Are You Stuck in a Rut?
Release stuck emotions & unmask vulnerabilities through ‘sounding’ your voice.
Imagine using sound healing of the sound of your voice to get you out of your stuck in a rut-ness and transmute painful emotions into powerful awakenings…
As pioneering voice teacher Chloë Goodchild, explains, “sounding” your voice can help you unmask and breakthrough stuck in a rut emotions and uncomfortable feelings, including anxiety, anger, depression, grief, alienation, and overwhelm…
You can then befriend and transform these feelings, by letting go of emotions far more quickly and effectively than merely talking about them could do.
Discovering how to use your voice as an instrument for healing awakens what Chloë calls your innate impulse to heal and transform, through the most available means of communication you have — your own unique voice.
On Saturday, June 8, 2019 (If you miss the live events, you can still access recordings here ) Chloe will show you how to access and take responsibility for your emotional moods through a meditative vocal sounding of seven distinct musical modes — unique musical scales originating from ancient India — to express yourself with greater clarity and compassion.
You can register here for: Stuck in a Rut? Transform Your Emotions Through Vocal Medicine: Discover 7 Musical Modes to Liberate Self-Expression & Evoke Love
Discover how your voice can help you tune in to the healing wisdom of your feelings and get out of your “stuck in a rut-ness”
In this audibly healing hour-long virtual event, you’ll discover:
our authentic or “naked” voice is a catalyst and compass that enables your soul to unveil and express your true feelings
- Your mind is “made of music” that, when released by sounding your voice, can evoke self-transformation
- The 7 musical modes are vocal medicine inside you that can help you transform negative emotions and letting go into deeper positive feelings
- The musical mode that can help you transform anxiety and overwhelm into calm, clarity, and a lightness of being
- A powerful voice practice to break through self-limiting beliefs and stuck emotions to access your hidden strengths and gifts
You won’t want to miss this opportunity to begin to use your voice to break through layers of defenses and release beneficial energies that have long been trapped, forgotten, or lost.
You’ll begin to realize that your vocal impulse can invoke the energies of love, light, harmonic resonance, and new frequencies within you — ultimately the primordial sounds and the source of who you are.
Liz Gracia
Founder & Editor in Chief
P.S. During Transform Your Emotions Through Vocal Medicine: Discover 7 Musical Modes to Liberate Self-Expression & Evoke Love, you’ll discover that your mind is “made of music” that, when released by sounding your voice, can evoke lasting self-transformation.
This event is free but requires registration. RSVP here.
A downloadable recording will be provided later to all who register, whether or not you listen to the scheduled event.
Check out our High Vibe Tribe TV Interview with Chloe Goodchild here.
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