Certified Medical Intuitive & Psychic Holly Scalmanini

Medical Medium & Intuitive Holly Scalmanini, L.Ac.

Get The Insights & Healing You Need

Move Forward In Your Life

We have come to earth school to live life fully, realize our highest potential, be with and work with certain relationships, and get to know ourselves and our tendencies.

I feel, see, and read your energy during an intuitive medical reading. I am looking for blocks in your ability to move forward in life. I examine your life purpose, sacred contracts, relationships, career, finances, and health.

As a Certified Medical Intuitive, I examine your physical body, the absence or presence of disease, and the life situations and emotions that contribute to illness and disease. In every medical intuitive reading, I aim to bring clarity to you and your life, give insight and details about your current life situations, and provide a specific direction to help you heal and move forward.

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Holly Scalmanini, L.Ac.

Get to Know Certified Medical Intuitive Holly Scalmanini, L.Ac.
Even Better!

Recently, Holly Scalmanini, L.Ac.  was interviewed by Liz Gracia, Founder and Editor in Chief of TheMindBodySpiritNetwork.com.

Watch this fun and lively  video and you will get a better understanding of Holly’s valuable gifts, as a spiritual and psychic medium and expertise in the realm of alternative and holistic health and energy healing. You will be fascinated by her gifts as a medical intuitive and the type of information that comes readily in regards to what’s going on in the body and the whole mind body spirit connection in general (or lack there of).

The Emotion – Body Connection Chart

Get instant access to my Emotion - Body Chart

Wondering What the Emotional Connection is to Symptoms Manifesting in Your Body?

Get instant access to my Emotion – Body Connection Chart.

Certified Medical Intuitive Holly Scalmanini

Why Get Reading from a Certified Medical Intuitive?

In an intuitive health reading, a medical intuitive will describe a life situation and/or emotions that contribute to your current state of health and blockages in the energy flow of your physical body. Then he/she will scan your physical body looking for the presence of health and disease in your internal organs, endocrine system, digestive tract, vascular system, nervous system, skeletal system, and your chakra system.

The benefits of receiving a intuitive health reading from a medical intuitive, are many. This health reading can provide valuable insight and information around your physical well being, emotions and life situations effecting your ability to move forward in life, and it can assess your sacred contracts and how well those contracts are being managed.


Intuitive Energy Healing Services

Ready for Some Healing, Support & Insights?

Schedule Time with Certified Medical Intuitive Holly Scalmanini, L.Ac. CALL 303.324.5670.

Chakra Healing and Balancing the 7 Chakras

Chakra Balancing, Healing & The 7 Chakras

Would You Like To Be More Aware of Your 7 Chakras?

Would you like to learn which of your 7 chakras needs more attention and focus?

Would you like to become more capable of tuning into your own chakras to facilitate an increased awareness of your self, your personal and spiritual growth, and your health?

A chakra reading can assess your 7 chakras and the various health issues and imbalances associated with each chakra. It can assist in chakra balancing and chakra cleansing.

It can also give you direction and insight as to how to work with balancing and healing your chakras on a daily basis to bring about a greater awareness of your body, mind, and soul which can help you move forward on the path of life.


Hands on Healing

Reiki Master Energy Healing


Reiki And Energy Healing

Would You Like To Receive Hands-On Reiki Energy Healing?

At our deepest level we are energy. Health and well-being exists in our bodies when that energy is flowing in a balanced way.

The ancient healing art of Reiki, a hands-on energy healing technique that translates as the life force of spirit, can assist in balancing the energy flow throughout your body.

Everything, including our physical body, is made up of atoms. An atom consists of the neutron in the center and protons and electrons that orbit that neutron. Essentially what the atom is made up of is the “spin” between the neutron, protons, and electrons. This “spin” as it relates to the human body is qi or life force energy.

Reiki can subtly shift that energy creating balance in your body.

Intuitive Healer


Intuitive Holistic Healing

Would You Like To Feel More Connected?

Renowned Medical Intuitive and author Caroline Myss says, “Your biography becomes your biology.”

What she is essentially saying here is that illness and disease, pain and fatigue are our bodies’ way of communicating with us.

Our bodies tell the story of our biography. A health psychic or medical intuitive reading can bring insight and clarity to your biography, in this life and in past lives.

Understanding our own biography, spirituality and health more deeply can open us up and allow us to begin to accept ourselves as we are thus creating a sense of connectedness with ourselves, our energy, and our soul.

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. “


“The power of intuitive understanding will protect you until the end of your days.”

Lao Tzu

My Latest Posts

Expert insights from a Certified Medical Intuitive & Acupuncturist

Monthly Video Book Reviews with the High Vibe Tribe, November 2018

Categories: Holly Scalmanini, Book Reviews, Linda Armstrong|Tags: , , , , , , |

The Mind Body Spirit Network brings to you their  monthly High Vibe Tribe Book Reviews group video! Some select members of The Mind Body Spirit Network and invited guests share some of their favorite[...]

High Vibe Tribe Monthly Group Video Book Reviews October 2018

Categories: Book Reviews, Cheryl Murphy, Holly Scalmanini, Liz Bigger|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

The Mind Body Spirit Network brings to you their monthly High Vibe Tribe Book Reviews group video! Some select members of The Mind Body Spirit Network and invited guests share some of their favorite[...]

Can’t Sleep? Learn How to Deal with Insomnia as it Relates to the Heart Chakra

Categories: High Vibe Tribe TV, Holly Scalmanini|Tags: , , , , , , |

What to Do When You Can't Sleep with Certified Medical Medium Holly Scalmanini Having trouble sleeping? INSOMNIA AND THE HEART CHAKRA Bringing balance to the heart can get you a better night’s[...]

About Medical Intuitive Healer Holly Scalmanini, L.Ac.

Holly is a Certified Medical Intuitive and psychic medium from The Aspen Program for Psychic Development.

She has studied with several noted psychics and healers including Karen Fox, Julie Cobb, and Nicole Sacchitella.

Holly began her career in the healing arts in 1994. Over the years when working with people, she would perceive life situations, emotional imbalances and spiritual components that contributed to the pain and illness the client was experiencing.

Holly is a Licensed Acupuncturist with a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College. She is certified in Reiki II and a board certified Chinese herbalist.

Over the past 20 years, she has worked as a Certified Massage Therapist, yoga teacher, and Physical Therapist’s Aide.

Holly’s is located in Lakewood, CO. She provides her medical intuitive readings and energy healing services remotely via phone, Skype, and video conference as well as in person to the communities in and around the Denver, Colorado area, including Littleton, Wheatridge, Golden, Morrison,, Evergreen, Arvada, Lakewood, and Boulder, CO

Holly Scalmanini of Lakewood Colorado, serving the surrounding communities of Boulder and Denver, CO

See What My Clients Have to Say:

Holly has helped me to see what my soul’s journey was meant to be. In this healing process I have discovered that energy work combined with a deeper knowledge of my soul’s purpose has transformed me into the light that I was intended to be. I recommend getting a soul tune up quarterly. Just like you would a yearly checkup. We all deserve to live a life that is meaningful for our mind, body and spirit.” 

Coleen Hampf, Lakewood, CO

“Holly is a gifted intuitive and I have benefited tremendously from her readings that have supported my spiritual growth.  I am blessed and grateful to have found Holly and would whole-heartedly recommend her services to you!”

Jane Marino-Lakewood, Colorado

“Holly is a true healer! She is one of the most intuitive people I have ever met. I feel lucky that I can benefit from her learnings and her gifts.”

Trista, Lakewood, CO

The Emotion – Body Connection Chart

Get instant access to my Emotion - Body Chart

Wondering What the Emotional Connection is to Symptoms Manifesting in Your Body?

Get instant access to my Emotion – Body Connection Chart.

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Certified Medical Medium for Intuitive Medical Readings, Psychic Holly Scalmanini, L.Ac.

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