Palm Reading, Hand Analysis, Palm Readers Directory2024-02-12T04:01:53-06:00

High Vibe Tribe Interview with Wendy DeRosa: How to Develop Empath Psychic Abilities

May 14th, 2022|Interviews, Empaths - HSP-Posts, Energy Healing, Healer Training, High Vibe Tribe TV|

Today's High Vibe Tribe TV interview with Wendy DeRosa discusses how to become an empowered empath and embrace your empath abilities and psychic abilities. ATTENTION Empath[...]

Approach Dreamwork Through the Practices of Bee Shamanism

April 29th, 2022|Evergreen Virtual Events, Shamaniism-T4T, Shamanism, Spirituality Events, The Shift Network, Tools for Personal Transformation|

The Shift Network Presents: Approach Dreamwork Through the Practices of Bee Shamanism with Ariella Daly: Discover shamanistic techniques from the Bee Priestess lineage of ancient Greece. Learn how to explore the depths of[...]

Activate Your Intrinsic Healing Power Through Medical Qigong

April 28th, 2022|FREE Virtual Events & Online Webinars, DR. Roger Jahnke, Qigong Training|

Activate Your Intrinsic Healing Power Through Medical Qigong with Dr. Roger Jahnke (April – June 2nd, 2022): Receive 4 Qigong practices for self-healing, energetic empowerment & youthful vitality, and practices for creating radiant[...]

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