HIGHER PERSPECTIVES—What is the spiritual meaning of coronavirus and the spiritual meaning of 9-11? (They have similarities in consciousness…don’t ‘cha know!)
In this week’s episode of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness, I take a look at the spiritual meaning of coronavirus and 9-11 and share higher perspectives or spiritual perspectives on the topic.
This episode has quite a few juicy segements you may find really useful and some you may not. Here’s how I break down this episode and where each section is on the video, so you can skip ahead if need be:
Written details and additional links and resources for each segment can be found below.
In this week’s episode of “Your Weekly Dose of HIgher Consciousness” podcast and videocast I ask you to consider that there is a spritual meaning to everything.
The spiritual meaning of coronavirus or the spiritual meaning of 9-11 is no exception.
So the meaning of higher perspective comes from understanding levels of consciousness. As you raise your level of consciousness on any subject, your perspective changes. I have experienced this truth first hand. It is how I am able to convey a higher perspective as it relates to the spiritual meaning of coronavirus with you today.
So, as an example… how are you percieving the spiritual meaning of coronavirus right now or even how did you percieve the spiritual meaning of 9-11 when it happened?
Here’s a list of the things you could be feeling right now. Each one is coming from a different level of consciousness. I share the level of consciousness of each feeling in (parenthesis with a consciousness calibration).
Anything below 200 on the Map of Consciousness® (or below 10 to the 200th) is perceiving from a lower level of consciousness.
Anything above 200 is perceiving from a higher perspective or higher level of consciousness. Anything at 500 or above (or 10 to the 500th power) is percieveing from a higher perspective, that is known in consciousness as the spiritual domain or non-linear understanding and perspective.
If you are feeling:
All of these feelings are coming from a lower level of consciousness and a lower perspective, not a higher perspective of the spiritual meaning of coronavirus, and they don’t (necessarily) serve you.
You are kinda’ being “sucked into” the mass consciousness of the planet on the low end of the spectrum.
Please know, that there is NO JUDGMENT on how you feel. We’re all only human, and with a lack of understanding of the lower levels of cosnciousness, it’s easy to get “sucked into” the lower levels.
So how can you be of a higher perspective on the spiritual meaning of coronavirus?
I’m glad you asked!
You can step into higher levels of consciousness and a more construtive and powerful energy field like:
These are just a few ways you could be feeling about the spiritual meaning of the coronavirus.
The first understanding I introduce you to has to do with the relationship of the crown chakra and the meaning of oneness as it relates to the spiritual meaning of coronavirus or 9-11.
I wrote a blog all about the meaning of oneness with a video from one of my Shift Network associates, Katy Bray. Katy is a gifted clairvoyant and Master Energy & Chakra Architect that put together a video on the history of the chakras as a collective experience throughout the decades beginning right after World War II. This history was inspired by her understanding of the spiritual meaning of coronavirus as it relates to the crown chakra experience we are having as a collective consciousness in crisis today.
I too have this higher perspective awareness and understanding that there is more going on at play here than just our individual experiences of it all.
The relationship between the crown chakra experience in our collective consciousness and the meaning of oneness.
600 is HUGE on the map, and is of a significantly high level of consciosness. In fact, at last count there were only 12 people on the planet that calibrated at this level of cosnciousness.
The spiritual meaning of coronavirus is seen at a much higher perspective at this level. The level of TRUTH and understanding is not of this world. It is of the non-linear spiritual dimension.
So, without going into too much detail here (i recommend listening to the videocast). I want to share with you what’s going on at this level of consciousness as elucidated on the Map of Consciousness®.
At this level, there is an understanding of oneness, or that we all are one. This is Katy Bray’s understanding of the energy of the crown chakra as well.
So here’s what’s going on {energetically} at the level of consciousness of 600 ↑ (or 10 to the 600th power) and why the spiritual meaning of coronavirus is seen from a higher perspective:
So, in the video I address a whole bunch of other things to help you deal with the spiritual meaning of coronavirus as you percieve it now.
I am going to pass on writing about some of those sections and put them in other blog posts, so this one doesn’t turn into a book!
So I will write separate blog posts about:
As soon as those posts are ready, I will link them here!
I DO however want to offer powerful affirmations you can use to “shore up” your intention to support the movement and resolution of this coronavirus crisis quickly.
Here’s some affrimations for you to use and share so we can, as a collective consciousness, “power through” this intentionally together.
I am HOPEFUL ( 310 ↑ ) that we can move through this coronavirus quickly and resume our daily lives.
I am FAITHFUL ( 365 ↑ ) that we can move through this coronavirus quickly and resume our daily lives.
I UNDERSTAND ( 400 ↑ ) and am WILLING ( 310 ↑ ) to ACCEPT ( 350 ↑ ) that there’s no power or solutions in the energy fields of FEAR (100 ↓ ), ANGER (150 ↓ ) and SCORN (175 ↓ ). I gotta’ let go of these lower levels emotions to feel better and be a powerful contributor to the solution and NOT a PART OF THE PROBLEM (175 ↓ and lower ).
I hope you found this video and blog post about the spiritual meaning of the coronavirus and a higher perspective helpful. I’d love your comments and feedback below.
And if you’re really inspired to help shift the consciousness of this situation to a higher perspective please share this with family, friends and associates so we can collectively move through this crown chakra experience more readily and get back to work and our daily lives!
If you need spiritual guidance or support right now, I encourgae you to explore The Mind Body Spirit Network directory of business listings here. We have many gifted and loving service providers.
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