The Mind Body Spirit Network brings to you their monthly High Vibe Tribe Video Book Reviews group video! Some select members of The Mind Body Spirit Network and invited guests share some of their favorite books that have moved them in the hopes they will move you as well.
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Check out this month’s High Vibe Tribe books we love to recommend!

Cheryl Murphy’s Book Review Selection:
Meditations with James Van Praagh
Meditate Your Way to True Peace and Wisdom
Meditations with James Van Praagh is an inspiring collection of meditations and affirmations that will empower you to connect with your inner self. Bestselling author and renowned spiritual medium Van Praagh offers over forty meditations, each of which addresses a specific issue or concern that may be blocking your spiritual journey, such as “Release the Past,” “Confronting Fears,” and “Tuning In to Abundance.”
By helping you to truly see, feel, and listen to your inner voice, Van Praagh leads you to develop the wonderful, innate abilities that let you become your best self.
You can buy Meditations with James Van Praagh on Amazon here.
About Cheryl:
Cheryl Murphy is a gifted psychic, spiritual medium and healer. She is the founder of The Healing Prayer Circle, a powerful, FREE monthly online group prayer circle. She is also leader of her Inner Circle membership, and online intuitive and psychic development training program.
Cheryl is a member of The Mind Body Spirit Network. You can connect with Cheryl by visiting here member listing page here.

Linda Armstrong’s Book Review:
David Wilcock’s previous New York Times bestsellers, The Source Field Investigations, and The Synchronicity Key, used cutting-edge alternative science to reveal oft-hidden truths about our universe. In The Ascension Mysteries, David takes us on a gripping personal journey that describes the secret cosmic battle between positive and negative happening every day, hidden in both the traumas of our own lives and the world’s headlines.
Through his contact with a positive higher intelligence behind the UFO phenomenon, groundbreaking scientific information, and data from high-ranking government whistle-blowers, David reveals that the earth is now on the front lines of a battle that has been raging between positive and negative extraterrestrials for hundreds of thousands of years. The Ascension Mysteries explores the towering personal obstacles David overcame to unlock the great secrets of our universe and looks ahead to what this battle means for each of us personally. By unifying ancient texts from a variety of religions with scientific data and insider testimony, David presents a stunning conclusion—that Earth is on the verge of a massive cosmic event that will transform matter, energy, consciousness, and biological life as we now know it and will utterly defeat the great villains of our time.
You can buy The Ascension Series by David Wilcock on Amazon here.
About Linda:
Linda Armstrong is our resident “Core Belief’s Buster”. She is also a Certified Theta Healer, Master Certified Law of Attraction and Transformation Coach. She is a powerful, loving and masterful healer. Get to know Linda more here…
Liz Bigger’s Book Review Selection:
Shaman, Healer, Sage
-by Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.
About Shaman, Healer Sage:
Alberto Villoldo, a classically trained medical anthropologist, has studied shamanic healing techniques among the descendants of the ancient Inkas for more than twenty years. In Shaman, Healer, Sage, he draws on his vast body of knowledge to create a practical and revolutionary program based on the traditional healing methods used by these shamans — methods that, until now, have been inaccessible to most of the world.
Villoldo explains that central to shamanic healing is the concept of the Luminous Energy Field that is believed to surround our material bodies. His book teaches us to see and influence the imprints that disease leaves on this field and thereby to heal ourselves and others, as well as prevent illness.
Villoldo weaves wonderful teaching stories throughout about the healing power of the energy medicine of the Americas. In one story, Villoldo comes down with pneumonia while in Peru. When antibiotics fail to control the infection, his mentor, the shaman Don Antonio, uses the process of Illumination to remove the toxins that had invaded Villoldo’s body. These same shamanic techniques later allowed Villoldo to remove stagnant energy from a young woman whose marriage was suffering due to her past experience with abandonment. With the aid of shamanic work, the woman regained her trust in others, and her marriage was revitalized.
This book is rich with ancient wisdom and contemporary techniques we can use to help ourselves and others, as well as with the more advanced methods of master shamans, which are being brought to a wide audience for the first time.
Purchase Shaman, Healer, Sage on Amazon Here!
About Liz Bigger:
Liz Bigger is a Certified Reiki Master and Crystal Reiki practitioner, 3 years practicing Reiki, as well as a student/practitioner of many other intuitive healing modalities. She is also an intuitive chakra reader.
She was lead to alternative health and healing practices because of her diagnosis of Leaky Gut Syndrome, which was debilitating. Reiki was the healing that finally made her feel well and healed. So, she decided to share it with others in need of mind body spirit healing
Jordan Wavra’s Book Review Selection:
Do Less
-by Kate Northrup
About Do Less:
This is a book for working women and mothers who are ready to release the culturally inherited belief that their worth is equal to their productivity, and instead create a personal and professional life that’s based on presence, meaning, and joy. As opposed to focusing on “fitting it all in,” time management, and leaning in, as so many books geared at ambitious women do, this book embraces the notion that through doing less women can have–and be–more.
The addiction to busyness and the obsession with always trying to do more leads women, especially working mothers, to feel like they’re always failing their families, their careers, their spouses, and themselves. This book will give women the permission and tools to change the way they approach their lives and allow them to embrace living in tune with the cyclical nature of the feminine, cutting out the extraneous busyness from their lives so they have more satisfaction and joy, and letting themselves be more often instead of doing all the time.
Do Less offers the reader a series of 14 experiments to try to see what would happen if she did less in one specific way. So, rather than approaching doing less as an entire life overhaul (which is overwhelming in and of itself), this book gives the reader bite-sized steps to try incorporating over 2 weeks!
Purchase Do Less by Kate Northrup on Amazon Here!
About Jordan Wavra:
Jordan Wavra helps women with holistic stress reduction, increasing energy naturally and transforming your health through a combination of holistic nutrition health coaching and planning, mindfulness coaching, personal fitness training and if requested energy healing through a pranic healing technique. Jordan works mostly remotely via Skype or Zoom video conference with her pranic healing, holistic health & lifestyle, and mindfulness coaching clients from her office in Phoenix, AZ , but serves the surrounding communities of Tempe, AZ; Gilbert, AZ; Scottsdale, AZ; Casa Grande, AZ; and Chandler, AZ.

Liz Gracia’s Book Review Selection:
The Success Principles
-by Jack Canfield
About The Success Principles:
In celebration of its 10th anniversary, a revised and updated edition of Jack Canfield’s classic bestseller with a brand new foreword and an afterword for succeeding in the digital age.
Since its publication a decade ago, Jack Canfield’s practical and inspiring guide has helped thousands of people transform themselves for success. Now, he has revised and updated his essential guidebook to reflect our changing times.
In The Success Principles, the cocreator of the phenomenal bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, helps you get from where you are to where you want to be, teaching you how to increase your confidence, tackle daily challenges, live with passion and purpose, and realize all your ambitions. Filled with memorable and inspiring stories of CEO’s, world-class athletes, celebrities, and everyday people, it spells out the 64 timeless principles used by successful men and women throughout history—proven principles and strategies that can be adapted for your own life, whether you want to be the best salesperson in your company, become a leading architect, score top grades in school, lose weight, buy your dream home, make millions, or just get back in the job market.
Taken together and practiced every day, these principles will change your life beyond your wildest dreams.
You can buy The Success Principles on Amazon here.
About Liz Gracia:
Liz is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network. She is a champion for higher consciousness and truth and is an advocate for alternative health, thought, and being-ness. The Mind Body Spirit Network was created to bring light to the visionary thought leaders, luminary healers, transformation coaches and agents of change that are here to fuel our awakening consciousness and deal with our health and wellbeing in holistic and enlightened ways before major health issues manifest.
If you would like to be apart of this conscious community, aka the “High Vibe Tribe”. schedule a consultation with Liz here.
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