Beauty & Humility in Today’s High Vibe Song Contestant
America's Got Talent 2013 - Week 1 Auditions - Marty Brown singing a Bob Dylan song to his wife who surprised him with the audition as Marty had no idea about it.[...]
Discover Automatic Writing Techniques & Affirm Your Inner Voice
Am I Channeling Or Just Making It Up? with Michael Sandler now through October 4th, 2022: Communicate with departed loved ones w/Michael Sandler’s Automatic Writing technique. Liberate and affirm your inner voice with[...]
Are You a Hostage to Your Genetic Inheritance? Interview with Dr. Kenneth R.Pelletier
This week we had the distinct privilege to interview Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier, Integrative Medicine Pioneer, and researcher in the breakthrough field of epigenetics - gene inheritance. In Dr. Pelletier's newest book[...]
The Evolutionary Plant Medicine Summit 2022
The Evolutionary Plant Medicine Summit 2022: Enlist botanical allies to calm anxiety, build resilience & heighten consciousness. Connect with herbal medicine and resources to address personal maladies & ongoing global challenges. Nurture the[...]
5 Teachings of Pema Chödrön
5 Teachings of Pema Chödrön from Lion's Roar and Shambhala Publications: Deepen your spiritual practice with five fundamental teachings in a free e-book from Pema Chödrön GET THE FREE E-BOOK HERE [...]
Listen as They Belt It Out! Soulful Song of the Day
This song has not been calibrated as to its level of consciousness, but this type of Devotional song about loving The Lord paired with a Tabernacle Choir like this is typically in[...]
Custom Pet Portraits for the Love of Your Life
We've consciously curated unique items that are intended to provide thoughtful gift ideas for you and other pet owners. Here are the details of Today's Favorite Finds, which just happens to be one of[...]
How to Set Boundaries & Make the Biggest Impact on Your Health
How to Set Boundaries and Make the Biggest Impact on Your Health by Reprogramming Your Boundaries with Lauren Walker (September – October 2022): Experience Energy Medicine Yoga to fortify your biofield and prevent[...]
4 Powers of Intuition for Sensitives & Empaths with Wendy De Rosa
4 Powers of Intuition for HSPs, Sensitives & Empaths with Wendy De Rosa (September 22nd– October 13th, 2022): Discover how to open the doorways of awareness through your chakras. Experience your chakras as[...]
Discover the Wisdom of the Winds Interview with Renee Baribeau
Do you feel called to create a new map for your life that’s true to your essence? If so, let the cardinal winds be your guide… Like helping[...]
Your FREE Tapping Challenge: 21 Days to Manifestation Mastery
Thoughts to Things...Train Yourself to Be a Master Manifester-21 Days to Manifestation Mastery with Dawson Church, Jack Canfield, Dan Seigel, PhD + other Master Manifestors: Imagine how your life could change if you[...]