Living in a Visioning State in Your 40s, 50s & Beyond with Michael Beckwith Course: Discover LIFE VISIONING and how to live in a visioning state and fulfill your soul’s purpose and your highest purpose. Live from the highest expression of yourself. Step into your life as a visionary and share your unique gifts with the world.

Enjoy at your own convenience for FREE.

Move beyond the limits of visualization to begin living your soul’s purpose…LIFE VISIONING AS your vision.

Have you noticed that The Law of Attraction, affirmations, vision boards, and/or your go-to forms of prayer and meditation, are no longer yielding the “answers” you’re seeking?

If so, you may be ready to move beyond visualization and into living in a life visioning state.

In a life visioning state, you no longer need to “outpicture” your vision — instead, you radiate it because consciousness is guiding you to operate from the highest expression of yourself and your soul’s purpose.

Bestselling author, spiritual teacher, and founder of Agape International Spiritual Center, Michael Bernard Beckwith, will help you move beyond the limits of visualization — to begin living as your vision.

You can reserve your FREE space for Living in a Visioning State in Your 40s, 50s & Beyond: Discover 4 Frequencies of Consciousness to Radiate Your Soul’s Calling here

Step into your life as a visionary. Share your soul’s purpose and your unique gifts with the world with this introductory Michael Beckwith course.

During this uplifting LIFE VISIONING hour with Michael Beckwith, you’ll discover:

  • How to move from the limitations of visualization and the Law of Attraction to live in a visioning state — connected with your soul’s purpose and attuned to the Divine
  • The 4 stages of spiritual growth, development, and unfoldment — Victim, Manifester, Channel, and Being — the characteristics of each stage, and how we move through them
  • Why you may be ideally positioned at this stage to experience your life as a visionary
  • Why visualization may not work for you — and how to live in a visioning state

How to integrate ALL that is, as it is (without shame or blame), in moving toward your vision to truly live in a visioning state

A powerful practice in which Michael will guide you to begin connecting with the visioning state and the gifts straining to emerge your soul’s purpose through you.

One of Michael’s gifts is helping us remember that we’re each a unique expression of infinite potential, so do join us for this inspiring FREE event in which he’ll share some of his latest teachings on moving beyond visualization into living in a visioning state.

It’s free, and available at your convenience, but you must register here to receive access details.

Liz Gracia
Founder & Editor in Chief

P.S. During Living in a Visioning State in Your 40s, 50s & Beyond, an introduction to Michael Beckwith courses, you’ll discover the lessons, blessings, and gifts hidden in the four frequencies of your spiritual development — so you can truly live in a life visioning state with your soul’s purpose.

This life visioning event with Michael Beckwith is free but requires registration. RSVP here.

About the Teacher Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith

Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith is the founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center, a trans-denominational spiritual community with a congregation of over 9,000 members. He has appeared on Dr. OzThe Oprah ShowLarry King Live, and in his own PBS Special, The Answer Is You, spreading his message to millions of people. He also participated alongside the Dalai Lama and other New Thought Ministers in The Synthesis Dialogues.

Dr. Michael Beckwith is the creator of the Life Visioning Process, online course, which he teaches all over the globe through his books and seminars. At its core, the life visioning process is a way to fully embrace your connection to the Divine and let the universe serve the world through you as your soul’s purpose.

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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