The Enneagram Global Summit 2020- Ennegram Types, What’s Yours?

2021-11-16T17:08:24-06:00November 23rd, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

The Enneagram Global Summit 2020: Uncover the manifold gifts of your Enneagram Personality Type. Mend personal & relationship wounds through 9 essential pathways to self-understanding. Discover how to break free of your unconscious [...]

Day 3: Releasing Suppressed Emotions- Radical Remission Summit

2020-04-13T10:39:33-06:00March 8th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Discover Day 3 of the Hay House Radical Remission Summit-Releasing Suppressed Emotions and Docuseries Speaker Lineup: 2 Survivors--John Yochanan  and Joe K. (featured in Radical Remission) and 10 contributing experts (see below) [...]

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