Discover How to Stay Calm-Somatic Practices for Activating Your Body’s 6 Wisdom Areas to Address Anxiety, Overwhelm & Reactivated Trauma with Suzanne Scurlock: Discover how to stay calm with simple body awareness exercises that help you stay grounded and calm. Receive guidance to drop into stillness and tune in to your body’s wisdom.
Overpowering feelings — of any kind — can cause us to separate from our bodies. When that happens, predominantly linear thinking (i.e., the “brain”) can set in, which can close you off to inspiration from other sources of guidance within your body wisdom…
So, how do you tap into and begin to trust your body’s wisdom again? How do you put a pause on fear, really drop in, and operate effectively?
Conscious awareness and somatic movement instructor Suzanne Scurlock will help you with how to stay calm and get grounded. She will guide you with somatic exercises so you can operate effectively during these challenging times AND be healthier, wiser, more present, and more joyful.
You can register for Somatic Practices for Activating Your Body’s 6 Wisdom Areas to Address Anxiety, Overwhelm & Reactivated Trauma, here.
Being attuned to your body’s wisdom areas — and knowing how to nurture their capacities to provide you with greater intuition, steadiness, clarity, instinctual knowing, personal power, and joy — can help you dissolve stress, pain, or overwhelm.
If you’re anxious to become clear, energized, and calm, this is the somatic movement event for you!
P.S. In Somatic Practices for Activating Your Body’s 6 Wisdom Areas to Address Anxiety, Overwhelm & Reactivated Trauma, you’ll discover simple, practical body awareness, somatic movement exercises to release tension that’s adversely impacting your wellbeing during these most trying of times.
We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled… however, if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.
Known for her honest, grounded, nurturing manner, Suzanne is adept at weaving together mind, body, and spirit to create a unique environment that encourages profound healing. She’s a sought-after speaker who inspires healthcare providers, coaches, executives, parents, clergy, and others for how to stay calm, relaxed, and energized using her somatic practices and life-changing tools for dissolving stress, pain, overwhelm, and confusion.
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