
Discover the Spirit Animal Hummingbird: Shamanic Animal Mediciine Rituals

The Shift Network Presents: Connect With the Sacred  Animal Spirit of the Hummingbird to Drink the Healing Nectar of Higher Consciousness: Andean Spirit Medicine Practices for Accessing the Deep Shamanic Wisdom in “Royal” Animals with Puma Fredy Quispe Singona (now thru February 5th, 2024): Shamanic rituals to embody the sacred spirits of the animal kingdom and connecting to healing animal spirits. Connect to the holy nature, animal medicine & elemental forces of the animal kingdom. Embody the sacred hummingbird’s energy to evolve your consciousness.
Andean practices to access the shamanic wisdom of royal animals.

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Andean Practices to Access the Shamanic Wisdom & Animal Medicine of the Hummingbird

According to Andean shamanic lineages, animal spirits are essential allies in a realm of enlightened beings standing by waiting to help you through life’s ups and downs.

Animal spirits can act as powerful guides — always on your team, and full of insightful lessons and life-changing perspectives. Working with them can facilitate your spiritual transformations and rapid healing, says Andean medicine carrier Puma Fredy Quispe Singona.

You can follow in the footsteps of Incan ancestors and connect with these animals, whom Puma calls the elder brothers and sisters in our spiritual family, through sacred rituals and ceremonies.

As you’ll discover, these sacred animals hold space for the capacities, skills, and perspectives that may be undeveloped in you.

Join Puma for an hour-long event available now through February 5th, 2024, as he introduces you to working more generally with “royal animals” — specifically the powerful energy of the hummingbird (Q’enti)

… a rare royal bird celebrated by the Andean people for its connection to the evolution of consciousness and the healing that takes place when you awaken to the beauty all around you.

Register here: Connect With the Sacred  Spirit Animal of the Hummingbird to Drink the Healing Nectar of Higher Consciousness: Andean Spirit Medicine Practices for Accessing the Deep Shamanic Wisdom in “Royal” Animals. 

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll learn how you can embody the spirit animal of the hummingbird as you:

  • Experience a guided meditation to liberate yourself from your fears and perceived limitations, preparing yourself to take on a (seemingly) impossible feat or accomplish a goal that’s always been out of reach
  • Access your unlimited potential, propelling yourself forward into success
  • Explore the power of living in a passionate way
  • Find the beauty in every person’s heart
  • Discover how you’re part of what Puma calls a cosmic project — how the details of what’s happening in your life are connected to what’s taking place throughout our planet and the universe.

Learn from Puma how you can find the nectar of life, just as the hummingbird finds it within each flower — so you can see beauty everywhere and reach enlightenment.

RSVP right here.

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
Host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast and

Host of and

P.S. When you join the hour-long event, Connect With the Sacred Spirit Animal of the Hummingbird to Drink the Healing Nectar of Higher Consciousness: Andean Spirit Medicine Practices for Accessing the Deep Shamanic Wisdom in “Royal” Animals, with Andean medicine carrier Puma Fredy Quispe Singonayou’ll immerse yourself in a guided meditation to embody the energy of Q’enti, the sacred hummingbird, a master of this new era we’re living in…

… so you can find beauty everywhere, face your greatest fears, and evolve your consciousness.

You’re invited to join this event as scheduled on Saturday, January 13. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a recording soon after the event concludes.

Shamanism is of Higher Consciousness

Is Shamanism Safe and Aligned with Truth, or Is It New Agey?

According to, shamanism is of higher consciousness and calibrates above 200 on Dr. David R. Hawkins’s Map of Consciousness®.

Shamanism IS NOT the same energy as new age energy. New ageism, according to consciousness research, is of lower consciousness and calibrates below 200.

To find out more about higher levels of consciousness, click here, and for lower levels of consciousness, click here. 

About Your  Shamanic Animal Medicine Instructor Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

Puma Fredy Quispe Singona’s journey into the heart of Andean traditions commenced under the tutelage of his grandfather, the late Don Maximo, following a lightning-initiation at the tender age of six. This marked the inception of a profound odyssey as Puma absorbed the essence of Andean rituals and traditions, forging connections with ancestral spirits, cosmic energies, and the fundamental elements of nature.

A dedicated explorer of ancient wisdom, Puma delved deeply into the direct lineages of the Huachuma plant along the coastal stretches of Peru. Additionally, he cultivated an intimate relationship with Ayahuasca, the revered plant spirit of the Amazonian Shipibo people. His passion for the ancestral teachings of the Incan heritage is profoundly intertwined with a heartfelt reverence for Pachamama, Earth Mother, and the pivotal role of plant medicine in catalyzing a global awakening of consciousness.

As a young adult, Puma’s endeavors extended to international platforms, participating in and facilitating gatherings of Spiritual Leaders and Young Leaders through the auspices of YES (Youth for Environmental Sanity). His journey has been chronicled in various books and films that illuminate the Andean medicine path, solidifying his standing as a beacon of indigenous wisdom.

Guided by the ethos of his tour company, Puma Adventures, he unites diverse groups from around the world for transformative spiritual pilgrimages, venturing to sacred sites that evoke self-transformation and rebirth.

Within the confines of his hometown, Chinchero, Puma realized a remarkable feat: the creation of Noqan Kani Global Community Center. This visionary hub serves as a sanctuary for both the local populace and the wider global community, fostering the dissemination of ancient teachings. Here, the timeless tapestry of Andean ways, culture, and nature-derived sagacity thrives, preserving its essence for generations to come.

Puma’s sacred mission is an echo of his grandfather’s legacy, a torchbearer dedicated to the sharing of ancestral Indigenous wisdom and medicine. His unique and inspiring approach stems from the depths of his being, embodying the essence of his heritage in every heartfelt offering.

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia is the Founder & Editor in Chief of The Mind Body Spirit Network and loves to bring visionary thought leaders, teachers and speakers as well as luminary healers, change agents and transformation specialists to light in order to assist in the evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth and all its inhabitants.

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