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Explore Inka Nature Wisdom of the Q’ero with Elizabeth Jenkins
The Shift Network Presents : Explore Inka Nature Wisdom of the Q’ero with Elizabeth Jenkins now - September 4th, 2024: In this illuminating one-hour online event, you’ll connect to nature and: Discover that you were born with FOUR parents — your birth parents and your unique nature parents[...]
Harness the Healing Power of Trees & Plant Medicine
The Shift Network Presents: Harness the Healing Power of Trees & Plants: Enjoy Healing Oils, Honeys & Liqueurs for Life-Long Medicinal Crafting with medical herbalist Chanchal Cabrera (available now through September 2024), you’ll: Discover how to macerate, strain, and label herbal remedies Infuse evergreen tops to create oils, honeys, or[...]
Cultivate Self-Love With the 12 Pillars of Breathwork
The Shift Network Presents---Cultivate Self-Love With the 12 Pillars of Breathwork: Embody the Presence & Power of Your Wholeness to Overcome Fear and Realize Self-Acceptance with Jessica Dibb now - August 28th, 2024: Understand how conscious breathing through breathwork can enhance your physiological, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual states.[...]
Let Go of Stress You Hold in Your Body with Somatic Pandiculation Technique
The Shift Network Presents Release Stuck Trauma & Tension With Somatic Movement & Pandiculation: Reset Your Stress Reflexes for Greater Comfort & Ease in Your Body with Martha Peterson (now through August 13th, 2024): Explore the power of pandiculation to reset your nervous system. Through pandiculation and somatic movement, let[...]
Explore Synchronicity in Your Life & Signs in Your Dreams
The Shift Network Presents: Experience the Magic of Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities in Your Dreaming & Waking Life: Learn to Enter the Imaginal Realm for Guidance, Inspiration & Healing with Dream Shaman Robert Moss (now - August 8th, 2024): Explore synchronicity in your life & signs in your[...]