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How to Align Your Energy Field With the Vibrational Medicine of Gemstones & Ancient Vedic Wisdom

How to Align Your Energy Field With the Vibrational Medicine of Gemstones & Ancient Vedic Wisdom with Deborah King (May – June 2021): Discover how shifting your vibrational frequency can bring you into balance & wellness. Raise the frequency of your vibrations to create a powerful spiritual ripple effect. Explore how shifting your vibration can alter your mood. Learn techniques that can shift your vibration and bring you into balance.

Discover How to Align Your Energy Field with Ancient Vedic Wisdom

Everything is made of energy. Whether we’re talking about human beings or horseshoes, every part of our existence is interconnected by electromagnetic vibrational frequencies.

The optimal frequency for humans is between 62-72 MHz. When our frequency drops below 58 MHz, our immune system is compromised.

When you vibrate at a higher frequency you’re not only healthier, you’re also happier and more at ease — and, most importantly, you are more spiritually expanded.

Deborah King, an energy medicine pioneer and New York Times bestselling author, believes that when we raise the frequency of our vibrations, we create a ripple effect that changes our mental, physical, and spiritual states.

On Saturday, June 5, Deborah will explore how the knowledge of vibrations started with the Vedas well over 5,000 years ago, and has continued to be reflected in quantum physics today.

You can register here for How to Align Your Energy Field With the Vibrational Medicine of Gemstones & Ancient Vedic Wisdom

In this free 60-minute mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • How shifting your vibration can alter your mood
  • Ways to improve your health by becoming more aware of the vibrations you take in
  • How to achieve your goals and manifest your dreams by aligning scientific inquiry with the development of consciousness
  • Techniques that can shift your vibration, including meditation, Qigong, Ayurveda, and other modalities that are grounded in vibrational energy
  • An experiential guided meditation that allows you to experience your own shifting vibrations and change of mood

Ayurvedic healers use vibrational frequencies to balance various mind-body functions, allowing the body to automatically bring itself into balance and wellness. You’ll see how they used the vibrations of gemstones, with each stone corresponding to one of the body’s chakras, as a means to heal and clear blockages.

Also, during this time with Deborah, you’ll look at what scientific geniuses like Einstein and Tesla believed about vibrational frequencies — and whether vibrations are at the very heart of human consciousness.

You can RSVP for free here.

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
Host of Your Weekly Dose of HIgher Consciousness Podcast

P.S. In How to Align Your Energy Field With the Vibrational Medicine of Gemstones & Ancient Vedic Wisdom, you’ll discover how shifting your vibrational frequency can bring you into balance and wellness, while also making you happier and more at ease.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available: 


About Your Vedic Wisdom Teacher Deborah King

New York Times bestselling author, energy healer, and spiritual teacher, Deborah King has developed her powerful gifts through three decades of global study, and is hailed as a premiere Master Healer of our time. Deborah was a successful attorney in her twenties when a cancer diagnosis compelled her to begin a quest for health that would radically change her life. Her amazing remission at the hands of a healer spurred her to leave the corporate arena for the mysterious world of healing, where she mastered ancient and modern systems, ultimately developing a powerful energy healing technique of her own.

Through her numerous books, live and online workshops, TV appearances, and her popular Facebook Live show, Deborah has guided tens of thousands of people to tap into a higher level of consciousness, trust their intuition, and heal themselves in ways they never thought possible. Deborah’s New York Times bestselling books, Be Your Own Shaman… Truth Heals… Entangled in Darkness… and Heal Yourself — Heal the World, take you on unique journeys into the powerful esoteric world of healers, sages, and shamans. Featured regularly in the media, W Magazine calls Deborah’s work “electrifying.”

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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