The Shift Network Presents– Discover Mediumship Training Excellence: Experience a Deep Dive Into the Artistry of Spirit Connected with Suzanne Giesemann (now – March 6th, 2024): Connect across the veil as a soul in a human body. Embody your highest self in every mediumship reading—manifest mediumship excellence. Embody your soul’s power for effective connection with the spirit realm. Embody soul-to-soul mediumship. Elevate your mediumship success and embody your highest self
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Elevate Your Mediumship Skills and Embody Your Highest Self
What makes some mediums uniquely, jaw-droppingly skilled at what they do?
There is typically a combination of trainable skills and the life-changing metaphysical realization that they’re not merely human, says celebrated mystic and medium Suzanne Giesemann.
Their ability to communicate with the other side is grounded in the knowledge that they’re souls, temporarily in a human body, and they are simply communicating with other souls when they “talk” across the veil.
This realization leads to a different relationship with souls who are not in a body, a relationship that can blossom as a partnership in healing and evolving souls who have forgotten that core truth.
You’re invited to join Suzanne’s brand-new event with The Shift Network on Saturday, February 17 (recording available now- March 6th, 2024)as she explains how this shift in perspective is foundational for you to manifest what she calls mediumship excellence…
… which happens when you shift your identity from a separate human to the interdependent expression of the true Power you truly are.
You can register for free here: Discover Mediumship Excellence: Experience a Deep Dive Into the Artistry of Spirit Connected
She’ll also explore several other key shifts and skills necessary to develop skills in delivering provable evidence that communication is real — which is vital for mediumship to really change lives.
Suzanne was called to train others in this communication after a high-level career as a Navy commander, so she approached mediumship with a high level of skepticism and is clear on building a foundation for excellence.
In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:
Soak up the feminine energy from below and masculine energy from above during Suzanne’s Balancing the Cosmic Energy Practice — a guided meditation to feel the extent of the power you’re pulling into yourself
- Discover what’s possible for you as a medium when you harness the power of the greater good — and understand that you are limitless, an eternal work in progress because Source is always adding beautiful touches to your innate magnificence
- How your Higher Self is part of an even greater Self that’s connected to a dynamic flow of life force energy that seeks to be expressed
- How you can boost your mediumship skills by becoming more aware of your deepest motives and intentions
- Become what Suzanne calls a powerful antenna for soul-to-soul communication — the key to effectively connecting with the spirit world and conducting accurate and powerful readings through the age-old practice of mediumship
According to Suzanne, when you’ve manifested mediumship excellence, your life force flows through you more fully — your life force breathes you, and your inner energy is dynamic and alive.
That’s why it’s not separate from evolving yourself spiritually and operating from a higher frequency of consciousness.
Connecting with your higher self at all times can make a tangible and noticeable difference in the quality, clarity, and depth of your energy field.
Suzanne’s background in the military gives her a unique foundation to be clear, grounded, and accurate in how to make contact with the other side a reality.
Liz Gracia
Founder & Editor-in-Chief
Host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast
P.S. When you join Discover Mediumship Excellence: Experience a Deep Dive Into the Artistry of Spirit Connected with beloved mystic and medium Suzanne Giesemann, you’ll learn how you can come into your power to confidently and consistently connect with spirits and loved ones.
I hope you can join the event before it comes down on March 6th, 2024.
About Your Evidential Mediumship Teacher
Suzanne Giesemann is a messenger of hope and the founder and teacher of The Awakened WaySM — a path to knowing who you are and why you’re here. She is a former U.S. Navy Commander who served as a commanding officer and aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9/11.
Today, Suzanne provides stunning evidence of the existence of Universal Consciousness and our interconnectedness. Suzanne is the author of 13 books, including Messages of Hope: The Metaphysical Memoir of a Most Unexpected Medium… Wolf’s Message… Still Right Here: A True Story of Healing and Hope… and In The Silence: 365 Days of Inspiration from Spirit.
She has been a keynote presenter for numerous organizations, including Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment, the Academy for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies, the Afterlife Research and Education Institute, and the International Association for Near-Death Studies. She has led weekend retreats at well-known spiritual centers, including Omega Institute, Lily Dale Assembly, The Monroe Institute, and Unity Village. She has written and narrated the popular Mediumship series of Hemi-Sync® recordings.
Suzanne’s gift of evidential mediumship has been tested and verified. Her work has been recognized as highly credible by noted afterlife researchers and organizations. Whether in her books and CDs, in her classes and workshops, on her Messages of Hope Unity Online Radio show, or in her one-on-one sessions, Suzanne brings messages of hope, healing, and love that go straight to the heart and illuminate the light of self-awareness within.
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