Discover Your Personality Type & Break Free of Your Unconscious Patterns
Are you intrigued by self-inquiry… and the exploration of various methods of self-discovery, from personality quizzes to years of investing in deep personal growth and spiritual study?
Do you feel the weight of the childhood experiences and family patterns that have, until now, shaped your life choices? Are you determined to heal these wounds — to live more authentically, share your unique talents, and help transform our world?
Perhaps you’ve studied different personality systems and uncovered some of the patterns and proclivities that make you, you.
When you’re most in touch with your natural talents, preferences, and desires, and the essence of YOU (which is imprinted in your very DNA, by the way), you’re empowered to fully unleash your genius.
Equipped with this knowledge, you can not only tap into, but also embody your natural gifts.
The neuroscience of personality reveals that certain traits and strengths appear in images of the brain, which shows how innate they are…
From recognizing your most instinctive behaviors… to understanding the influence of your attachment style in your relationships… to being able to glean clues about your destiny, strengths, and communication style from your own facial features… to knowing what colors are most aligned with your soul purpose and best suited for your clothing and home design…
That’s why I’m excited to invite you to join the Personality Typing Summit — where you’ll uncover your unique wisdom path…
… using different systems to love more authentically, do your REAL work in the world, and grow spiritually. It’s an invaluable resource for REALLY understanding yourself and guiding your life.
Free Online Event
Personality Typing Summit
October 15-17, 2019
This event — presented by The Shift Network — will feature more than 20 of today’s leading personality experts, teachers, and practitioners — including Russ Hudson, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Jean Haner, Caroline Casey, Rev. Terri O’Fallon, Kim Barta, Darren Virassammy, Richard Rudd, Arden Reece, Jaiya Ma, Gretchen Rubin, Magick Altman, and others…
… who will be sharing the latest insights and applications of proven systems designed to help you overcome obstacles and recognize your innate strengths, preferences, and talents — powerful methods to integrate and activate deeper healing and growth.
RSVP here for the Personality Typing Summit — at no charge.
Personality Typing Systems & Practices to Uncover Your Unique Gifts
During this groundbreaking 3-day Personality Typing event you’ll discover:
The developmental aspect of personality types and how they grow and change over time
- A meta-view on typologies — how they can help us, and how they can hurt us
- How your LoveStyle™ — your early childhood attachment style — impacts your capacity for intimacy with others
- The strengths-based approach to human development… why it matters and the results it yields for work teams following this approach
- The ancient art of Chinese Face Reading, which shows how to read someone’s personality in the features of their face.
- Your true beauty and inner knowing determined by the Holistic Color Method — and how color can help you express yourself in a meaningful way
- How your brain works specifically around your personality type, and how you can make the most of it
- How to access your archetypal and personality path to passionately express your unique gifts in your personal, professional, and spiritual life
- The five Erotic Blueprint Types… what yours is and how you can use it to create a more fulfilling sex life for you and your partner
- How numerology offers accurate and actionable information about your life’s purpose
… and so much more.
Imagine knowing how to release any patterns or blocks that are keeping you from fully expressing your brilliance… What would this do for your livelihood, your relationships, and your happiness?
Join the Personality Typing Summit, where you’ll have access to today’s leading personality experts, teachers, and practitioners — whose latest insights and applications will expand your understanding your unique gifts, patterns, and talents… as a path to living, loving, and thriving.
RSVP here for the Personality Typing Summit — at no charge.
Liz Gracia
Founder & Host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness
Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…
- Jean Shinoda Bolen will describe how Carl Jung’s Psychological Types help us understand ourselves and others.
- Learn the ancient art of Chinese Face Reading with Jean Haner and discover the top five things that someone’s face reveals about their true nature.
- Terri O’Fallon and Kim Barta will explore the developmental aspect of personality types to help you navigate where you are now, where you’ve been, and where you’re going.
- Identify your areas of grind, greatness, and genius by exploring the strengths-based approach to human development with Darren Virassammy.
- Unlock your higher purpose through the living wisdom hidden in your DNA Gene Keys with Richard Rudd.
- Arden Reece will share her Holistic Color Method and show you how to align light and color with YOUR expression, so you can manifest more joy, clarity, and freedom.
- Become a sex-life superhero by understanding your Erotic Blueprint Type with Jaiya Ma — and claim your own satisfaction and fulfillment.
- Gretchen Rubin will discuss the Four Tendencies framework… and share insights to help you end procrastination, stop burn-out, resolve conflict, and accomplish your goals.
And more!
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