Alternative Medicine and Holistic Health

Are You a Holistic Health Practitioner? Would You like to Be Featured Right Here?

The Mind Body Spirit Network and Directories has been developed with you in mind. We know you LOVE what you do and have some inspired and truly helpful tips, proven remedies and more to share with our intentional community of like minded individuals and conscious businesses.

I also know that it’s a Rare Bird that is an Expert  Holistic Health Practitioner and a Digital Marketing Guru to boot!

The publisher and internet marketing Guru at The Mind Body Spirit Health Directory an online small business directory  has developed an innovative and inspired way of helping Holistic Health Practitioners including, but not limited to the following fields of practice:

significantly improve their online visibility.

Not only is it innovative and inspired, but it takes the best of all internet marketing mediums, puts it into affordable digital marketing services packages and gets you more visible than you could hope to have going at it alone. (unless you are an Digital Marketing Guru!)

And you barely have to do a thing (relative to what you would have to do if you did  it yourself.)

Here’s What Our Innovative Digital Marketing Services Memberships Include:

A online holistic health directory listing in a highly targeted online mind body spirit health small business directory.

A customized SEO’d web directory page, also known as “Landing page” that’s designed to convert lookers into leads and clients. (SEO = Search Engine Optimized)

A state-of-the-art business directory listing that is likely to land on Page 1 of a Local Google search (for keyword phrases that matter to your business…and we research this for you!) above your website listing (unless your website has been SEO’d like we do SEO!?!)

An opportunity to write your own article and have it featured on the home page of this Natural Health Magazine for at least 3 weeks. Don’t worry, you don’t have to write too many articles…only 2-5 a year depending on your membership level (see our digital marketing services packages) and, most importantly, we SEO optimize the article for you so it actually gets found!

We share your holistic practitioner directory business listing and any expert articles you write all over our social media accounts including:

We also share your participation in the directory and your expert advice & stories in our weekly newsletters.
and the Best Part of All? We guide you all along the way!

Ready to get started?

Call Us Today at 970.927.0345 or Click here to “Become a Professional Member and check out our digital marketing services packages here.

Not sure yet? Then maybe you’d simply like to dip your toes in the water and  “Like Us” on Facebook and follow us along as we expand out into this lovely community we call home. In need of holistic web design with SEO for your business? That’s where we all began! Click here now.

Check out the case study of our Very 1st Holistic Health Directory Member:

Case Study Video of Effective Business Directory Listings:

IMPORTANT NOTE: It doesn’t matter how many people are visiting this directory website!
It only matters that YOU and YOUR BUSINESS get found on Page #1 for a Local GOOGLE search for you.

By the way, any one reading this article, I promise this is the only time you’ll see an article like this in our community magazine. Next time this could  be you, sharing who you are and what you do that keeps your clients busting at the seams with enthusiasm to refer you to a friend!

We are experienced digital marketing service providers with great reviews. Become a member of our holistic health practitioner directory today and enjoy innovative digital marketing services that are intended to end “online overwhelm” for you, so you can sleep better at night, knowing we’ve got you covered everywhere!

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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