QUIZ: Which Spiritual Writings Are of Highest Consciousness?
Welcome to Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness! It is our intention to assist in raising the level of consciousness on the planet to Neutral or 250 on the Map of [...]
Welcome to Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness! It is our intention to assist in raising the level of consciousness on the planet to Neutral or 250 on the Map of [...]
Welcome to Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness! It is our intention to assist in raising the level of consciousness on the planet to Neutral or 250 on the Map of Consciousness®. Simple [...]
Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Quiz: Which is of highest consciousness: Vegetarian Diets Vegan and raw vegan diets, Pescatarian diets, Paleo diets, Ketogenic diets, and what's known as Buddhist vegetarianism What [...]
This week's episode of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness takes a look at the level of consciousness known as REASON. This is the level of the mind, rationality, and reasonableness. The [...]
Here are different topics related to immigration laws of the US and other relevant topics: Legal Immigration, Illegal Immigration, Social Justice, Border Protection Which of these ways of being is of [...]
What is truth and how to tell the truth vs falsehood. In this episode, I discuss levels of consciousness and understanding the objective levels of truth. How can you tell the difference [...]
SUBSCRIBE TO "YOUR WEEKLY DOSE OF HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS" ON YOUTUBE AT TrumpeterOfTruthTV.com Subscribe Here! Do You Believe in God? If So, What's Your [...]
This week's episode of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness is about a Conversations with God Book Review and a True Story about how Conversations with God the book "came" to me [...]
What is a Quantum Spiritual Awakening? Liz Gracia,, Host of "Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness" shares her experience of a spiritual awakening. A true story about the experience of not only [...]
Description of the video: This week's episode of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness is all about the level of consciousness of ACCEPTANCE. I discuss this powerful level of consciousness from the Map [...]