Do you feel frustrated and stressed because you never seem to get things done on that never ending “To Do List”?
Could be a problem with what’s on your “To Be” List…...
In this webinar we discussion the varying states of consciousness, what they are and how to power up your TO BE list to get that to do list done with a lot more sass in your step and lightness in your heart.
Join The Mind Body Spirit Network and Liz Gracia (in the video above) , Founder, Unwitting Mystic, Healer and Spiritual Teacher of the Map of Consciousness, different states of consciousness and the science of truth, for an uplifting and informative gathering where you will learn specific strategies you can implement immediately to up-level your ability to knock out that “to do list” in a much more joyful and inspired way.
Do You…
- Find yourself overwhelmed with a “to do list” that never seems to end?
- Fuel your to do list with a “forcing” “I’m going to get this done if I have to stay up all night” attitude.
- Lack passion?
- Tends towards procrastination?
In this illuminating presentation, you will gain insight to powerful “ways of being” that can make your “to do list” more:
· Effective
· Efficient and
· Fun
(Once you understand how to super charge your to do list with powerful ways of being as opposed to DOING!)
In this short presentation you will have a greater understanding of THE STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS and where true power exists and why force may continue to get you nowhere (depending on where you are at on the emotional scale of consciousness.)
You will also take away simple tips to clean up your emotional yard and where you need “to BE” on any subject in order to improve conditions in your life.
Please join us!
Join New Mouse Media and founder and transformational leader, inspirational speaker and spiritual teacher of consciousness, Liz Gracia for a lively and informative conversation where you will gain access to an expert in the science of truth and levels of consciousness wherever you may be at in the process.
You will walk away with key understandings and insights to implement right away.
COURAGE is 200 on the Map of Consciousness
Other states of consciousness that calibrate around this power level are:
- 200 Hard Working
- 200 Honest
- 210 Persistent
- 210 Diligent
- 210 Easy Going
- 220 Helpful
- 220 Kind
- 225 Positive
- 240 Open
Remember, the Map of Consciousness is logarithmic and power levels grow exponentially as you move of the Map of Consciousness!
COURAGE = 10 to the 200TH POWER! Courage is the first level where you are now creating and moving in a powerful positive direction. If you are operating below 200, then you are working in a negative attractor field and are creating negatively in you life!!! You need to get to courage on all topics in your life in order to turn things around. You may need help to do so!
Learn more about the level of consciousness of courage in this videocast.
NEUTRAL is 250 on the Map of Consciousness
Other states of consciousness that calibrate around this power level are:
- 245 Modest
- 245 Supportive
- 250 Calm
- 250 Dependable
- 255 Patient
- 255 Genuine
- 255 Stable
- 255 Honorable
Remember, the Map of Consciousness is logarithmic and power levels grow exponentially as you move of the Map of Consciousness!
NEUTRAL = 10 to the 250TH POWER!
Whenever I find myself in a negatively oriented space, I try to remember to bring myself to neutral as there is significant, positively oriented power here!
WILLINGNESS is 310 on the Map of Consciousness
Other states of consciousness that calibrate around this power level are:
- 300 Normal
- 300 Sane
- 305 Balanced
- 305 Ethical
- 305 Fair
- 305 Respectful
- 335 Glad
Remember, the Map of Consciousness is logarithmic and power levels grow exponentially as you move of the Map of Consciousness!
WILLINGNESS = 10 to the 310TH POWER!
ACCEPTANCE is 360 on the Map of Consciousness
Other states of consciousness that calibrate around this power level are:
- 345 Sense of Humor
- 350 Acceptance
- 360 Healthy
- 365 Faithful
Remember, the Map of Consciousness is logarithmic and power levels grow exponentially as you move of the Map of Consciousness!
ACCEPTANCE = 10 to the 350TH POWER! This level is significance as it is at this level that you become aware and are willing to accept that YOU ARE THE CREATOR OF YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE!
Check out “Your Weekly Dose of HIgher Consciousness” videocast all about the higher levels of consciousness here.
REASON is 400 on the Map of Consciousness
Other states of consciousness that calibrate around this power level are:
- 385 Wisdom
- 395 Happy
- 405 Rational
- 400 Reason
- 499 Einstein, Freud, Jung, Newton
Remember, the Map of Consciousness is logarithmic and power levels grow exponentially as you move of the Map of Consciousness!
REASON = 10 to the 400TH POWER!
When you find yourself in a tizzy, it’s a good idea to take a few deep breaths to calm down, then get around someone you know who is always rational and reasonable. This is a significantly powerful state that can resolve things quickly.
LOVE is 500 on the Map of Consciousness
Other states of consciousness that calibrate around this power level are:
- Unconditional Love 540
- Joy 540
- Peace 540
- Compassion 540
Remember, the Map of Consciousness is logarithmic and power levels grow exponentially as you move of the Map of Consciousness!
LOVE = 10 to the 500TH POWER!
The state of consciousness that calibrate at 500 or above are not of this world! It’s a very different state of being and stunningly beautiful. Pure love at this level is unlike anything you will have ever experienced (in everyday-normal) states of consciousness. Trust me, I’ve been here!
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“Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness” Podcast
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