FREE Online Holiday Event Recording:
Tap Into the High Vibe Frequency of the Holidays and Ignite Your Holiday Spirit!
A recording of the LIVE group event with powerful energy clearings, yummy guided meditations, Messages from Spirit, chakra balancing and healing and understanding the significant levels of consciousness available to all of this this time of year and how you can align with them for a Season of Peace, Love and Joy!

Ready to Tap Into the High Vibe Frequency of the Holiday Season?
How about a boost to reduce stress and embrace the gift that is access to higher consciousness, prevalent this time of year? (Consider it a Metaphysical Spa Day for yourself!)
Please GET COZY & LISTEN IN and join me and 4 of the Premier Members of in the recording of our a 90 minute LIVE group event with gifted healers and highly intuitive spiritual guides and transformation professionals.
If you want to tap into the frequencies of the Season which includes: Love, Joy, Peace and Compassion (all of significant higher consciousness) and understand the TRUE POWER inherent in these frequencies, here’s the yummy experiences that await you:
- An opening guided visualization to invite in the frequencies of higher consciousness and the Angelic realms as well as to open the circle of healing, with Gifted Healer and Spiritual Medium Cheryl Murphy, Founder of The Healing Prayer Circle. (Her voice alone is a gift unto itself!)
- A guided meditation to ground you into the intention of reducing stress and aligning with the true nature of the Holiday Season. Deborah’s smooth soothing voice can elevate the rest of your day to a whole new level! (I have experienced this 1st hand!)
- An Oracle Card reading for the group energy, followed by a powerful LIVE group energy clearing with Certified Energy Healer and Spiritual Awakening Coach Linda Armstrong. (The last group energy healing with did with Linda was powerful!)
- A mini presentation about how to put the higher consciousness of the Holidays into perspective by understanding levels of consciousness and where TRUE POWER and TRUE Alignment really exist. Liz Gracia, Founder of The Mind Body Spirit Network, Unwitting Mystic, Healer and Teacher of levels of consciousness helps to convey these powerful understandings in simple language. This is a mindset shifter in a significant way!
- Next up, Spiritual Medium Cheryl Murphy will tap into the presence of higher guidance and typically the energy of Archangels. It’s fascinating to witness her access this guidance and translate the message intended for all of us. It’s a true blessing to be aware of the presence of this higher guidance!
- Lastly, Gifted Intuitive Chakra Reader and Healer Liz Bigger will get a reading on the group as to the chakra that needs a boost. She will then facilitate a group energy chakra healing. (I’ve experienced Liz’s chakra healing 1st hand! There’s High Vibe healing coming through Liz)
- To wrap it all up, all of our experts will be available to answer any questions you may have about the event or something personal to you. A Happy Holiday BONUS from all of us here at The Mind Body Spirit Network (aka The High Vibe Tribe)
Here’s What One Attendee Had to Say:
I want to congratulate you and all of your healers for a very successful two-day event. Liz, go back and review the chat box and you will see how overwhelmingly the people were engaged with you and your wonderful healers. Why you ask? …simply because you and your healers were engaged with the people.
Liz, you, Cheryl Murphy, Liz bigger, Linda Armstrong and Deborah Edwards are the best of the best in your respective fields of expertise. Liz, you and your healers are warm loving and compassionate which resonates with the attendees.
That spells success. Liz, I have a small request that would even make your events better, please consider a short potty break about halfway through your event. [Please!! ]
Liz, thank you again for a wonderful and amazing event it couldn’t have been any better. Wishing you and all of your presenters/healers and families a Merry Christmas. ∼Michael Pope
Here’s the Line Up and Expert Contributors
Would You Like to Sink Into the Presence of Healing Grace?
Well, with Cheryl Murphy kicking off the event with her guided visualization, you will!
Cheryl Murphy, Founder of The Healing Prayer Circle, is (in my experience) a vehicle for Healing Grace on this planet! She is also a Gifted Spiritual Medium and Healer. You don’t want to miss this rare opportunity to tap into the power of a group prayer and the Healing Grace that Cheryl brings into her circles!
Interested in EXPERIENCING THE POWER OF live GROUP PRAYER & MEDITATION? (AND connecting further with Cheryl?)
Join The Healing Prayer Circle here. It’s FREE!
Interested in scheduling an Evidential Mediumship Reading with Cheryl and connect with Spirit this holiday season? Schedule a Reading with Cheryl here.
Sink Into This “Spa Spirit Day” with a Super Yummy Guided Meditation and the Healing Voice of Our Expert
Deborah Edwards of GratefulOm will lead us in a guided meditation that will allow us to move into higher consciousness. Meditation aids in raising the level of consciousness by preventing stress from entering your system and at the same time releasing stress. Where there is no stress, there is the space that allows us to operate at a higher level of consciousness. Through meditation we are able to access cosmic consciousness which is the experience of the truth of the existence of the entire universe as part of ourselves. When we operate in this, truth love flows freely between the world and ourselves.
Deborah has a beautifully soothing voice that grounds us into the intention of this mini Healing and Alignment Event to Ignite Your Holiday Spirit.
Deborah, a Premier Member of and Expert Contributor to The Mind Body Spirit Network, and GratefulOm Weekly Online Meetup group, is a Chopra Center Certified Instructor as well as a trained mindfulness consultant. Connect with Deborah here.
Get to know Deborah even better with her Yummy FREE Guided Meditation right here!
Have You Ever Experienced the Power of a Group Energy Clearing? That last one we had with Linda was exceptional!
Linda Armstrong will be connecting to Spirit and tapping into the collective conscious as she pulls an Oracle Card with the intention of understanding how to navigate the Holiday Energies. Once a card is chosen and explained she will then go on to do any energy clearing that feels needed or possibly just downloading everyone with supportive energies and ways of being that will support us and carry us through the holiday season.
You DON’T want to miss the LIVE version of this, so please join us!
Linda Armstrong (the Goddess of LOVE) is a Certified Theta Energy Healer, Master Law of Attraction Coach and Spiritual Awakening Coach. She is also a Premier Member of and Expert Contributor to The Mind Body Spirit Network. Connect with Linda here.
Remove the blocks or core beliefs that are getting in your way! Enjoy Linda’s CORE BELIEFS BUSTER Tool for Transformation here.
From The Lighthouse Store:
Are you ready to shed the energies of “I’m not good enough” in 2020 and set sail for the stiller, more vibrant waters of higher consciousness?
If you said YES and are ready for a significant shift in your life in 2020…here’s what’s in store:
Powerfully align with your own intentions for gentle spiritual awakenings and actually align with the power to meet your goals. Let go of all the “I’m not good enoughs” that have weighed you down for a lifetime!
Join the Super Soul Circle for Your Spiritual Awakening in 2020!
Guided by Spiritual Awakening Coach Linda Armstrong, CLICK HERE NOW TO JOIN!

Let’s Put Into Context the Amazing Power of the Holidays and Why You May Feel It!
Liz Gracia will walk you through a short but powerful presentation about the levels of consciousness of different aspects and elements of the Holidays. It will be a true eye-opener and awakening shift in understanding to put into context where TRUE POWER really exists and encourage you to align with TRUE Power. The Holiday Season just happens to be filled with higher frequencies and higher levels of consciousness you can intentionally feel and lean into.
Let me inspire you with what TRUE Love, Joy, Peace and Compassion can feel like and help you re-contextualize any beliefs you may have unconsciously acquired about the power of these levels of consciousness and how significant they really are!
Interested in a course about understanding levels of consciousness where TRUE POWER, TRUE LOVE and UNQUESTIONABLE TRUE WORTHINESS really exist?
Get on Liz’s Future Student List here!
Step into higher consciousness this year and listen in on Liz’s “Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness” Podcast ( or Videocast on YouTube at
A Message From Spirit!
Where ever Cheryl Murphy goes, Angels follow! During this part of the event you will be fascinated by the matter of fact presence of Spirit Guides and (Typically) Archangels that Cheryl perceives quite readily. Cheryl will identify who is with us and share their messages to us!
It’s a true blessing to be in the presence of Divinity and Archangels, and even more of a blessing to receive messages from Higher Consciousness with an Eagle’s Eye View on life here.
Interested in EXPERIENCING THE POWER OF live GROUP PRAYER & MEDITATION? (AND connecting further with Cheryl?)
Are You Aware of the Chakra System & that Chakra Balancing, Healing and Reading is Available?
Liz Bigger of Butterfly Healing and Wellness will set the intention of this healing segment with a short meditation of alignment with source energy. This will be combined with a remote group chakra reading and energy healing for those on the call. Liz with review what chakra she is feeling the group needs addressed and will share with your her expertise on that particular chakra so you can better understand why you may be suffering from very specific issues.
As a BONUS, Liz will pull an oracle card for divine guidance through this holiday season and provide intuitive guidance as to what she perceives the card is trying to convey to us.
Get to know a little bit more about The 7 Chakras and problems to be aware of with Liz’s downloadable The 7 Chakras Checklist here.
In need of a little Holiday chakra healing and balancing? Schedule a remote Reiki session with Liz Bigger here and get a read on your chakra system.

Thank you for listening in!
This is one of our first healing events like this, so we’d love your feedback in the comments below.
Some of the questions we’d love for you to answer are:
How would you rate the overall experience on a scale of 1-5 stars?
Would you attend a live event like this?
Would you refer a friend to join you in this?
If you enjoyed this Holiday Healing Event, will you please re-share it?
We appreciate your help in getting the message out about and all of it’s Healers, Intuitives and Transformation Professionals.
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