Is Your Love Relationship Healthy?

Is There a Simple Love Compatibility Test for Couples?

You have relationship questions, and those simple love compatibility tests for couples are fun to take, but do they accurately answer your relationship questions? Or for that matter, assist you in understanding your relationship foundations?

What if there’s a way to find out the real truth behind your relationships?  The good news is we all have a “destiny blueprint” which illuminates every area of our life! Many secrets from ancient times were “hidden” with symbols to preserve the integrity of esoteric knowledge.  The destiny cards originated from ancient Egyptian mystery schools and was made public in the late 1800’s.  Your destiny blueprint connects your birthday, astrology, and numerology to the playing cards in the deck.

Discover Your Relationship Compatibility & Destiny in a 60 Minute 

Destiny Card Reading!
only $150

Are you destined to be together?

Discover your past life connections with your Compatibility Test for couples and Love in a Destiny Card Reading and Report.

The influences with astrology tell you if Venus will pull you together or if Pluto will tear you apart.  Your Destiny Love Cards are a MUST HAVE to navigate any and all relationships.

Common Relationship Questions Include:

  • Have you met your soul mate?
  • When is the best time to get married?
  • Should I stay in this relationship?
  • When will I find love?

Your intuitive destiny reading answers all of your compatibility and relationship questions with great accuracy.

It’s all in the cards!

Once you make a payment of $150 on Paypal, you will be redirected to Dana’s scheduling calendar to schedule your love & relationship compatibility Destiny Card Reading.

Discover Your Relationship Compatibility with This Simple Guide.

Through the calculations of your birthdays, your personalized relationship destiny reading and love compatibility report provides an accurate in-depth relationship analysis.  Understanding your “relationship destiny” connections goes a long way toward building loving and healthy relationships.

Your intuitive destiny card relationship reading looks at your relationship compatibility (for couples)  on a much deeper level to answer all of your relationship questions.  It reveals your love connections through the lens of your destiny cards by pinpointing the dynamics of your relationships.  Often times we are drawn to someone because we have “unfinished business” and these attractions can bring out the very best and/or worst in us!

Knowing your destiny card connections serves as a valuable resource to help you understand the nature of any relationship or compatibility,  whether its family, friends, lovers or work associates. You begin to see your relationship in a new light when you apply the knowledge of your destiny cards.  You are better able to understand the deeper patterns that are at play.  You will learn what influences your relationship, how compatible you are, as well as challenges and personality conflicts you may encounter.  After all, relationships are our strongest mirror for personal growth and transformation, which I affectionately call “the final frontier”.   If you are privy to what the challenges are in your relationships you can then navigate through them with conscious awareness.  When you build a strong relationship foundation based on understanding, you have a much better chance of success.

Once you make a payment of $150 on Paypal, you will be redirected to Dana’s scheduling calendar to schedule your Destiny Card Reading.

Is Your Love Relationship Healthy?

Your love connections (and love compatibility test for couples)  are based on your unique planetary influences which are explained in detail with your personal destiny love card reading.  Have you ever been drawn to someone instantly and felt like you’ve known them for years?  Most likely you have reconnected to resolve something from past lifetimes.

It’s fascinating to learn your destiny connections and discover if you are a match made in heaven or if it’s a catalyst for more growth opportunities.  We may have a history of drawing in the same kind of relationship until we break those patterns which attract us to the same kind of person.   You know, the same story different actor.  There is so much to look for when we go down the destiny “rabbit hole”.

The Venus connections represent the “love glue” and are highly favorable to see in your destiny profile. This would behelpful to understand in regards to compatibility with another in any type of relationship, not just romantic.

These influences have a familiarity with them where you feel like you’ve known this person all of your life. The spiritual Venus connection indicates an undying love and/or love-at-first-sight quality.  The lifetime Venus connection is where we work out the karma.  Some combinations may seem like “soulmates”, but may not be the best for day-in-day-out living situations.  It would be fair to say, it’s simply not in the cards

Once you make a payment of $150 on Paypal, you will be redirected to Dana’s scheduling calendar to schedule your Destiny Card Reading.

Jupiter connections are fortunate bringing many blessings and good luck.  This is a positive influence for couples as well as for business and financial success.  If you are on the receiving end of this good fortune, you need to be aware of being open to receiving, otherwise, you are not operating with the true flow of your relationship connection.  There is an unpredictable quality if you have a Uranus connection, and it’s best not to have any expectations.

Mars connections have a passionate intensity and are great for physical activity and, of course, sex. They have a competitive edge and can also be good for business relationships.  Saturn and Pluto connections are very sobering as well as transformational with life lessons to be learned (which is not necessarily a “bad” thing).  Your destiny reading will help give you the best way to handle difficult reltionships and connections so you don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

Planetary matches bring about similar values and have a commonality which is also a positive influence for long term healthy relationships. Your destiny relationship report also includes affirmations to support each of your connections to help you stay on track and in the flow of one another.

What if you aren’t in a relationship but are ready to open yourself up to one?  Your Find Love Report  (or love compatibility test for couples) gives you a 5-year outlook to let you know when the best times are likely for you to find love.  Are you in a cycle for exploring relationships rather than being a committed one?  Perhaps it’s a better time for you to develop self-love and not the right time to devote yourself to a significant relationship.  It’s all in the cards and revealed in your psychic love reading!

Over the years I have guided clients on whether their love interest would be someone to pursue or not.  And some of those clients are now happily married which to me, is the best compatibility test for love you could ever ask for.  The “destiny” difference is because this is based on mathematical and planetary influences, not just answering generalized questions.  Your relationship compatibility is geared specifically to your unique relationship destiny profile and your intuitive destiny reading overview will spell it out in answer to all of your relationship questions.

It’s amazing how your relationships can improve when both parties are operating with the knowledge of their destiny cards and understanding your love compatibility test for couples .  With an intuitive destiny card reading you are sure to be inspired to create loving and healthy relationships.  Your love destiny awaits!

For more information and to schedule your reading please visit here.

To learn more about Intuitive Destiny Card Reader Dana Plant, visit her Premier Member Listing Page here. 

Once you make a payment of $150 on Paypal, you will be redirected to Dana’s scheduling calendar to schedule your Destiny Card Reading.

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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  • everything is neutral, everything is relative, and that it is us who attach meaning and emotions to the experience

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