The Mind Body Spirit Network brings to you their monthly High Vibe Tribe Book Reviews group video! Some select members of The Mind Body Spirit Network share some of their favorite books that have moved them in the hopes they will move you as well.
This month there’s only two of us, so we dive a little deeper into conversations about hand mudras, meditation as medicine, levels of consciousness and more. This is a good one!
If you love what we’re doing here, please let us know in the comments below or email me here.
Check out this month’s High Vibe Tribe books we love to recommend!
Liz Bigger’s Book Review Selection:
Meditation as Medicine
-by Dharma Singh Khalsa MD
About Meditation as Medicine:
Proven effective by scientific research and presented here by Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa and Cameron Stauth, the practice of Medical Meditation revolutionizes the healing process. By balancing and regenerating the body’s ethereal and physical energies through simple meditations, Medical Meditation unites the mind, body, and spirit into a powerful triad.
Each Medical Meditation here has a specific physiological effect, targeting afflictions from arthritis to ulcers to cancer. Dr. Khalsa details the five unique attributes that endow this type of meditation with far more power than standard meditation.
The combination of special postures and movements; exact positioning of the hands and fingers; particular mantras; specific breathing patterns; and a unique focus of concentration can change your entire biochemical profile, easing you into a calm, healing state. Practiced in conjunction with conventional or alternative medical treatments, cutting-edge Medical Meditation activates the healing force within you.
Purchase Meditation as Medicine on Amazon Here!
About Liz Bigger:
Liz Bigger is a Certified Reiki Master and Crystal Reiki practitioner, 3 years practicing Reiki, as well as a student/practitioner of many other intuitive healing modalities. She is also an intuitive chakra reader.
She was lead to alternative health and healing practices because of her diagnosis of Leaky Gut Syndrome, which was debilitating. Reiki was the healing that finally made her feel well and healed. So, she decided to share it with others in need of mind body spirit healing

Liz Gracia’s Book Review Selection:
Book of Slides
-by Dr. David R. Hawkins
About the Book of Slides:
This Book of Slides is a comprehensive “atlas” of the vast terrain covered by Dr. David R. Hawkins in his public lectures, 2002-2011. It contains the compendium of his lecture slides, along with a summary of his teaching at each lecture. Far from being a dry read, this book is filled with real life examples, humorous anecdotes, and personal experiences of “Doc” never before found in written form.
Widely appreciated for his unusual capacity to illumine the Real in everyday terms, Dr. Hawkins lectured on such vital topics as The Nature of God, Nonduality, Self-Realization, Spirituality in the Modern World, Spiritual Community, Spiritual Teachers, The Way of Devotion, Qualities of the Spiritual Seeker, Love, Success, and Happiness.
You can purchase Book of Slides at
About Liz Gracia:
Liz is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network. She is a champion for higher consciousness and truth and is an advocate for alternative health, thought and being-ness. The Mind Body Spirit Network was created to bring light to the visionary thought leaders, luminary healers, transformation coaches and agents of change that are here to fuel our awakening consciousness and deal with our health and wellbeing in holistic and enlightened ways, before major health issues manifest.
If you would like to be apart of this conscious community, aka the “High Vibe Tribe”. schedule a consultation with Liz here.
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