The Shift Network Presents a sound healing training event: Tune in to Your Harmonious Voice: Sing Your Way to Inner Balance and a Vital Sense of Belonging with Brothers Koren (Now – February 21, 2024): Discover the health benefits of singing and explore your voice as a tool for harmonious living & collective unity. Sing your way to inner balance & a vital sense of belonging. Find your perfect harmony inside & out. Cultivate inner harmony within your unique sonic frequency. Learn how easy it is to sing harmony. Tune in to your harmonious voice with the beloved Brothers Koren.
Do you know that ecstatic feeling of singing your heart out with your favorite playlist while winding your way along an open road?
Why does it bring such a strong sense of freedom and empowerment, like you’re moving full throttle in union with everything around you — belting it out along with the singers who touch you the most — and nothing can stop you?
Imagine how much more sublime that feeling would be if you were singing in harmony with others — experiencing your voice blend into something more vast and transcendent than you can create on your own? Discover the profound health benefits of singing.
According to the much-loved Brothers Koren, transformational voice medicine leaders and co-creators of Your Big Voice, you can learn to use your voice — what they call your whole-body instrument — as an expressive tool to create harmony within yourself, with others, and in the ever-changing and complex world around you.
Join the Koren Brothers, Isaac and Thorald Koren, on Thursday, February 1, 2024, for a free online event, during which they’ll guide you to explore your voice as medicine, a tool for harmonious living, and gain the confidence to engage your whole body instrument through music…
… finding calm and vitality within as you learn to sing in chorus with others and discover the health benefits of singing and your voice as medicine (no previous music experience required!).
What’s SO unique about the Koren Brothers is their incomparable capacity to break your heart open and elicit an intense feeling of expansiveness as you sound or sing along with them.
And, in this hour, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to do just that.
They’ll guide you in simple but profoundly moving guided vocal exercises with your newfound musical family to connect with your inner harmony and tranquility and play with the relationship between harmony and dissonance.
You can register here for
Tune in to Your Harmonious Voice: Sing Your Way to Inner Balance and a Vital Sense of Belonging In this uplifting musical event exploring the sound of your own voice medicine, you’ll:
Understand what harmony is, with a peek into the music theory behind it, and how to harmonize easily with others to foster a sense of abundance, joy, connection, and shared experience
Feel your voice medicine as a medium for effective communication and creative expression that opens up a renewed sense of
personal empowerment and community engagement
Find your unique sonic frequency tuning into your individual essence and vibrational identity —
for greater clarity, belonging, and inner peace -
Learn how to create the most common musical harmonies as you experience building simple chords with your voice along with the Brothers Koren
Trust that you are innately musical — whether you think you can sing or not — to unlock unapologetic freedom and enjoy the health benefits of singing
This workshop with the Koren Brothers isn’t just about making beautiful music together. Singing harmoniously with others can also soothe the ache of isolation and disconnection that a world in turmoil can bring.
Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
P.S. Join the Brothers Koren, transformational voice leaders and co-creators of Your Big Voice, on Thursday, February 1, 2024, for a free online event:
Tune in to Your Harmonious Voice: Sing Your Way to Inner Balance and a Vital Sense of Belonging. Discover the health benefits of singing and your own voice medicine.
The Koren Brothers’ goal is to provide you with practical and simple tools, using your voice medicine to move from a state of dissonance to one of harmony, from conflict to peace, from illness to vitality, from confusion to clarity, and from loneliness to a sense of belonging.