Spiritual Teachings of Dr. David Hawkins

Dr. David R. Hawkins on Donald Trump, Enthusiasm, Optimism & Success

Raising Consciousness: Dr. Hawkins Offers a Higher Perspective of Donald Trump

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Dr. Hawkins Speaks of the Consciousness of Donald Trump

A Lecture Series from October 2009

Dr. Hawkins speaks from a higher perspective of Donald Trump. He perceives him as optimistic, enthusiastic, and loves what he does in the world. He also recognizes his “worldly success.”

Keep in mind that Dr. Hawkins is of enlightened consciousness at 600+ on the Map of Consciousness®. As a mystic (700+), he sees the truth and essence of everything! It’s the nature of the field of consciousness of the mystic and enlightened beings.

In April(ish) of 2016, I was home on a Saturday night and watched with my dad a speech Donald Trump gave in Iowa (I think).

Mind you, I have never had any interest in the political process, and I never followed much of any Presidency ever. I certainly never really watched any political programming, especially on a free Saturday night!

But this particular speech was different. I was wholly engaged in what Donald Trump was saying. I felt him coming from the heart (575 on the Map). There was no question I was going to vote for this man in 2016 and again in 2020.

I, and perhaps many of us, are averse to the political process because the level of consciousness of politicians, in general, is 180. This, no surprise, is of lower consciousness, below the level of integrity of 200 on the Map.

Consciousness levels below 200 are negatively oriented, downward pulling, and destructive. They lack integrity, courage, honesty. They drain you of energy and bring you into their lower levels if you don’t pay close enough attention to how you feel. It doesn’t feel right unless, of course, it “juices” your own ego attraction to it.

They are, by nature, the wolf in sheep’s clothing. They have no real power to affect change whatsoever. That’s why it can be easily perceived as “the swamp.”

Again, no judgment here. It’s just an impersonal attractor field, attracting to itself, that which it is! Don’t worry. I am going to put all of this into context below.

A Higher Perspective on Donald Trump

So, I wanted to address a higher perspective on Donald Trump and his level of consciousness he has operated from likely for most of his life. His family calibrates at the same level.

According to consciousness calibrations, most of us are born into a level of consciousness, and we don’t typically evolve up more than 5 points on the Map. With the awareness of the Map of Consciousness®, this can change for many of us. In fact, just coming into the understanding of consciousness calibrations and aligning with Dr. Hawkins’s teachings and Map of Consciousness can raise your consciousness level by 35 points! That huge, based on the average of only 5 points in a lifetime.

Suppose you are a student of the Map of Consciousness or Dr. David R. Hawkins. You are aware that advanced spiritual students and practitioners of consciousness calibrations can measure anything about its level of consciousness past or present, but not future.

According to ConsciousnessCalibrations.com, he IS of higher consciousness and has made a quantum leap above his consciousness level to be of service to this country.

If you are familiar with the Map, then it is reasonable to accept that he is of higher consciousness and a powerful creator. I’ll go through a rational and reasonable exercise with you below to help you feel your way to the truth about Donald Trump’s consciousness.

But first, If you have issues with his personality and want to “be right” about him in a negative light, you will be attracted to the news reports of him that support your wanting to be right. If you hate him, then your filter of perception will be that of hate.

The filter of hate, can’t see or hear the truth about anything.

No judgment. It just is the nature of this impersonal attractor field.

The lower levels of consciousness that “want to be right” and make others wrong is the “juice of the ego.”

Last week I shared  Dr. Hawkins’s video clip about the “juice of the ego.”

The same is true for those who want to see Donald Trump from a higher perspective. However, that can be difficult as the mainstream media does not tell the truth about Donald Trump. This statement calibrates as accurate.

Let’s Put Donald Trump’s Consciousness Into Context

Topic *Consciousness Calibration
Average of the Office of the Presidency 450
The work that Donald Trump has done as President 435
Statesmanship 430
Democracy of the United States 410
Rationality 405
Reason 400
Enthusiasm 390
“Worldly Success” 375
Donald Trump 370
Capitalism 360
Willingness to accept you are the creator of your own experience 350
Optimistic and Willing 310
Socialism 305
Honest Dissent (President Trump’s Tweets) 240
Courage 200
85% of the planet Below 200
50 % of the United States Below 200
Percentage of the planet that cares about the truth as it is verified in consciousness 2%

*Consciousness Calibrations come from most of Dr. David R. Hawkins’s books (see below). Now that Dr. Hawkins has passed in 2012, I subscribe to a website called ConsciousnessCalibrations.com where I can request current consciousness calibrations. There’s is a small subscription fee to gain access to all calibrations. This fee supports the work that people need to do to get the calibrations. The Mind Body Spirit Network receives no compensation for this recommendation.

Let’s Put The Guiding principles of the United States Into Context

Topic *Consciousness Calibration
Constitution of the United States of America 710
Declaration of Independence 705
Universal Rights-Human dignity and the right for freedom 700
Bill of Rights 640

It is a highly distorted perception to believe that the guiding principles of the United States of America are of lower consciousness in any way! 

Distortion comes from politicized points of view in the distorted field of victimhood below 200 on the Map.

*Consciousness Calibrations come from most of Dr. David R. Hawkins’s books (see below). Now that Dr. Hawkins has passed in 2012, I subscribe to a website called ConsciousnessCalibrations.com where I can request current consciousness calibrations. There’s is a small subscription fee to gain access to all calibrations. This fee supports the work that people need to do to get the calibrations. The Mind Body Spirit Network receives no compensation for this recommendation.

Let’s Put the Political Arena Into Context


Topic *Consciousness Calibration
Sane & Normal 300
Courage 200
Avarice 190
White Lie 190
Political Correctness 190
Codependency 190
Social Justice 190
Vladimir Putin 190
Pacifism 185
Extreme Left-Liberal Parties 185
Politicians 180
Political Correctness 180
Hollywood 180
Pride 175
Joe Biden 170
Bernie Sanders 170
Victim Mentality 165
Conspiracy Theories 165
Communism 160
White Supremacy 150
Dictatorships 135
Karl Marx 130
Global Warming Theory 130
Criticism as an Addiction (our current news media!?!) 120
Anarchy 105
Hitler 90

Here’s putting this all into context!

You decide where you want to land in consciousness. Use the Map of Consciousness® as a guide.

*Consciousness Calibrations come from most of Dr. David R. Hawkins’s books (see below). Now that Dr. Hawkins has passed in 2012, I subscribe to a website called ConsciousnessCalibrations.com where I can request current consciousness calibrations. There’s is a small subscription fee to gain access to all calibrations. This fee supports the work that people need to do to get the calibrations. The Mind Body Spirit Network receives no compensation for this recommendation.

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If you’d like to peruse more teachings from Dr. David R. Hawkins, subscribe to the YouTube Channel for Veritas Publishing here.


All calibrations are based on Dr. David R. Hawkins decades of research into consciousness, and the Map of Consciousness® that came from this research, so as to put into context where true, constructive power really exists and where it doesn’t.

The Map of Consciousness® is a logarithmic scale of 0-1,000, where 100 on the Map of Consciousness® is 10 to the 100th power, 200 is 10 to the 200th power, etc. The higher you go up on the Map, the more quantum in nature the power level comes.

Any calibration below 200 holds no truth and no power and is destructive in nature. See more about the lower levels of consciousness here.

TRUE POWER begins at 200 on the Map (10 to the 200th power) and it is the level of COURAGE. In order to turn around anything that’s negatively oriented in your life, you need to step into courage on the matter in order to do so. See more about the higher levels of consciousness here.

**Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS*

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Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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