Discover the Power of Biosonic Tuning Fork Frequencies: Vibrational Medicine for Cultivating a Flow State Within Yourself & With the World with naturopath and psychologist Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD,

The Shift Network presents another sound healing event– Discover the Power of Biosonic Tuning Fork Frequencies: Vibrational Medicine for Cultivating a Flow State Within Yourself & With the World with naturopath and psychologist Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD, now- January 4th, 2024: Learn how to create meaningful vibrational relationships in your life. Explore how to improve your wellbeing using frequency medicine. Learn to align more closely with your true essence using the power of sound. Learn the art of sound healing using tuning forks. Discover the key to profound healing, harmony, and transformation. Explore how to use sound to increase wellness in yourself and others. Learn how to cultivate a flow state within yourself & the world

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Learn the art of sound healing using tuning forks

Learn how to create meaningful vibrational relationships in your lifeWhat if the key to profound healing, harmony, and transformation is already within you?

Throughout history, sages have championed the idea that we are inherently vibrational beings, a sentiment echoed by today’s scientists.

Our world is a symphony of vibrations. Everything is resonating from the hum of the Earth to the thump of your heartbeat.

In our complex world, however, it’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day stressors, losing touch with our intrinsic nature and resonant frequency, which makes us feel that we are out of tune with others or our environment.

Now through January 4th, 2024, you can join naturopath and psychologist Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, Ph.D.; you’ll learn the relationship between intention, thoughts, and the nervous system. 

He’ll use tuning forks and a resonator box to show how the connective tissue in your body conducts frequencies. You’ll discover how every emotion, thought, and relationship you have is underpinned by vibration.

You’ll also understand how to harness your natural frequencies to improve your well-being and align more closely with your true essence.

Recognizing and embracing your vibrational nature, you’ll attune more deeply as an individual while evolving and moving closer to Source — becoming what Dr. Beaulieu calls “a being of sound mind and body.”

You can register here for Discover the Power of Biosonic Tuning Fork Frequencies: Vibrational Medicine for Cultivating a Flow State Within Yourself & With the World:

Learn the art of sound healing using biosonic tuning fork frequenciess

In this wisdom-packed hour-long online event on biosonic tuning fork healing, you’ll:

  • Explore how to use sound to increase wellness in yourself and others Learn how to cultivate a flow state within yourself & the worldUnderstand how to relate to yourself and others as vibrational beings

  • Grasp the role of your body as a resonator, amplifying frequencies and providing insights into enhanced well-being through a deeper understanding of connection.

  • Learn the art of sound healing using tuning forks, sounding bowls, and voice to tap into and boost your body’s natural connective tissue resonance, promoting healing.

  • Unlock the power of mantras, viewing them as “thoughts of sound,” scientifically proven to resonate with our bodies, fostering emotional and physical alignment.

  • Equip yourself with practical sound-healing techniques, helping you continue your alignment with your vibrational state of wellbeing.

Join Dr.Beaulieu and discover how to create meaningful vibrational relationships with everyone and everything in your life. 

You can RSVP for free here.


Liz Gracia Founder, Editor in Chief & Host of YOur Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
Host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast and

Host of and

P.S. In Discover the Power of Biosonic Tuning Fork Frequencies: Vibrational Medicine for Cultivating a Flow State Within Yourself & With the World with naturopath and psychologist Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD…

… you’ll explore the vibrational wisdom at the nexus of ancient wisdom and modern science, empowering you with sound-based healing techniques, fostering profound connections, and elevating your wellbeing.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

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About Your Biosonic Tuning Fork Frequencies Instructor

naturopath and psychologist Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhDDr. John BeaulieuND, PhD, is a composer, musician, psychologist, and naturopathic physician whose work focuses on the development of tuning forks as musical instruments — tuned to precise mathematical formulas to affect consciousness and bring about a healing response via mindful listening. He is the co-founder of BioSonic Enterprises, Ltd., a company dedicated to “tuning the world.”

John is the author of numerous research papers and professional publications, including Music and Sound in The Healing Arts… Human Tuning Vol. I: Sound Healing With Tuning Forks… and Vol. II: Sound Healing and Values Visualization.

His research publications focus on nitric oxide, sound, and the relaxation response related to vagal toneHe is the composer of Calendula: A Suite for Pythagorean Tuning Forks and Apollo’s Lyre: A Modern Adventure In Ancient Cosmic Harmony.

He lectures around the world on sound and healing and performs special sound-healing concerts with tuning forks called Human Tune Ins™.

John has been a practicing clinical therapist and professor for 45 years. He graduated from Purdue and Indiana Universities, where he studied psychology and music and went on to serve as a supervising therapist and researcher at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York City.

Explore More Sound Healing Training Intro Events & Courses Below

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Discover Your Electric Body: Keys to Tuning Your Biofield for Total Wellbeing.

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Experience the powerful vibrational medicine of tuning forks and humming with Jonathan Goldman