Envisioning a Racially Just World with Dereca Blackmon (June – July 2021): Discover a path toward dismantling racism and creating a just society. Experience a guided journey to identify your vision for true racial justice. Discover how to challenge the ways that inequality is embedded in our everyday lives.
Explore how you can help heal racism, promote justice, and honor every person.
Discover a Path to Dismantling Racism & Creating a Just Society
Rev. Dereca Blackmon believes that racial healing begins when we, as individuals, do the work to understand the wounds that internalized racism creates in all of us, no matter the color of our skin.
Maybe you’re wanting to know what else you can do to make a difference around racial justice and equality, or would like to find a productive way to express your anger over the unwarranted deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and far too many others.
Whatever the reason, you probably agree that it’s been a long time coming for our country to address our sordid history of racial inequality. The ongoing, day-to-day racism embedded in our society is often so subtle that white-bodied people often aren’t even aware of it.
In a free online mini-workshop — which falls on Juneteenth, the holiday that commemorates the end of slavery — you’ll gain a greater understanding of the myriad ways our country is still struggling with the scourge of racism and racial justice more than 150 years after Black people were emancipated.
You can register here for Envisioning a Racially Just World: Discover a Path Towards Dismantling Internalized Racism & Creating a Society of Love, Equity & Solidarity:
In this galvanizing 60-minute free online event on envisioning racial justice, you’ll:
Learn ways you can step up and make a difference in healing racism
- Contextualize oppression and see why racial justice requires collective liberation
- Look at how solidarity, allyship, and coalition-building can contribute to social and racial justice
- See why adding activism to your spirituality toolkit leads to awakening
- Connect to your core beliefs so you can articulate your own vision for racial justice
You’ll explore why healing requires that we open our eyes to the devastation caused by racism and stop participating, both knowingly and passively, in a system that was designed to favor some at the expense of others.
Dereca will help you see why adding activism to your spirituality toolkit will awaken a new part of you. You’ll look at why holding a mirror to your own accountability is a crucial first step in unlearning everything you’ve internalized about race, freeing you up to contribute effectively to racial healing.
More than anything, Dereca’s wise and loving spiritual guidance — along with her no-blame, no-shame approach — will undoubtedly elevate your self-awareness and your desire to help bring about racial healing.
You can RSVP for free here.
Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
Host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast
P.S. In Envisioning a Racially Just World: Discover a Path Towards Dismantling Racism & Creating a Society of Love, Equity & Solidarity, you’ll discover how to see and challenge the ways that inequality is embedded in our everyday lives — and how we all can help heal racism, promote justice, and honor every person with the respect and value they deserve.
We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.
About Your Teacher Rev Dereca Blackmon
Rev. Dereca Blackmon is a passionate speaker, facilitator, and national expert on topics of diversity, racial justice, equity, and inclusion. For over 25 years she has consulted with a wide variety of corporate, educational, nonprofit, and community-based groups to facilitate “uncommon conversations” on issues of race, gender, class, and social justice. Her experiential training models cut through “diversity fatigue” and allow participants to engage in deep, authentic, and meaningful dialogues.
She served as the Assistant Vice Provost and Director of the Diversity and First-Generation Office at Stanford University, where she introduced groundbreaking work on authentic engagement, intergroup dialogue, and unconscious bias-internalized racism to over 30,000 students, staff, faculty, and alumni. She also taught several courses at Stanford, including Intergroup Communication with renowned cultural psychologist Hazel Markus, which typically has a waitlist of over 250 students.
Dereca co-led the effort to organize the Bay Area community response to the murder of Oscar Grant III by transit police. After mobilizing thousands of protestors and holding countless meetings and rallies, she began to question the strategy of organizing “against” rather than “for.” She entered the ministerial school and has never looked back, becoming one of the nation’s leading speakers on spiritual activism and racial justice.
Her training, activism, and youth development work have been featured in two books — Black Youth Rising by Dr. Shawn Ginwright, and Learning to Liberate by Dr. Vajra Watson — and cited in countless national forums, including The Wall Street Journal, CNN, and The New York Times.
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