The music starts at 00:32
High Vibe Recommendation:
[2] No contemporaneous portrait of Tallis survives; the one painted by Gerard Vandergucht dates from 150 years after Tallis died, and there is no reason to suppose that it is a fair likeness. In a rare existing copy of his blackletter signature, he spelled his name “Tallys”.[3]
Source: Wikipedia
According to current calibrations, the works of Thomas Tallis are calibrating in the 700’s on the Map of Consciousness®
The level of consciousness of the 500s on the map is the land of LOVE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and INNER JOY. It’s the mighty spiritual domain of non-linear truth. This is also the beginning of the Angelic Realm, the land of the Saint (570), and Enlightened Leadership, which is rare in our world.
Listening to songs that calibrate in the 500s and above can bring tears of joy and recognition of true beauty and love into your life.
The level of consciousness of PEACE and the beginning of true ENLIGHTENMENT IS 600.
To put this into greater context, only 15% of the people on the planet calibrate above 200 on the map. The consciousness calibration of the earth is around 207.
The consciousness calibrations of each song are based on research into consciousness, the life work of Dr. David R. Hawkins, as elucidated in his renowned Map of Consciousness® and book Power vs Force.
If interested in raising your level of consciousness and putting into a context where TRUE power really exists, check out the Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness podcast here, or videocast on on YouTube here.
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