Clear what’s blocking you from waking up each day feeling happy and eager to move forward manifesting a life you LOVE.
Are you Awakening Spiritually? Want to breakthrough all that is keeping you stuck? Would you like to tap into the unlimited possibilities, knowing your purpose, achieving your goals and loving your life? I help people bring more light into their life.
Meet Certified Energy Healing & Transformational Spiritual Awakening Life Coach Linda Armstrong

Ready to Change Your Life?
… through transformational energy healing, manifestation and personal growth & development coaching?
I am a Transformational Coach who also combines my Energy Healing abilities to create a positive growth mindset and achieve lasting results for you. I work with you to release all those things that keep pulling you off course and stop you from succeeding, all the fear, the doubt, the worry. All those subconscious beliefs and thoughts that tell you that you are not good enough.
We will create a plan to get you back on course taking inspired action, feeling energized, knowing what steps to take next on your journey to manifesting your desired life. You have the power to create an amazing life!
“I clear subconscious programming so you can step into your full potential to create a life you love” ~ Linda Armstrong

Linda Armstrong
Get to Know Linda
Even Better!
Today Liz Gracia, Founder and Editor in Chief of has a lively and informative discussion with Certified Master Law of Attraction Energy Coach and intuitive energy healing practitioner, Linda Armstrong of Tenafly, New Jersey.
Watch this fun and lively video and you will get a better understanding of Linda’s valuable gifts and expertise in the realm of transformational energy healing and clearing. You will be intrigued by her gifts and the type of information that comes readily to her in regards to old beliefs, patterns of thought, childhood traumas and issues that you may be blind to as they are buried deep in the unconscious for many of us.
We come across many gifted healers, intuitives and transformational life coaches here at The Mind Body Spirit Network and Linda Armstrong is no exception.
Check Out My Newest Courses and Offerings!

Experience The GATE Energy Healing Method
The Cells of Your Body Hold the Key to Healing Your Life.
Did you know that your body holds all of your life experience within its cells? The cells hold the beliefs, patterns and programs that are blocking you from moving forward. Energy Therapy that works with the cells is the key to Healing your Life.
GATE Healing is an energy therapy that works with the whole body. This energy healing is not hands on, it is very meditative and a conversation with your body and soul. You feel the energy as it leaves your system. The GATE Method Healing is quite remarkable. As you release the blocked energy you feel lighter and brighter. As the releasing is taking place I then set you up to manifest your desire.

Clear away what’s locked up that keeps you from believing you can have the life you’ve always known is possible.
Imagine if someone could press a button and mute that voice in your head that tells you that you’re not good enough or that you can’t accomplish what you dream about? Any limitations that you create in your life are connected to your thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs about it. Lightly touch the bars-points and you begin to clear away what’s locked up that keeps you from believing you can have the life you’ve always known is possible.
One of the life-changing components that happens naturally with each Access Bars® session is the element of receiving. How often do we just let go, lower our barriers, and allow another person to truly gift us? Learning to receive is a key to inviting more of what you’re asking for into your life. Access Bars facilitates receiving, different than any other modality in this reality.
Do you remember the last moment in your life when you were totally relaxed and nurtured and cared for? Or has it been a little too long since you received healing and kindness without any judgment of your body or your being?
Ready to heal and clear your mind, body and spirit?
Need someone to keep you focused on manifesting your desired life?
Contact me today 201-888-5832
A Unique Approach From a Gifted Energy Healer and Intuitive
Transformational Coaching

Growth Mindset Transformational Life Coach
Make real change in your life NOW by changing your mindset.
Are you feeling stuck, unable to move forward? Do you know that it is easy to create change? What if I told you that with a Growth Mindset you can accomplish anything? It’s true!
Being a Transformation Coach allows me to witness so many people manifest what they want in life. It only takes shifting from a fixed mindset to one which knows that as you change core beliefs, you change your life. A Growth Mindset allows you to always become more. There is always more and nothing ever stays the same, this is a fact. With regular Coaching and managing core beliefs through Energy Healing you will create change and learn the true art of manifesting.

Law of Attraction and the Millionaire Mindset.Do You have It?
Are you working with Law of Attraction to create your Millionaire Mindset?
Did you know that your life is a manifestation of the thoughts and feelings you experience every day?
We all want to create more abundance and wealth. To know how to manifest money you need to be aware of your own prosperity consciousness. Although I am a Personal Transformation Coach, I combine Energy Healing and Law of Attraction processes to clear your money story and create a millionaire mindset.
I clear the beliefs, programs and experiences that are blocking you from creating money or anything else you want to manifest. Everything is energy and thoughts do become things. You are a powerful being capable of creating all that you desire.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, who am I to be Brilliant, Gorgeous, Talented, and Fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. We are all meant to shine, as children do. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.
Everything is Energy. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you will get that reality. This is not philosophy. This is physics.
“We are what we think. All that we are arises with out thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.”
Linda Armstrong’s Latest Posts
Expert Insights From a Certified Energy Healer & Transformation Life Coach
About Certified Energy Healer & Transformation Coach, Linda Armstrong
Linda Armstrong is a Transformation Coach and Energy Healer specializing in the GATE Method and ThetaHealing® Technique. She is also a Master Law of Attraction Energy Coach, Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Healer and Light Body Meditation Practitioner.
Linda works with her energy healing and transformational coaching clients remotely and in person and works in Tenafly, NJ. She provides remote energy healing, relationship counseling, Law of Attraction manifestation and personal growth mindset life coaching services remotely via phone, Skype and video conference as well as in person to clients in the communities in and around the Tenafly, New Jersey area including …. Englewood New Jersey, Bergenfield New Jersey, Cresskill New Jersey, Piermont New York, Tappan New York and Nyack New York.
Services are also available via phone conferencing and/or video conferencing for clients outside our local area.

See What My Clients Have to Say:
“To say that Linda has been an inspiration to me would be an understatement. She has helped me recognize and manifest areas of myself that I did not even know existed. Her upbeat spirit and positive energy is intoxicating to be around. The changes in my life are truly amazing.”
“Linda was able to unlock negative energy that was affecting my quality of life. She helped me release the trauma of my Grandfather’s death. She’s absolutely amazing and gifted in her ability to help others. I’m so grateful for this experience, my health has improved significantly and I am now eating without getting sick!”
“Linda has completely changed my life for the better in every way. From working a drab job I hated to being at a new job, fulfilling my dream of living in New York City in my own apartment, meeting great new people and having an awesome social life, and becoming a fitness teacher in a dance related class that I LOVE. Learning about energy, and how to attract abundance in my life has made all the difference in living a positive, happy life.”

Change your life through transformation of all that is holding you back. Make the shift from fear, doubt and worry to love, peace and joy. Awaken your power to heal your life and live from LoVe!
Connect With Me Today!

Schedule an Appointment
View my scheduling calendar and book your own initial appointment 60 minute:
Want to learn more?
Visit my website at: LoveMyLife.Coach
Connect with Me!
Phone: 201-888-5832
(EST Tenafly, NJ)
via my email form (below):
Office Hours
- Monday through Thursday 12:00pm – 4:00 pm
- Friday 12:00pm – 8:00pm
Phone: 201-888-5832
I do work remotely with many energy healing and coaching clients.
Locally, and in person, I serve the surrounding communities of Tenafly, New Jersey, Englewood New Jersey, Bergenfield New Jersey, Cresskill New Jersey, Piermont New York, Tappan New York and Nyack New York.
Office Location & Map:
Linda Armstrong
Pure Love Energy, LLC
17 Washington Street
Lower Level
Tenafly, NJ 07670
Follow Me on Social Media!
Linda Armstrong dba Pure Love Energy, LLC provides Individual Transformation Life Coaching, Certified Energy Healing via ThetaHealing® Technique & The GATE Method, as well as Guided Meditation and Personal Development Services to some or all of the following local areas: Tenafly New Jersey, Englewood New Jersey, Bergenfield New Jersey, Cresskill New Jersey, Piermont New York, Tappan New York and Nyack New York.
Services are also available via phone conferencing and/or video conferencing for clients outside our local area.