How to Undo the Juice of Ego
Listen to Dr. Hawkins as he explains how to unravel the juice of the ego. We begin by admitting we actually love our ego. Once we do this, we can begin how[...]
A Zen Twist on the Mindful She Shed – Our Favorite Finds
Zen She Shed Interiors Ideas I love the idea of a wide variety of she shed interiors. I'm an interior designer at heart, so deciding what type of she shed interior I'd like to[...]
Harness the Wisdom, Wonder & Life-Affirming Power of Near-Death Experiences
In Harness the Wisdom, Wonder & Life-Affirming Power of Near-Death Experiences with Eben Alexander and Karen Newell (July – August 31, 2022): Learn How to Overcome Fear of Death, Open to Love &[...]
Activate Your Body’s Miraculous Healing Abilities Using the Language of Energy
Discover the Secret Language of the Body: Learn Your Body’s Energetic Language for Self-Healing with Ellen Meredith (October 2020): Discover how to activate your built-in power to heal with energy medicine. Explore how[...]
Quiz Calibrations: Random Acts of Kindness, Visualizing or
Welcome to Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness! It is our intention to assist in raising the level of consciousness on the planet to Neutral or 250 on the Map of Consciousness®. Simple[...]
Teachings of the Buddha: Discover Why Being Present In the Moment Ignites Change in Relationships
Buddhist Dharma Talks: Discover How to Ignite Change in Relationships by Being Present in the Moment with Thich Nhat Hanh: Connect more deeply with those you love. Your presence, is the greatest gift[...]
How to Have Lucid Dreams: Toltec Dreaming with Sergio Magana
Toltec Wisdom, Toltec Dreaming, & the Prophecies of the Suns with Sergio Magaña: Discover ancient dreaming practices to heal, manifest, and release the past. Discover once-secret dream wisdom for manifesting desired realities. Experience[...]
How to Let Go of Fear on the Spiritual Path-Spiritual Guidance from Dr. Hawkins
Raising Consciousness: How to Let Go of Fear on the Spiritual Path? Start Your Day on a HIGH NOTE! Inspirational teachings from Dr. David R. Hawkins for a Spiritually Awakening World [...]
Our Favorite Things: Meaningful Jewelry for Mindful Yogis
Tickle Your Inner Buddha: Yoga Jewelry for Mindful Yogis We've consciously curated yoga jewelry collections that are intended to provide meaningful gift ideas for you or your favorite yogi. Today's unique artisan[...]
Shamanic Healing with Spiritual Light Interview with Sandra Ingerman
Interview with World Renowned Shamanic Teacher Sandra Ingerman I had the distinct pleasure to interview renowned Shamanic Practitioner, Teacher & Healer Sandra Ingerman. Today we discuss her upcoming[...]
What is Truth? & How to Tell the Truth vs Falsehood
What is truth and how to tell the truth vs falsehood. In this episode, I discuss levels of consciousness and understanding the objective levels of truth. How can you tell the difference[...]
Upgrade Your Everyday Intuition & Channel Your Genius
Upgrade Your Everyday Intuition with Mellissa Seaman (July – August 30th, 2022): Discover how to access trustworthy intuitive guidance from your seven inner teammates. Discover the four types of intuition (embodied, creative, integrative,[...]