The HeartMath Experience, a scientifically proven heart-centered therapy was first released in November 2019, prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. It is priced at $29.95, but the HeartMath teamed felt inspired to share it with the world now for FREE! The heart-centered tools and heart-centered meditation it provides can especially help people find balance and clarity through the current challenging coronavirus times. The HeartMath Heart-Centered Leadership Team is honored to serve in this way.
Discover the Power of This Heart-Centered Therapy
I was thrilled and and inspired when the heart-centered leadership at HeartMath made the executive decision to give away their newly released (November 2019) program called The HeartMath Experience. a scientifically proven heart-centered therapy to find peace and inner balance.
I was truly excited when they came out with this incredibly reasonably price program at only $29.95!
I have experienced the power of heart-centered therapy in very introductory ways through the HeartMath’s simple heart-centered meditation I found years ago and some personal use training tools here.
This simple heart-centered therapy and meditation provided tremendous results!
Here’s my story of how this powerful heart centered meditation changed my experience of attending networking groups….
While on my way to a Meetup or networking group I would spend the extra time in my car doing my heart centered meditation to align with my understanding of the power of the heart and the power of heart centered therapy training.
It’s a simple heart-centered meditation (you want to do with your eyes open!).
Here’s the simple process for this heart-centered meditation and therapy:
Put you attention on your heart center.
- Start breathing in and out from this place.
- You can imagine your physical heart, the area around your heart or maybe even the green aura of the heart chakra.
- Keep breathing in and out with the focus on your heart-center.
- You may notice a shift in your mental energy.
- The power of the heart* can quiet the power of the mind.
- Now I want you to think about something or someone you love.
- Make sure it’s something really really easy to love.
- Don’t try to force thinking about something or someone you feel you “should” love. You’ll mess up the intention with mixed vibrations.
- Stick with something that’s easy to love.
- My go to place is my dogs and new born children….there’s is no doubt about my love for these beauties!
- I just keep breathing in and out of my heart-center while thinking about all the things I love about my dogs and new born children. The thoughts about my lovingness is the heart-centered therapy that seems to trigger the heart coherence and quiet the mind.
- I am thinking love and appreciation and good humor, (All high vibe heart-centered vibrations!)
- You only need to do this heart-centered therapy and mediation for a minute or two.
- That’s it!
*According to consciousness research the heart chakra calibrates at 505 on the Map of Consciousness® or 10 to the 505th power. Whereas the power of the mind is in the 400s on the Map of Consciousness® or starts at 10 to the 400th power. The heart’s intelligence is far greater than the mind in a quantum way!
Everytime I intentionally took the time to do this simple heart-centered therapy and meditation I experienced tremendous results!
And the beauty of it all, is that the power of the heart radiates to the people that surround me (at networking and Meetups in this example) and bring them to me effortlessly.
That wasn’t necessarily what I was asking for, but it was what showed up effortlessly.
People at the meetings came to me to ask me to connect and do business.
What’s funny is that I would get in my car to go back home and contemplate how exceptionally well the meeting went. I totally forgot I had applied the heart-centered therapy and meditation in my car!
It takes practice, repetition and intention to remember to do the heart-centered meditation before any type of engagement.
The HeartMath Experience Progam which was formally $29.95, which is now OFFERED FOR FREE is a no brainer!
It’s a 90 minute heart-centered therapy program that includes:
- 9 chapters with over 90 minutes of compelling content.
- Downloadable pdfs with chapter summaries and technique steps.
- Technique review videos for easy learning.
- A special bonus chapter on the Inner Balance coherence-building technology to enhance your practice.
This Mind Body Spirit Network site contains affiliate links to products, online events, and tools for personal & professional transformation from Sounds True. The Shift Network, MindValley, Evolving Wisdom, Positive Psychology, mindbodygreen, and other reputable and consciously aligned personal development, spiritual growth, and transformational companies. We set ourselves apart by vetting teachings and resources calibrated to be of higher consciousness, meaning upward-lifting, positively oriented, and constructive. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.
“Much like electricity changed the outer world, learning to harness the power and intelligence of the heart will change our inner world.”
— Howard Martin
If you are experiencing difficulty navigating your emotions during this coronavirus outbreak, I encourage you to explore this FREE heart-centered therapy from HeartMath.
I also encourage you to check out some of our other content intended to provide higher perspectives and experiential insights to this global event here:
Blog Posts:
Consider the Spiritual Meaning of Coronavirus
Meditation for Grounding & Clearing the Chakras
Meaning of Oneness as it Relates to the Coronavirus & the “Crown” Chakra
Check out some of our loving leaders of online communities for healing and transformation.
Related HeartMath Resources
If you’d like to find out more about The HearthMath Institute and the scientifically proven power of the heart’s intelligence, heart coherence training and heart-centered therapy, explore the following programs from HeartMath:
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