Somatic Therapy Training Resources
What is Somatic Therapy Training? Photo by Ivy Son from Pexels You're likely curious about somatic therapy training and how it differentiates from other types of mental health therapy. [...]
What is Somatic Therapy Training? Photo by Ivy Son from Pexels You're likely curious about somatic therapy training and how it differentiates from other types of mental health therapy. [...]
The Shift Network Presents---Cultivate Self-Love With the 12 Pillars of Breathwork: Embody the Presence & Power of Your Wholeness to Overcome Fear and Realize Self-Acceptance with Jessica Dibb now - August 28th, 2024: [...]
Breathwork Training-Breathe & Live Abundantly with Dr. Judith Kravitz (February – March 31st, 2022): Learn how to transform subconscious blocks with intentional breathing. Discover the connection between how you breathe and your ability [...]
Attend the Breathwork Summit 2021: Learn to calm your nervous system, support respiratory health, and balance your emotions with essential breathing techniques. Use Master Breathwork Training Keys to tone your nervous system & [...]
The Breathwork Training Summit March 23-27, 2020: Connect to the Immediate Power of Conscious Breathing to Optimize Your Health and Let Your Breathwork Carry You into Sublime Relaxation and Optimal Vitality REGISTER [...]