanding of consciousness, the significant obstacles to manifesting what you want are internal. They are the suppressed and repressed emotions that have created a lifetime of experiences and beliefs that have contributed to your ability to manifest what you consciously intended or did not.
With this in mind, I would like to introduce you to The Emotion Code (see above) and a spiritually advanced book by Dr. David R. Hawkins called Letting Go, The Pathway to Surrender...
Are You Ready to Remove Your Blocks to Fulfilling Relationships?
Meet Relationship Specialists
These vetted instructors intend to help you manifest relationships that are loving, fulfilling, and meaningful to your life.
Sheryl Paul, M.A.
teacher of: how to have the greatest relationship of your life
Monica Parikh
teacher of: 28 days to attracting your best relationship
John Kim, LMFT
teacher of: how to attract your soulmate & discover your life's purpose
Rich Roll
teacher of: How to build a conscious relationship with Julie Piatt & rich roll
Our Best Curated Articles on Relationships
If you intend to manifest love and fulfilling relationships, then it may be helpful to get some professional and experienced insights on the topic of relationships. So here are some helpful ones from our partners at mindbodygreen.
The No. 1 Mistake People Make When Getting Over an Ex
Loss is never easy, and the loss of a relationship is one of the most painful experiences we can endure. As I explain and teach in depth in my mindbodygreen breakup course, the pain around breakups is rarely about only the breakup itself.
This Belief Is Wrecking Your Love Life. Here's What To Do About It
Love is often counterintuitive. You may behave in ways that seem "natural" and "normal" but are actually the result of a flawed mindset. For example, too many women adhere to the following dangerous false belief:
"The more I do, the more love I will receive."
This Might Be The Real Reason So Many People Stay In Unhappy Relationships
We talk a lot about how hard breakups are for the dumpee. But what about the dumper?
The truth is, breakups are difficult for everyone involved. You typically don't commit to a relationship with the intention of hurting the other person's feelings, but unfortunately sometimes, no matter how much you wanted things to work out, they just don't.
How To Make Every Relationship A Success
Ditch the idea of a "failed relationship" and make each relationship you have one that you can learn and grow from. Watch the video for advice on how to make that shift.
by Rich Roll
How About Some "High Vibe" Books on Building & Attracting Fulfilling Relationships?
These "GOOD READS" have been calibrated as to their level of consciousness. Anything above 200 on the scale of human consciousness is perfect for your intent to align with manifesting love and meaningful relationships in general. Just because a calibration is higher than another DOES NOT make it "Better!" It's just a different energy. Go with how you feel. These book calibrations can be found on my favorite website for objective, clinically removed calibrations: *
You can also look for other books you may have been considering on * to see if they have been calibrated yet.
Title | Author | calibration |
Andrew Sobel | ||
Helen LaKelly Hunt | ||
William Weil | ||
Rollo May | ||
Robert Holden | ||
Eric Berne | ||
Barry Long | ||
Marnia Robinson |
*I have no financial interest in recommending You can subscribe for free and access approimately 75% of the calibrations. The other 25% requires a small paid subscription.
Eckhart Tolle, Creator of Conscious Manifestation
What Is Conscious Manifestation?
Eckhart teaches how to create from the depths of Being, empowered by the creative intelligence of the universe.
One of the keys to conscious manifestation is to be anchored in “Presence”—the feeling of “I am” and our only true source of fulfillment. When we are connected with Presence, we create from a place of joy, appreciation, and sufficiency.
Conscious Manifestation differs from manifesting from the ego in some very important ways…
*According to, Eckhart Tolle teaches and has a social impact at a significant level of consciousness. .Please take a look at the calibration here.
There Are So Many Reasons You May Want to Learn How to Manifest Something You Want...
Here are the next 3 of the Top 10 Reasons people want to learn how to manifest consciously.
#4-Acheive Goals & Aspirations
First of all, having a purpose or goals in life is of higher consciousness in general (350).
So for a little manifestation "how to" I recommend starting a goal-setting or journaling practice. This too calibrates at 350. Meeting goals builds on itself so that you can successfully continue to manifest what you want and keep track of what worked and what didn't.
#5-Enhance Creativity
To become a successful commercial or gallery artist, you must practice aligning with that and consciously choosing it. In "choosing it," the steps to it will start "showing up" in your experience to guide you and bring you along.
A "high vibe" book on this topic I highly recommend is, "The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity" by Julia Cameron (390)
#6- Increase Confidence and Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is a significant factor in financial abundance and success. Successfully manifesting something you want can boost your self-confidence and help you develop a stronger sense of self and build on that.
It's so interesting to understand self-esteem from a consciousness point of view. I recommend this video How Self-Esteem is Power in This World by Brian Gibbs, Founder of
Build Productive Manifestation Habits
Explore consciously curated freebies from renowned spiritual teachers of manifestation how to practices. Some of our teachers include Dr. Michael Beckwith, Eckhart Tolle, Ken Honda, Dr. Jean Houston, Dawson Church, Scholar Stephen Cope, and Wealth Consciousness Coach Sarah Crum.
Discover a Way to Manifest Personal or Professional Goals Quickly
For the individual in search of activating their mind's full potential...
You may have been told that the answers you seek are waiting inside you. But how exactly do you access them?
As you’re about to discover, the answer is in accessing altered states of consciousness that everyone is born with - but few know how to access at will.
This priceless skill is what you gain through The Silva Method: one of the most acclaimed, enduring, and scientifically proven approaches to mind empowerment on the planet. It is also a path to the manifestation how to skills development.
*According to, The Silva Method calibrates at a significant level of consciousness. .Please take a look at the calibration here.
There Are So Many Reasons You May Want to Learn How to Manifest Something You Want...
Here are the next 4 of the Top 10 Reasons people want to learn how to manifest consciously.
#7-Overcome Limiting Beliefs & Negative Thought Patterns
So it may make sense to learn how to let go of limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns first if you have not been successful at manifesting something.
A simple way to start is with The Emotion Code, which I introduced you to above. You will likely make significant progress starting here, especially if you've been struggling for years in your manifest how to efforts.
#8-Manifest Your Ideal Career or Job
Manifesting an ideal job or career may necessitate continual learning and willingness to improve, in addition to actual experience. People that are masterful (450) in life and in pursuit of excellence (460) in all that they do are focused and conscious of their choices, goals, and outcomes.
#9- Manifest Your Dream Home or Living Situation
This goes hand in hand with abundance, money, and wealth. But, there are many pathways to this beyond the actual doing or creating something yourself. I have successfully manifested my dream home(s) or living situations by simply writing down my detailed preferences for that home. They (essentially) keep showing up for me until my head or resistance to "what is" gets in the way of things.
#10- Gain a Deeper Understanding of the Law of Attraction & Its Workings
The law of attraction generally is of higher consciousness (210), but of the lower mind (less than 275). This doesn't make it "bad", but susceptible to lower consciousness, which can lead to disappointment, resentment, anger, and foolish pride. As a teacher of consciousness, I feel like you will have more success at manifesting money, abundance, relationships, jobs, and all that you could hope for and intend in life if you become acquainted with higher levels of consciousness and the land of the higher mind (275 and above)
Go Deeper Into the Truth About Manifestation
Keep up with the most relevant articles, videos, or podcasts on manifestation and understanding the attractor fields in consciousness you want to align with and those you want to avoid.
Discover 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Quantum Powers
with Dr. Jean Houston
According to Dr. Jean Houston, once you know the specific techniques for expanding time in your own life, and how to boost your energy, manifest something, and accomplish goals, you’ll be able to use them to turn 1 hour into two or three hours of joyful productivity! This is quantum power.
This may sound like something out of a sci-fi film but I can assure you it’s a proven process discovered and heavily researched for decades by a leading luminary in the Human Potential movement, Dr. Jean Houston.
Deepak Chopra called Jean “The most important person alive in the world today when it comes to human and social potential” and with good reason.
About Your Consciousness Teacher
Are you ready to unlock the power of conscious manifestation and create your desired life? Meet Liz Gracia, a spiritual teacher of consciousness and the host of the Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness podcast.
With over 20 years of experience in spirituality and personal growth, Liz has developed a unique approach to conscious manifestation grounded in practical tools and techniques.
As the founder and editor-in-chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network, she has helped countless individuals illuminate their path to conscious manifestation and find greater fulfillment and purpose in life. Through her podcast teachings and guidance, Liz can help you tap into the power of love, your mind, your intent, your willingness, acceptance, and conscious choice to attract positive outcomes and manifest your intended life.
Whether you're new to the practice of manifestation or a seasoned pro, Liz has the knowledge, experience, and passion to guide you on your journey toward conscious living and abundance.
My 5 Most Recent Podcasts