Awaken Your Authentic Spiritual Essence to Catalyze Higher Love & Consciousness with Sister Dr. Jenna (September – October 28th, 2021): Experience a guided meditation to experience your original state of freedom. Explore your innermost self using simple spiritual tools to reveal true-life blessings. Take your life back into your own hands by understanding the powerful creator you are. Discover the 8 core spiritual powers present in your soul, and how they show up for you.
Discover How to Amplify the Good Within You by Harnessing Your Spiritual Gifts
Do you consider yourself a human being who occasionally has spiritual experiences… or a spiritual being who is having a human experience?
How you answer this question will determine where you are in making the shift from body awareness to soul awareness — and your current ability to embody and express the beauty, higher consciousness, and love that you wish to see in the world.
Discovering where you are on your spiritual path will also shine a light on which spiritual tools you can use right now to align with the greatest version of yourself that you hope to be.
For many of us, stepping into our authentic selves feels like a challenge to overcome… that we must somehow override our humanness or the parts of ourselves that we find difficult to accept, honor, and love.
On Wednesday, October 6, 2021, Sister Dr. Jenna, spiritual mentor, and friend to many offers another perspective on what it means to be human that will not only redefine the outdated narratives of who and what you really are… but will also help you identify where you are in your spiritual development.
You can register here for Awaken Your Authentic Spiritual Essence to Catalyze Higher Love & Consciousness: How to Amplify the Good Within You & Your Life By Harnessing Your Spiritual Gifts & Cultivating Inner Freedom:
In this illuminating free hour-long event, you’ll discover:
What it means to be clear and pure in spirit — and how shifting from body awareness to soul awareness can change your life and that of those around you
- A guided meditation to experience your original state of freedom for soul-inspired creativity and new patterns of thinking
- How karmic patterns can either stifle or serve to awaken and nurture the wholeness that you are and the Divine within you
- The 8 core spiritual powers that are present in the soul, and how they naturally show up for you when you need them
- How to cultivate higher love for a deeper connection with the light within you and in your life
With Sister Jenna’s guidance, you’ll begin to take your life back into your own hands by understanding the powerful creator that you are, the role of karma in spiritual awakening and opening deeper channels of communication with the Divine…
… and how letting go of the labels, judgments, and expectations that you place on yourself, others, and life is actually the act that allows revived joy, wonder, and a sense of possibility to emerge within you and in your life.
Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
Host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast
P.S. In Awaken Your Authentic Spiritual Essence to Catalyze Higher Love & Consciousness: How to Amplify the Good Within You & Your Life By Harnessing Your Spiritual Gifts & Cultivating Inner Freedom…
… you’ll explore your innermost self with revived joy, wonder, and possibility using simple spiritual tools that help you shift from body awareness to soul awareness, revealing your core luminosity, true life blessings… and the Divine within.
We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled, but if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available:
About Your Spiritiual Teacher
Sister Dr. Jenna is the founder and director of the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Museum in Washington, DC. She is an author, radio and podcast host, and renowned speaker. Sister Jenna’s compassion for humanity is expressed through the variety of initiatives she spearheads, offering fresh perspectives for youth, women, governments, and communities to find clarity, power, and insight leading to creative solutions.
Sister Jenna has been the recipient of numerous awards, including the 100 Most Influential Leaders of 2015 (Empowering a Billion Women), the President’s Lifetime National Community Service Award, the Everyday Hero Award (The Foundation for a Better Life), and the Friendship Archway Award.
She’s also served as a principal partner on the Oprah Winfrey Belief Team. Sister Jenna is a contributing author to the book, Mr. President: Interfaith Perspectives on the Historic Presidency of Barack H. Obama.
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