Mind-Body Connection Inspires Intentional Community of Professional Providers

Hi! My name is Liz Gracia and I am the founder of the MindBody Online Directory and intentional community of Mind and Body, Spirit and Health, Sustainability professionals, product and service providers, and green living companies. These professionals and companies share our intentions for promoting preventative healthcare, healthy lifestyles, sustainability, and conscious living.hif

Learn more about the mind body connection from our natural health magazine for conscious living.An Intentional Community is Born!

This mind-body connection community and online directory were initially inspired by my online marketing & web design clients, small business owners, that practice in the fields of mind-body connection, mind and body, spirit, and health. I realized that asking my clients to do what is required for online success was clearly too much, leading to (what I call)  “Online Overwhelm”.

Most small business owners in general, not just mind-body-related companies, do not have the time, interest, and attention to learn all that there is to learn in the online and social media marketing space. If they did, most would have to abandon their professions to dedicate to this.

That said, it can be challenging to find all of the alternative health mind and body wellness, mind-body-spirit related companies that exist out all in one place. This comprehensive online business directory and the blog were formed to address this growing awareness and interest in alternative, holistic and sustainable ways.

In addition to my business experience and connections, I also practice my own awareness (or lack thereof) of sustainability & green living and alternative and holistic preventative health care, and making conscious, healthy lifestyle choices. I also have been uniquely exposed to many alternative approaches to everything, living in the progressive and accepting mind body spirit health-conscious community of the Roaring Fork Valley of Colorado, which includes the ski resort community of Aspen, CO.

The Mind Body Spirit Connection Learning

There is so much interest in the connection between mind and body and raising our levels of consciousness on the planet, I knew the time was ripe to develop this “Intentional Community”. This community will be continuously sharing resources, connections to alternative professionals and companies and our professional member’s expertise (via our online natural health magazine and health blog).

Our online natural health magazine and blogs will cover some of (but not limited to) the following topics:

Alternative Medicine and Holistic Health

Natural & Homeopathic Remedies for Whatever Ails You

Mental Health

Beauty and Personal care

Spirituality & Health

Inspirational Quotes

Organic Farmers and the Locavore Movement

Holistic Vets & Natural Pet Care

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If you are interested in contributing your expertise to our natural health magazine and blogs. Please email me at: Liz@ScoutItOut.Guide. If you are simply interested in learning all that you can on the topics of mind body spirit health, sustainability or conscious and green living….thank you! and tell us more! What topics are of interest to you and how can we improve the content or user experience  of our website? We totally appreciate your input and feedback. Email me here: Liz@ScoutItOut.Guide

Liz Gracia Publisher and Editor in ChiefThe Directory at the Mind Body Spirit Network is an innovative online business directory for mind body spirit health and sustainability-related businesses. It is also an online natural health magazine and multifaceted blog, intending to share valuable tips, latest finds, and expertise from our Intentional Communities directory members. If you are looking for all things MindBody Online, follow us today or subscribe to our Mind Body Buzz Newsletter Here.