Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Quiz
Since one of my overarching intentions is to help you with how to raise your level of consciousness and “be the change you want to see in the world,” I’ve put these weekly quizzes into place to put into context different ways of being or different “energy levels” of people, places, things, statements, etc…
All things that are or have ever been can be calibrated to their level of consciousness or “energy level.”
I like to use the metaphor of energy required to light a light bulb, run a car, a truck, an airplane, a cruise ship, etc…
They all require different amounts of energy.
Applied kinesiology and consciousness testing can measure the “energy” or consciousness of anything. As can the energy required to help you “be the change” you want to see in your life and manifest all that you have hoped for or intended.
In this week’s episode of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Quiz, we’re looking at the consciousness calibrations of the following public service organizations:
- 4-H Clubs,
- Doctors without Borders, or
Which is of the highest consciousness from the list above?
Try to feel your way into the answer and practice your intuitive awareness.
You can also try and guess the calibration level of each.
What’s the consciousness level of a sweat lodge ceremony?
What’s the consciousness of smudging?
What’s the consciousness level of enlightenment?
This is a great practice to begin to align yourself with levels of consciousness and recontextualize everything you thought you knew about truth and a real power.
Get the answer in the video.
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“Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness” Podcast
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Here are More Links to More Higher Consciousness Quizzes:
- Immigration Laws US, Open Border Policies, Illegal Immigration, Social Justice
- Let’s Politicians into context: Statesmen JFK & Washington, Ethical, Sane and Normal, vs Politician
- Public service Organizations: 4-H Clubs, YMCA and YWCA, or Doctors without Borders
- Sweat Lodge Ceremony, Enlightenment, or Smudging
- 12 Steps of Alcohoics Anonymous, The Golden Rule, or What’s held in mind tends to manifest
- Confucius, Gandhi, or Aldous Huxley
- Spiritual foundations of Humility, Being Available, or Idealistic
- Spiritual foundations of being Faithful, Genuine, or Balanced
- Random Acts of Kindness, Kneeling to Pray, Visualization Healing
- Spiritual foundations of being Loyal, Supportive, or “Salt of the Earth”
- Movies: Ghostbusters, Sound of Music, or Sleepless in Seattle
- Spiritual Teachings: Bhavagad Gita, Lamsa Bible, or A Course in Miracles
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All calibrations are based on Dr. David R. Hawkins decades of research into consciousness, and the Map of Consciousness that came from this research, so as to put into context where true, constructive power really exists and where it doesn’t.
The Map of Consciousness is a logarithmic scale of 0-1,000, where 100 on the Map of Consciousness is 10 to the 100th power, 200 is 10 to the 200th power, etc. The higher you go up on the Map of Consciousness, the more quantum in nature the power level comes.
Any calibration below 200 holds no truth and no power and is destructive in nature.
TRUE POWER begins at 200 on the Map of Consciousness (10 to the 200th power) and it is the level of COURAGE. In order to turn around anything that’s negatively oriented in your life, you need to step into courage on the matter in order to do so.
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