Free Global Symposium on Coaching Women!

The Institute for Women-Centered Coaching Presents:  The FREE Global Symposium on Coaching Women. September 21-24, 2024. Get this expertise asap… It’s the future of coaching. Get mentored by the top experts in the biggest coaching market… Discover this ONE demographic is dominating the coaching industry.

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Get This Expertise ASAP… It’s the Future of Coaching!

Did you know that the future of coaching is female?

That’s because women now make up 70% of the coaching market…

So if you’re a coach, women are YOUR FUTURE, too!

That’s why Dr. Claire Zammit—the world’s leading authority on coaching women— is bringing together the coaching industry’s 15 top experts for an unprecedented no-cost, global virtual event in just a few weeks: The Woman-Centered Coaching Symposium:The Future of COACHING is Female.” 

Join experts like Eben Pagan, Dr. Ellyn Bader, Fleet Maull, Ph.D., CMT-P, Dr. Sue Morter, and Christian Mickelsen as they share their biggest insights and best strategies on…

  • Global Symposium on Women-Centered Coaching With Speaker PicsThe different approaches to solving women’s problems that other coaches cannot resolve
  • Cultivating a growth mindset and embracing ambition and success
  • Why undercharging is a MASSIVE problem, especially for female coaches… and how to charge more (and feel good about it!)
  • Expanding your VISION, self-belief, and sense of possibility
  • Identifying and releasing hidden barriers, limiting beliefs, and cultural taboos that hold women back
  • Getting TANGIBLE results in key areas – relationships, health, business, leadership, creativity, spirituality & more 
  • Growing your business with strategies that actually make it EASIER to expand

Reserve your spot today, at no cost!

Developing specialized coaching skills that drive breakthrough results for women is not only wise for every coach… it’s imperative!

This is the beginning of a new chapter in coaching

Let’s elevate the conversation and make an impact together.

See the full line-up of expert speakers and claim your spot!  


Liz Gracia Founder, Editor in Chief & Host of YOur Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
Host of The Awakening Quest Podcast: 1001 Ways to True Power & Conscious, Elevated Living  and

PS: And as a Registration BONUS, Claire created the Woman-Centered Coaching Success Pack which will be instantly available for you to start applying many of these game-changing principles to your practice right away:

Early Registration Bonuses to the Women-Centered Coaching Symposium September 2024

  • “The One Key Shift: How to Unlock Deeper Results In Your Work With Women” 
  • “How to Charge More & Feel Good About It”
  • “Coaching Women: The Rapid Results Breakthrough Formula”

Reserve your spot and get INSTANT ACCESS to your Woman-Centered Coaching Success Pack Registration BONUS

About Your Host

Dr. Claire Zammit, Ph.D. Women's Empowerment LeaderDr. Claire Zammit is the Founder of Feminine Power and The Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching.

There are few women alive today who have done more to empower conscious women to actualize their potential and realize their destiny than Dr. Claire Zammit. In her two decades as a transformational teacher and leader, Claire has shared her life-changing Feminine Power and Woman-Centered Coaching principles and practices with millions of women around the globe.

Her groundbreaking doctoral research on the underlying obstacles blocking intelligent, conscious, women from stepping into their greatness has been praised as a seminal contribution to the advancement of women in this century.

She is the creator of the Feminine Power programs for women and founder of the Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching, Training & Leadership. Over 70,000 women from more than 100 countries have graduated from her innovative Feminine Power courses, and her Woman-Centered Professional Certification Programs have trained thousands more to create fulfilling, impactful and successful careers as transformational coaches, trainers, authors, speakers and leaders specializing in women’s empowerment and global change-making. She is fast becoming known as the “mentor of mentors” for purpose-driven, high-potential women.

In addition to building the Feminine Power global community, Claire is also a wildly successful conscious entrepreneur. In 2010, she co-founded Evolving Wisdom, LLC, which under her leadership rapidly grew to become one of the world’s most successful online transformational learning enterprises. In 2013, Evolving Wisdom was ranked #83 on the Inc. 500 list of America’s fastest growing private companies, and since its inception, it has generated close to 100 million in revenue, and reached millions of people from more than 180 countries.